Hello, Spritey
I've projected a number of times. mostly on accident although there have been a few occasions where I have managed to self-induce it. what works for me is this:
1.) go to sleep - but set an alarm clock to wake you up in about 4 hours.
This is so when the alarm clock wakes you up you'll be able to get back to sleep very quickly and reach a deeper level of sleep faster.
2.)when you wake up, walk around a little,..drink some water, just wake yourself up a little- 10 mins is a good amount of time
3.)go back to bed. it's best to lay on your back. as you are falling back to sleep, close your eyes and imagine yourself vibrating. don't worry if it's only slight tingling at first. as you fall deeper into sleep it will be easier to imagine the vibrations increasing. after a while this develops into a humm. eventually the vibrations will intensify to the point that you will feel yourself seperating from your body.
simply put:
1.) sleep 4 hours
2.)wake up
3.)imagine yourself vibrationing as you go back to sleep.