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[size=-1]These 'foods' are all Haram, right? Are there anymore and (if anyone knows), why are they Haram? Also why is (1) not to be eaten? And what is (6)? (if its very disgusting, i would rather not know). ^_^

(1) Pig
[size=-1](2) Blood [/size]
[size=-1](3) Carnivorous animals [/size]
[size=-1](4) Almost all reptiles and insects [/size]
[size=-1](5) The bodies of dead animals [/size]
[size=-1](6) Halal animals which are not slaughtered according to the Islamic Law.[/size]
[size=-1](7) Wine, Ethyl Alcohol, and Spirits.[/size][/size]
Oh, um i would like to edit the post above, i can't see how... can someone tell me please ?

the editing here possible just around half hour from your original post , then you can't doing that after this period, and if you want to edit your post directly you can do that by using the button near the quote
Food and drink have direct effects on our physical and spiritual state. Islam has prohibited certain types of food and drink. The prohibition of these things is due to their impurity and harmfulness.
The Dietary Regulations in Islam:
The dietary regulations in Islam can be summerised as follows:

1-All things that Allah has created for human kind are permissible except what He has prohibited by a sound and explicit text of the Qur’an and Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad.) Accordingly, the sphere of prohibited thing is very limited in Islam. This principle of natural permissibility applies to all human actions, transactions and behaviour with the exception of acts of worship which can only be done if there is a proof by a divine text.

2-Basically, four types of food have been deemed Haram "unlawful" for Muslims in the Qur’an. These are:
-The flesh of a dead animal (carrion).
- Blood.
- Pig meat
-Meat from any animal on which the name of someone other than Allah was invoked when it was slaughtered.

3- Intoxicants of any kind (alcohol, drugs etc.) are prohibited for Muslims to consume, even in small quantities. Alcohol should not form part of the ingredients of any food prepared for Muslims.

4-By implication, any product derived from the above prohibited food and drinks or any food containing ingredients from them will also be unlawful (Haram.)
5-Animals permitted for human consumption under Islamic law include: cattle, sheep, goats, camels, deer, poultry etc. Carnivorous animals and birds of prey are not permitted. Animals permitted for human consumption must be slaughtered in a certain manner.
6-Fish and sea food are Halal for Muslims.
7- All vegetables are Halal and therefore, vegetarian food is acceptable to Muslims if it is free from alcohol and other Haram ingredients.
The Islamic (Halal) Method of Slaughter:

Islamic law requires that animals intended for human consumption be slain in a certain manner. The conditions for Halal slaughter can be summerised as follows:

1-The animal to be slaughtered must be from the categories which are permitted for Muslims to eat.
2-The animal must be alive at the time of slaughter.
3-No electric shock, bullet or any other means should be used before slaughtering. Using any such method may lead to the death of the animal before it is cut. Islam prohibits Muslims from eating any meat coming from an animal which is dead before slaughter. Muslims are also advised to avoid eating anything doubtful.

4-The animal must be slaughtered by the use of a sharp knife. The knife must not kill due to its weight. If it kills due to the impact the meat may not be permissible.

5-The windpipe (throat), food-tract (oesophagus) and the two jugular veins must be cut.

6-The slaughtering must be done in one stroke without lifting the knife. The knife should not be placed and lifted when slaughtering the animal.

7-Slaughtering must be done by a sane adult Muslim. Animals slaughtered by apostates, idol worshippers, atheists etc. are not permissible. Animals slaughtered (not stunned) by the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) may be accepted with certain conditions which are difficult to be fulfilled nowadays.

8-The name of Allah must be invoked (mentioned) at the time of slaughtering by saying: Bismillah; wa Allahu akbar. (In the Name of Allah; Allah is the Greatest.)

9-If at the time of slaughtering the name of anyone else other than Allah is invoked (i.e. animal sacrificed for him/her), then the meat becomes Haram "unlawful."

10-If a Muslim forgets to invoke the name of Allah at the time of slaughtering, the meat will remain Halal. However, if he intentionally does not invoke the name of Allah, the meat becomes Haram.

