Does God exist

sarahamdy said:
Ask your science teacher why sunsets are beautiful.
2. If your eyes have a purpose for their existense then how about you?
3. How did the heart start to beat without the central nervous system telling it?
4. Who designed the stick bug to look like a stick?
5. Who taught the new born baby to cry and suckle?
6. Who told the ozone layer about the ultra-violet rays?
7. Why is the sky blue and not brown, and why is the ground brown and not blue?
8. If we came from monkey's, then why are there still monkey's?
9. How come for every cause there is an effect?
10. Does God exist?

Dear sarahamdy,

I see what you mean by this, but science is not opposed to God and theology. Perhaps some scientists actually are atheists and negative toward God but this is not universally true, and science itself is neutral, or silent, on the "question" of God. Speaking as a Christian and a scientist it makes me sad when we antagonize and polarize these two ways of relating to God and His creation. Perhaps you might like to read this thread in Christianity for another view.
