I am working on the Renewal of Islam


We are the Messiah....
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Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
I believe that we are all muslims because the word Islam means to submit to the will of Allah and there fore we all do this regardless of our religion or no religion in degrees ie 10%, 20%, 30 %........

I believe we all come under the umbrella of Islam as I mentioned regardless of what path of return we use.

Islam defines a way of living with things like the following....

1. Education and training
2. Counseling
3. Consultatioon
4. Prayers
5. living prayers
6. Giving in charity
7. making a Hajj to myself, my family, my friends, my community, my nation, my world for these are all Holy places where mention of Allah may be made and His being Glorified.

I believe that there is root goodness in Islam and Islam transends all religion in it's purity when you look directly at the roots.

Islam doesnt need renewal. Islam is the perfected way of life for all of mankind, a guidance provided by Allah, our Lord and Creator. Islam covers all aspects of life and informs us of our purpose here. The Quran is the word of God, delivered from Gabriel to Mohammad, peace be upon him, to all of mankind. It is perfect and complete. God's words need no renewal, that would be innovation. Innovation is a BIG sin in Islam.
The Prophet Mohammad (saw) said he leaves behind him two things, and if we hold tight to them, we will have success. This is the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet.

sadly..people deviate and move away from the true teachings. people want to follow desires and emotions. use logic and examine the true facts. facts, not personal opinions.

You said the roots of Islam.. the roots of Islam is that all of Gods Prophets and messengers taught the same message, to worship the one true God. from Adam to Mohammad, the message being completed with Mohammad. (peace be upon them all)

you said: 7. "making a Hajj to myself, my family, my friends, my community, my nation, my world for these are all Holy places where mention of Allah may be made and His being Glorified."

perhaps you dont understand what exactly the Hajj is? and yes, as muslims we do believe in reaching out and spreading the message to family, friends, community..etc. the Kaba in Mecca however, is the first house of worship ever built. all muslims pray in the direction of the Kaba, this is unity. there is so much history in Mecca, the well of zam zam, mount arafat..etc. the Hajj is a very spiritual experience/pilgrimage.

Perhaps you dont understand something about Islam and this is why you seek some sort of renewal? what exactly is it you disagree with in Islam that causes you to think its in need of repair?

there are many muslims out there that fall into sects and deviation. Islam is perfect. Muslims are not.

May God guide us all. ameen.
Postmaster -
"Why do people try to fly when God hasn't given them wings? - Postmaster"

airplanes, helicopters, hot-air ballons, shuttles/rockets, blimps, hand-gliding? people desire to travel faster and explore the skies.

myself.. i could never figure out why people want to jump out of airplanes. thrill seeking, cheating death? i dunno... regardless, its still fascinating.
amlhabibi2000 said:
I believe that we are all muslims because the word Islam means to submit to the will of Allah and there fore we all do this regardless of our religion or no religion in degrees ie 10%, 20%, 30 %........

I believe we all come under the umbrella of Islam as I mentioned regardless of what path of return we use.
h| amlhabibi2000,
Maybe i am misunderstanding you.. but i believe part of one verse of the Quran should suffice here.
"This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion." [Quran, 5:3; Also see Qur’an, 3:19,85]
Im not sure about what you mean by 'path of return'. If you mean to find God or to get to heaven etc. then I would refer you to the verse above. There is a thread here regarding Islam's view of other religions. It says something similar to what you have said...but not in the way you have said it. See the
link below:
And Allah knows best.
amlhabibi2000 said:
I believe that we are all muslims because the word Islam means to submit to the will of Allah and there fore we all do this regardless of our religion or no religion in degrees i.e. 10%, 20%, 30 %........

I believe we all come under the umbrella of Islam as I mentioned regardless of what path of return we use.
Someone could not be counted as a muslim if they were a Buddhist or of any other religion for that matter, not to me atleast.
I also dislike how it would diminish the name of Islam, almost to make it the common use for all religions and leaving Islam with an almost worthless name.

amlhabibi2000 said:
I believe that there is root goodness in Islam and Islam transcends all religion in it's purity when you look directly at the roots.
Though this is a nice thought...
Im not sure what message you could have posted that would have offended more people!

The muslims here all seem offended that you want to change their religion to uncorporate the rest of us, and the rest of us simply dont want to be called muslims because we're not.

I at least am deeply offended.

Well done.
amlhabibi2000 said:
I believe that there is root goodness in Islam and Islam transends all religion in it's purity when you look directly at the roots.
I think this could be said of most religions. They all have a basic message which I think was best summed up by Bill S Preston Esq. when he said,

"Be excellent to each other"