Christianity Vs Baha’i

I would propose that it is only certain "flavors" of Christianity that are focused on the bad stuff of the world and passivity. Passivity does not equal peaceful. One can be non-violent but actively striving toward peace and love. The Quakers and Amish are both non-violent but very active in creating the kind of world they feel reflects the Kingdom of Heaven. It just depends on your focus.

As far as I've seen, all Christians recognize the bad/evil of this world. The difference is in their reactions to it. Some think it's all Satan (as in an evil demi-god-like being that is ruler over the world) and the End Times and there is nothing we can or should do about it. Others think it's all Satan (as a metaphor for our own internal evils) and there is everything we can and should do about it. One is a pessimistic view and one is optimistic, but both are realistic in that they acknowledge the problems of this world.

For me, I always end up thinking- so even if it is the End Times, would Jesus want us to just give up? To not bother to try, against all odds, to make peace, to alleviate poverty, to promote equality? I always become optimistic when I remember I have God at my side... "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." The faith of a mustard seed will move mountains... and I truly believe that if enough of us truly had faith like Jesus talked about, our world would change. "The Kingdom of Heaven is in your midst..."
Postmaster said:
.. Baha'i says life is a progress and we are heading for a golden age, well I hate to tell baha'i but the Romans and Greeks once had a golden age too, life is a process... History repeats people don't change, the person changes. No one is going to change the eyes of a Chinese person and no one is going to change the colour of a black mans skin, God made these beautiful people, we all prefer are own type just as a mother prefers it's child and that's they way God made it, why does he wan't to change it?
Hi Postmaster,

You are correct, God made humanity diverse, we are like different flowers in the garden of life, all beautiful in our own unique ways, God does not want to change that. :)

But may I ask, as a Christian, do you believe the Lords Prayer? "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven..." This is the Golden Age that Baha'i's refer to. The fulfillment of God's decree.

"So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." - Isaiah, 55:11

Have a nice day!

Loving Greetings, Amy