Understanding Spiritual Warfare

We are saved by Grace.. Jesus freed us from the law because He came to fulfill it.. so we are not bound by the laws of the OT.. which we could never follow because it is impossible. The OT was preparing the way for The Lamb.. there is no way the blood of an animal could ever cover sin.. It took the blood Christ shed for us on the cross where our sins were nailed to cover every sin forevermore.. In the OT they sacrificed the blood of animals in acknowledgment for their every sin.. They HAD to acknowledge and repent of them to God. Just like when we ask for forgiveness.. Jesus already shed the blood but we HAVE to acknowledge and repent.
Eph2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: i think the works, love & commandments will come naturally, written on the heart when someone turns there heart & life over to Jesus:) .
Faithfulservant said:
We are saved by Grace.. Jesus freed us from the law because He came to fulfill it.. so we are not bound by the laws of the OT.. which we could never follow because it is impossible. The OT was preparing the way for The Lamb.. there is no way the blood of an animal could ever cover sin.. It took the blood Christ shed for us on the cross where our sins were nailed to cover every sin forevermore.. In the OT they sacrificed the blood of animals in acknowledgment for their every sin.. They HAD to acknowledge and repent of them to God. Just like when we ask for forgiveness.. Jesus already shed the blood but we HAVE to acknowledge and repent.

Gentiles were never bound by the Laws of the OT anyway. Jews were. Nonetheless, obeying the Laws does give man life more abundantly. God didn't supply rules just so he could see if man would obey or not. God supplied rules to show man how to live. Although Jesus was sacrificed, the wages of sin, still, is death. I'm not talking about connections with God and going to heaven and all that. I'm talking about the rules on how to live following the ten commandments. You can throw them out the window if you want, but those are specific instructions on how to live a healthy lifestyle; that we may live longer and have more time to strengthen our relationship before leaving this earth.
truthseeker said:
Gentiles were never bound by the Laws of the OT anyway. Jews were. Nonetheless, obeying the Laws does give man life more abundantly. God didn't supply rules just so he could see if man would obey or not. God supplied rules to show man how to live. Although Jesus was sacrificed, the wages of sin, still, is death. I'm not talking about connections with God and going to heaven and all that. I'm talking about the rules on how to live following the ten commandments. You can throw them out the window if you want, but those are specific instructions on how to live a healthy lifestyle; that we may live longer and have more time to strengthen our relationship before leaving this earth.

Well, this makes quite good sense!

truthseeker said:
Gentiles were never bound by the Laws of the OT anyway. Jews were. Nonetheless, obeying the Laws does give man life more abundantly. God didn't supply rules just so he could see if man would obey or not. God supplied rules to show man how to live. Although Jesus was sacrificed, the wages of sin, still, is death. I'm not talking about connections with God and going to heaven and all that. I'm talking about the rules on how to live following the ten commandments. You can throw them out the window if you want, but those are specific instructions on how to live a healthy lifestyle; that we may live longer and have more time to strengthen our relationship before leaving this earth.
Ah, Truth. We are bound...by the seven Noaidic Laws/commandments. We all are. There it is, the number 7 again...

Of course it is irrelevent, since we "Christians" can't seem to keep even two that Jesus gave us.

my two cents


Quahom1 said:
Ah, Truth. We are bound...by the seven Noaidic Laws/commandments. We all are. There it is, the number 7 again...

Of course it is irrelevent, since we "Christians" can't seem to keep even two that Jesus gave us.

my two cents



The two encompass the seven which encompass the 10 which encompass the 613...
truthseeker said:
Gentiles were never bound by the Laws of the OT anyway. Jews were. Nonetheless, obeying the Laws does give man life more abundantly. God didn't supply rules just so he could see if man would obey or not. God supplied rules to show man how to live. Although Jesus was sacrificed, the wages of sin, still, is death. I'm not talking about connections with God and going to heaven and all that. I'm talking about the rules on how to live following the ten commandments. You can throw them out the window if you want, but those are specific instructions on how to live a healthy lifestyle; that we may live longer and have more time to strengthen our relationship before leaving this earth.
Yes but the gentiles are grafted into the covenant through Jesus Christ.. It would have been better had you not learned the truth then heard it and not lived it.. We are all subject to the Law without Jesus Christ if we have heard the truth and not excepted it. That is the purpose of spreading the gospel so that everyone will hear it.

I agree that the laws are meant to show us how to live a righteous life.. I also believe that He wrote the laws on our hearts so we can know right from wrong.
Faithfulservant said:
Yes but the gentiles are grafted into the covenant through Jesus Christ.. It would have been better had you not learned the truth then heard it and not lived it.. We are all subject to the Law without Jesus Christ if we have heard the truth and not excepted it. That is the purpose of spreading the gospel so that everyone will hear it.

I agree that the laws are meant to show us how to live a righteous life.. I also believe that He wrote the laws on our hearts so we can know right from wrong.


I'm talking about Leviticus 11. And even Leviticus 7. You think God said 'not to' just because He didn't want you to? If you read Leviticus 11 and apply that to the knowledge that you understand today about hypertension which leads to stroke and heartattack and things like cancer and the such, then you will understand that God didn't say these things were to sacrifice just for the nature of sins (well, unless you can see a sin outside of the whole damnation to fire and brimstone bit).

To kill an animal or anything else should not be a joy. Since one must eat, then it can be done respectful of life - such as a sacrifice unto the Lord. Let it be done ritualisticly so that the taking of a life in any form be not in vain - but I might be waaaaaaayyyy off here - since there are plenty of folk that kill for sport. The general message for me was the Israelites not taking these things (their new found independence) in vain.

For those who eat meat for leftovers, Leviticus 7:15-17 may be interesting. A bit of information that most of us already know without Bible help - perhaps through a health fair or something. My point is that the information is valid and not just some ritualistic mumbo jumbo that Christ died for to eradicate.
I think this would be good topic for another thread I have some ideas about Healthy lifestyles taken from the bible. I see what your saying though.. God protected us by telling us the things which are good to eat.. I personally believe the Sabbath was meant for this same purpose.. work for 6 days and rest the 7th.. people need a break from laboring or suffer stress depression and health problems. Anyways I get your point Truth :)
Faithfulservant said:
...God protected us by telling us the things which are good to eat.. I personally believe the Sabbath was meant for this same purpose.. work for 6 days and rest the 7th.. people need a break from laboring or suffer stress depression and health problems. Anyways I get your point Truth :)

Thanks, Faithful.

For those who believe we serve a wrathful and vengeful God, although man sinned against God He still loved us so much that He gave us chance after chance after chance. He didn't just send man out of the garden of Eden to die. He is still giving us chances through the information in Levitus, other stuff, Jesus' sacrifice, natural wisdom since we don't read the NT for what it is...