Are you addicted to the internet?


Peace, Love and Unity
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I'm definitely addicted to the internet to some degree. :)

Funny, though - I went away on holiday with the kids for 5 days the other week - no PC and no internet. And addicted to both as I am, I didn't actually miss either all that much.

But now I'm back I'm online constantly again. :)

Is that a bad thing, though? :eek:
I am not as bad as I used to be, I have the headaches as a reality check, to tell me its time to get off. :)

Being bad? I suppose it is the same with any addiction to a certain degree it can be bad for you.
Insanity (and, by extension, addictive behavior) has been very broadly defined as normal behavior taken to extremes, or to an extent where they interfere with yuour normal life. I would say you're fine unless and until you begin preferring the Internet to sleep, eating, brushing your teeth and other necessary ADLs (acts of daily living), talking with real people in person, sex . . .
If addiction is normal behavior taken to the extremes, does that mean that if you aren't normal to start with, you can't be addicted??

I think you've hit the nail on the head, Bill - it's addictive if you're using it to supplant contacts with non-internet things & people. I'm not near that level yet - although I do admit to supplanting telephone and letters with e-mail and IM (which I'm also lax at). :rolleyes:
brucegdc said:
If addiction is normal behavior taken to the extremes, does that mean that if you aren't normal to start with, you can't be addicted??

I think you've hit the nail on the head, Bill - it's addictive if you're using it to supplant contacts with non-internet things & people. I'm not near that level yet - although I do admit to supplanting telephone and letters with e-mail and IM (which I'm also lax at). :rolleyes:

Oh dear, I'm not normal then, it is very difficult for me to get addicted to anything. I seem to be contradicting what I said earlier, I would say that once my internet usage was bordering on an addiction.

I only get phone calls from my mum most of my conversations now take place via e-mail, forum and IM.

I suppose a phone is another reality check, that there are "real" people out there with real voices. :)

I must stop rambling.
I am not addicted but I do enjoy using it. It makes for an interesting distraction during the day and evening. The internet has become like television. There is simply use and perhaps too much sometimes.
Detrimental behaviour? Not here - so I guess it must only be a mild addiction. And a pleasant one, too. :)