My Inter Faith Call to JIhad (Edited version)

Awaiting_the_fifth said:
Having grown up in an enforced Christian background in which I was given no religious freedom and made to feel inferior by my family and teachers for rejecting it, I have just about had enough of Christians and Muslims who assume that everyone is just like them deep down. Jews never seem to act so egotistically, wonder why that is?

You seem to claim tolerance whilst imposing your Islamic ideals on the entire human populace.
Perhaps an Inter-Jihad Call to Faith would be more appropriate.

To alieviate any confusion I am the same person as amlhabibi2000 I forgot my password and my old email does not work any more because I changed servers.

I want to say I do not force my beliefs on anyone.

I suggest reading the information on my web pages to clear up any confusion.

Yes my A call to Inter Jihad might do but I like it the way I wrote it.

No offense I just think what I wrote makes sense, I share it is hopes I will find like minded people if not then I know it has made a difference in me and this is what counts anything else I have no control over

Anne Marie Elderkin-Habibi.
After reading your website I have not changed my view one bit.

You use islamic (possibly arabic?) words throughout which I do not understand because I AM NOT A MUSLIM.

Second, while you may have a point about all monotheistic religions being closely linked, you seem to have no understanding of eastern religions at all. You say Budda was tested under the Bhodi tree in the same way Jesus was tested in the dessert. no. Buddha achieved a wonderful liberation under the bodhi tree, and the only person he had to contend with was his own deluded sense of self.

Your website says nothing that your original post does not say, it is an extended version of the same claim that "We are all muslims because we all submit to the will of God." Let me say this once again.


It is possible that my will and his may co-incide once in a while but that does not mean that I am in any way submitting to him. How could I submit to the will of a being that I do not believe exists?

If your meaning is that we are all muslims because we all act in a virtuous way for our own spiritual ends then you are confusing the word "Muslim" with the word "Spiritual" and even then I would disagree because not everyone is spiritual.

Why dont you try to turn this around and see it from a different point of view. What do you think of this,

"Everyone in the world is a Buddhist at some basic level because we are all subject to the law of Karma."

I eagerly await your response.
Interesting about being Buddhist idea, yes one could say that.

As for the other we are all intitled to our opinions.

At the root of all this I simply believe that we are all major stake holders in the World and in the spiritual world.

I believe that we can and do make a difference and if we try a little harder we can realize personal and world peace.

One need comprehend I guess where I am coming from but that takes time.

Interesting thoughts....
now if you'd just said that in the first place I would have agreed whole heaertedly. I was only objecting to the spicific use of Islam as the common spirituality.