11-The head of the animal must not be cut off during slaughtering but later after the animal is completely dead, even the knife should not go deep into the spinal cord.

12-Skinning or cutting any part of the animal is not allowed before the animal is completely dead.
13-Slaughtering must be made in the neck from the front (chest) to the back.

14-The slaughtering must be done manually not by a machine as one of the conditions is the intention which is not found in a machine.
15-The slaughtering should not be done on a production line where pigs are slaughtered. Any instrument used for slaughtering pigs should not be used in the Halal slaughtering.
The Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), are full of instructions and guidance on the welfare and the rights of animals. These teachings were introduced before animal welfare or rights organisations were established!
Islam prohibits Muslims from eating any meat coming from an animal which is dead before the religious slaughter can take place, as well as the consumption of any blood in any amount. These two prohibitions may occur during stunning. Muslims are also advised to avoid eating anything doubtful. Furthermore, meat for human consumption should be natural wholesome and undamaged.

As it is Muslims hold the view that stunning is not only unnecessary but is cruel and painful to the animal, and moreover affects the draining of blood from the carcass thereby producing inferior quality meat.
The Common Stunning Techniques are:

* The Captive Bolt Pistol - for cattle, calves and goats.

* Carbon Dioxide (CO2) / Chemical Strangulation - for pigs.

* Electrical Stunning - for sheep.

* Electrified Water Bath - for poultry.

Scientific and medical research proves that stunning animals prior to slaughter is CRUEL and PAINFUL as many animals remain conscious and paralysed due to improper stunning, re-stunning, bone shattering, suffocation, strangulation, bruising, depressed skull fracture, etc. (Grandin, Blackmore, Schulze, and other researchers.)

It should be borne in mind that electricity is widely used around the world for torturing human beings (in prisons and detention centres), so how can we say with certainty that an animal stunned using electricity feels no pain?

In fact, the Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) in the U.K. in its June 2003 report stated clearly: "IT IS DIFFICULT TO MEASURE PAIN AND DISTRESS DURING THE SLAUGHTER PROCESS IN AN OBJECTIVE SCIENTIFIC MANNER." (No. 194, Page 34)

So why then religious slaughter is criticised as painful and cruel to animals, when the FAWC itself has got no objective scientific evidence to prove its assumption that the animal in religious slaughter "Feels significant pain and distress"?

The fact is that there is little or no pain in the religious slaughter (Schulze, Horder, Hill, Sir Evans, Burrow, Levinger, Bell, Openshaw, Hayhurst, etc).

According to animal physiology, the direct religious method of slaying animals for food is painless at the time of death and after the cut, because of the huge haemorrhage induced by cutting the jugular veins in the neck. As the cut is made, blood pressure drops considerably and so the brain is instantaneously deprived of its normal blood supply - this ANAESTHETISES the animal immediately.

Ok, thanks for your replies Friend, quite informative. ^_^

I don't know what you think disgusting is Friend, but that was it for me,... and its enough to put be off eating a poor animal ever again.

A pig is Haram, yes, but really why... do you know the actual reason? (If you don't, please just say) ^_^

(and sorry if you have already said why)
Why some food are Haram (Forbidden) in Islam?
The answer to save the human body and brain for example :
Wine, Ethyl Alcohol, and Spirits.
Normally in the brain there is an inhibitory control which tells us not to engage in shameful or wrongful acts. Any suppressant drug including alcohol will suppress this nerve pathways and take away such restraint. Ability to make a judgement, to protect the body or honor, a quality for humans is taken away under the influence of drugs.

Reasons to Avoid Eating Pork Products

-The pig is a scavenger. It is an omnivorous animal. It eats everything. There are many disease carried from swine to man, particularly parasite infestations. Lately extensive research has been focused on senility-old age is characterized by hardening of inner lining of the blood vessels of the heart, brain etc. a process called atheroselerosis. When a clot forms, it results in coronary thrombosis or a heart attack, cerebral thrombosis or stroke.

