Twelth Imam


We are the Messiah....
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Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

We are the Twelfth Imam.

For no matter how hard you try you could never know all mankind from generation to generation. Even if you set all your armies to the task and all the medias you could never know every human being alive from the beginning to the end.

Because I feel divine inspiration flows to the masses everyday, inspiration comes in many forms and most of it is a test for the wise.

What do you think?

What is the myth of the twelfth Imam to you?
Moved to Belief and Spirituality, as it's not really a comparative thread.

Not quite sure what the question is - are you asking if we feel the sentences are inspired or inspiring?
Interesting, however my question is In Islam as far as I know they are waiting for the Twelfth Imam who is the return of Jesus, I myself feel we collectively are the Twelfth Imam as if we tried our hardest we could not see or know all mankind from begining to end and it is said the Tweflth Imam is hidden.

So I am wondering what you heard of the Twelfth Imam?

What do you think about this idea of the twelfth Iman and the return of Jesus.
When you mentioned Jesus, I must say that he has already come. Some have chosen to accept it some have not. He has however promised to come again.

Now as for the twelfth Iman who is the return of jesus he will come also but remember Matthew 24:24 "For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible."
There is one modern reinterpretation of the word moshiach, which means annointed one, that it's like oil and can refer to that element that greases the wheels and makes things run more smoothly. What's more, when we are born each of us is covered in a slimy liquid so it's like we all have the potential to do that work from birth. But there are a number of reinterpretations of that idea of moshiach, which is found in some form in many of the world's religions.. I think it's good to personalize it. It makes it meaningful.

Is Islam the religion you naturally identify with? When speaking of it you said "they."
Yes I have thought about the birth connection being bathed or baptised in the utreo.

Then I think we take Shahadah before we are created and our soul is still in heaven, I think Our soul at that time makes an oath to Allah, God, the Creator to do our best here on earth and it is the world that either affirms our precreation oath or draws us of track by not guiding us well or sharing resources.