-The species barrier between people and pigs may be easier for a virus to cross than previously thought. Also, a pig respiratory tract is receptive to both human and bird flu viruses, making the animal a potential breeding ground in which a mutant virus could evolve and possibly be transmitted to people.

It's unclear whether infection with a swine flu virus could produce an illness any different from the everyday flu.

For more information see

I have another question, this is more about the social side of being a muslim...

I was wondering how muslims find a partner (girlfriend/wife), when the women wear the hijab almost all the time (am i right in thinking this, the name and use i mean?).

The 'hijab' is to cover the woman's shape & features, so they can be seen as a person and not as a 'object' of desire. (is that right?)

So, how do Muslims meet, the 'hijab' must be remove in public some time? or do muslim men choose by the personality and not by the womans body?
Just some relevant verses for the topic are below:
6:145. Say: "I find not in the message received by me by inspiration any (meat) forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it, unless it be dead meat, or blood poured forth, or the flesh of swine,- for it is an abomination - or, what is impious, (meat) on which a name has been invoked, other than Allah's". But (even so), if a person is forced by necessity, without wilful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits,- thy Lord is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
5:3. Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah; that which hath been killed by strangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall, or by being gored to death; that which hath been (partly) eaten by a wild animal; unless ye are able to slaughter it (in due form); that which is sacrificed on stone (altars); (forbidden) also is the division (of meat) by raffling with arrows: that is impiety.
2:173. He hath only forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and that on which any other name hath been invoked besides that of Allah. But if one is forced by necessity, without wilful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits,- then is he guiltless. For Allah is Oft-forgiving Most Merciful. [Yusuf Ali's Quran translation]
A similar message is repeated in 16:115.
Firstly, Id like to know how muslims find a woman too. Please tell.

On the food topic, I accept that the muslim method of slaughter may be largley painless because of the massive blood loss, but physical pain is not the only consideration.

Imagine the poor animal lying helpless on a table, not knowing what is happening. The blood is pumping out, he becomes weeker, he cannot breathe. It would probably be fairly quick but certainly a very unpleasant way to go. If I had to die that would not be a way I would choose. If it is a religious necessity then do it, but please dont pretend you're being kind to the animal.

Would it be totally unnaceptable to just shoot the thing in the head the second before you cut its throat? I realise the heart would not then push the blood out, but surely some substitute could be found, a synthetic pump or some kind of electrical induction to keep the heart pumping after death?
but surely some substitute could be found, a synthetic pump or some kind of electrical induction to keep the heart pumping after death?
Sadly, this would be too costly, and time consuming to insert a pump, etc. in each and every subject before its slaughter. Again its an idea that will most likely never happen. Also, i most doubt shooting the animal first would be exceptabley added to the traditional/original slaughter method.
What lies in the domain of Haram means U R forbidden to eat it . What lies in the domain of Halal means it is allowed , not obligatery . So if one doesnt like to eat meat , nobody will force him to eat it . There R many muslims who dont eat meat or fish because they dont like it ( for any reason ) . And there R many who eat it because they like it . Its up to U to decide what U want to have inside the realm of Halal .

Imagine the poor animal lying helpless on a table, not knowing what is happening. The blood is pumping out, he becomes weeker, he cannot breathe. It would probably be fairly quick but certainly a very unpleasant way to go. If I had to die that would not be a way I would choose. If it is a religious necessity then do it, but please dont pretend you're being kind to the animal.
Well in islamic form of slughter it is recommended that the animal shouldnt be harassed by any means , & slaughter should be as quick as possible . And blood flows out quicker from brain than from the body ( b/c of difference in volume of both parts ) , so it will be unconscious b4 it feels it cant breathe . Not knowing what is hapenning ?? dont U think it will be thinking the same when dying of natural causes .
I was really hoping to get a reply to my second question today, as i feel i understand the basics of the Halal and Haram foods...

Well in islamic form of slaughter it is recommended that the animal shouldn't be harassed by any means, & slaughter should be as quick as possible. And blood flows out quicker from brain than from the body (b/c of difference in volume of both parts), so it will be unconscious b4 it feels it cant breathe. Not knowing what is happening?? don't U think it will be thinking the same when dying of natural causes.
Yes, its best to think that it doesn't really realise, anyway, how could its end ever be that pleasant when all animals what to do is survive. So honestly its, if you don't like it, don't eat it. ^_^
Mason said:
I have another question, this is more about the social side of being a muslim...

I was wondering how muslims find a partner (girlfriend/wife), when the women wear the hijab almost all the time (am i right in thinking this, the name and use i mean?).

The 'hijab' is to cover the woman's shape & features, so they can be seen as a person and not as a 'object' of desire. (is that right?)

So, how do Muslims meet, the 'hijab' must be remove in public some time? or do muslim men choose by the personality and not by the womans body?
Before any thing you should know that it is sinful and forbidden to make relationship with woman as girlfriend and continuing with her in a friendship that angers .
The only right and acceptance way to have relation with woman through the marriage system which save the right to both side . Islam is clear on the kind of wife you should be seeking. The Prophet (PUH) said: "A woman may be married for four reasons: for her property, her status, her beauty, and her religion; so try to get one who is religious, may you be blessed." This specifically defines just what kind of a companion we are seeking, for if we marry her for anything other than her religious piety, our marriage is bound to fall into misery.
To find the suitable woman, there are two steps to be taken, and that firstone relies on your personal observation. In surah Nisaa, Allah asks the believing women that they should "lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments," and also that they "should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments"[s.24;v.31]. If you notice a woman acting modestly, being not too obvious through her actions (by lowering her voice when around men), one who attempts to hide her attractions (which includes her external beauty as well as her internal charms), then you know she has some of those precious qualities. When you see a woman unashamedly flirting, unconcerned about her revealing clothes, and freely converses with males- keep far, far away. I'm sure when you get married you want your wife to devote her love to you, not to twenty other .

Through simple observation, you can get a glimpse of her/ his nature; for example, the way she stands when conversing, how she maintains eye-contact, her clothes, where she spends her time etc. Look for her strong points, and don't stress on her weak ones.
To see pointers on Choosing Marriage Partners visit this site :

may be others can help more regarding this question
This is from the link your provided friend:

3. Enquire. Find out the reason why this man wants to marry you.
With this i am still abit puzzled to how she knew,... when was the man allowed to show his interested? Could you (or someone) tell me abit about the 'hijab' (is that the right name?) and when & how, if ever, does she allow herself to be 'hit on'...?
I understand it is different there, to the west's modern christian societies, but i'm not sure what other word to use.
Mason said:
This is from the link your provided friend:

With this i am still abit puzzled to how she knew,... when was the man allowed to show his interested? Could you (or someone) tell me abit about the 'hijab' (is that the right name?) and when & how, if ever, does she allow herself to be 'hit on'...?
I understand it is different there, to the west's modern christian societies, but i'm not sure what other word to use.
H| mason,
you can check out the following post regarding the concept of hijab:
hope it helps.
Mason, When the person decide to make relation with his/her partner ,he/she can choose according to his personal standard which is different from one to another , so if you are a Muslim man and you hear or see a woman that fit your desired requirement you must go to her family with your family and in her house you can see her before any agreement ....then you may be continuing the issue or not . She also have the right to accept you or not . but everything must be under the eyes of your's families .
Muslim woman wear Hijab outside home but inside home she is free , also only her father ,brothers , uncles , grandfather , the sons of her brothers and sisters can see her without hijab , her beauty only for the one she will choose .and muslims women wear hijab at teen ages.
I hope this could help in answering your question.
Friend said:
But everything must be under the eyes of your families.
I was wondering Friend,... I hope you don't think this is a silly question, but do you know what would happen if either the man or woman had no surviving family...?
Mason said:
I was wondering Friend,... I hope you don't think this is a silly question, but do you know what would happen if either the man or woman had no surviving family...?
h| Mason,
Shiekh Munajjid says regarding the woman who has no surviving family in this regard that:
The Muslim leader (or his deputy, such as a judge) is the walee [guardian] for any woman who does not have a walee of her own.
And Allah knows best.