Questions ?

^_^ Ok thanks, would it be too much to ask "what if its the man with no family?"
No problem my friend , he can bring his friends or anyone from his kins , the wisdom behind this situation to have witnesses to be sure everything is going within the right conditions ,and as i told you before to save their right in the future , and no one deny what they agree about .
and you should know that he can speak and look to her in her house but he can't touch her until they sign the agreement with witnesses and she became his wife .
^_^ Hello, i have another question, it is a religious one this time...

I was wondering what the Ka'aba is?
Why does it look the way it does?
and are Muslims allowed to touch it?

I haven't read up on it very much, but i have often wondered what it is, etc.
Mason said:
^_^ Hello, i have another question, it is a religious one this time...
Mason said:
I was wondering what the Ka'aba is?
Why does it look the way it does?

I haven't read up on it very much, but i have often wondered what it is, etc.


Allah said in Al Quraan which can be translated as :
Behold! We pointed the site, to Abraham, of the (Sacred) House, (saying): "Associate not anything (in worship) with Me; and sanctify My House for those who compass it round, or stand up, or bow, or prostrate themselves (therein in prayer) --22:26

The Kaa'bah is the building towards which Muslims face five times a day, everyday, in prayer. This has been the case since the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) over 1400 years ago.

The kaba is located in the holiest of cities, Makkah, in present day Saudi Arabia. It is the place where Hajar took her son, Ismail (pbuh), and the place where Prophet Abraham(pbuh) and his son Prophet Ismail(pbuh) built the first house of worship. This sacred house, the kaba, has an important meaning for those who understand wisdom.

First, we must understand that the house itself is only a building. It is only stone, and it must be kept like any other house. Even before the Prophet Muhammad(SAS) began preaching Islam to the Makkans, they had a tribe that was responsible for the house. They were the custodians of the sacred house. This noble tribe, the Quraish, was responsible for the upkeep of the house, but they abused that honored privilege. They exploited the house for capital gain. They became wealthy and powerful by housing 360 idols within the walls of the kaba.

Even before they heard the call of Islam, they knew that Abraham(pbuh), who worshipped the one God, built this house, but they closed their hearts to this memory. The allure of this material world (dunya) has the ability to blind us. Thus, the Quraish were blinded to the unity of God by the material gain of the house. They lost the meaning behind the house. They remembered the physical structure, but they forgot the symbolic meaning.

That symbolic meaning contained in that small, cube-shaped house is a symbol of Unity. It is a single house built for the worship of a single God. A single house was built for a single Ummah (nation or community). When we make the Hajj or pilgrimage to this sacred house, we circumambulate it. We all circle it in the same direction praying to the same Creator. We become unified in our cause, in our direction, in our prayers, and in our way of life. The stone itself is insignificant. There is no magic power in the stone. We must comprehend the symbol of Unity that the stone represents.

In Hajj there are Tawaf ( Moving around Kaba 7 times),during Towaf, the person prays to Allah (swt )and asks for forgiveness, mercy and guidance
and are Muslims allowed to touch it?

Yes ,Muslims can touch it .
You can read more here

Mason said:
^_^ Hello, i have another question, it is a religious one this time...

I was wondering what the Ka'aba is?
Why does it look the way it does?
and are Muslims allowed to touch it?

I haven't read up on it very much, but i have often wondered what it is, etc.
h| Mason,
Just thought i should make a few other things clear since we are on the topic. i'll take this opportunity to remove a few misconceptions.
Often it is not understood that if Islam is against idol worship why do the Muslims bow down to the Ka'bah in their prayer. Its like this:
The Ka'bah is the Qibla i.e. the direction towards which Muslims pray.
Muslims do not worship the Ka'bah in the Salaah [prayer]. Ka'bah is the Qibla that is the direction we face towards. We worship & bow down to no one but Allah in the Salaah. Islam always believes in unity. for example, If Muslims want to offer Salaah, some may say lets face north, some may say east. Therefore, for the sake of unity, Muslims are asked to face only in one direction i.e. towards the Ka'bah. If they live in the west they face the east; if they live in the east they face the west; if they live in the north they face the south; if they live in the south they face the north.
When the Muslims go to Masjid-e-Haram [The Sacred Mosque] in Makkah, we do tawaf round the Ka'bah i.e. circumambulate round the Ka'bah to indicate that as every circle has one center, similarly there is only one Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) worthy of Worship. One more point to be noted is that, at the time of the Prophet (pbuh), people even stood on top of the Ka'bah and gave the Azaan [Call to prayer].
Hopefully, this has cleared any misconceptions about the Ka'bah that might or might not have been present. If anything, it helps to increase the reader's knowledge about the matter.
and Allah knows best.
Salamu Alyckum

thipps ,Thank you for your clarification, they are very important and useful information .
وجزاكم الله خيراً
Thank you, both for your replies, and the link Friend. I will look at that more, when i find some time.

I am puzzled about something (not related to my previous questions), I'd like to know if this is seen as sinful or maybe it's excepted... I'm rather in to sculpture, mostly classical greek/roman style sculptures that often portray nudity. I was wondering how would most muslims see this, i mean for instance 'Rodin's The Kiss', both male and female are nude, do muslims refuse to see this kind of art?
Mason said:
I am puzzled about something (not related to my previous questions), I'd like to know if this is seen as sinful or maybe it's excepted... I'm rather in to sculpture, mostly classical greek/roman style sculptures that often portray nudity. I was wondering how would most muslims see this, i mean for instance 'Rodin's The Kiss', both male and female are nude, do muslims refuse to see this kind of art?
Salaam mason,
Nudity of any kind is forbidden in islam,because nudity stimulates sexual harmones.It is not allowed no matter if it's in the form of internet pics,books,or some other source.For more information of check out morality in media link.

I am not sure if muslims refuse to see this kind of art.Just like wine is forbidden in islam,but therer r muslims who drink wine.Adultery is prohibited in islam but some muslims even do that.It's personal choice,but it's not allowed in islam.So an ideal or true muslim would be one who don't do anything against the teachings of Allah/God.
Thanks for your reply PluckyAli.
I do understand what your saying,... though

Adultery is prohibited in islam but some muslims even do that.
That to me atleast, is extremely different to looking at some finely carved stone, and could never be compared.

Anyway, so seeing carved stone depicting a nude human is against the teachings of Allah.... *noddes slowly*

I started asking questions about Islam because i was curious to see if it was something that could be a part of my life.... (sadly) Its seems the more i understand about it, the more it seems that it can't.

Though good things happen here to, as i have many a decision to make and if i choose to.... forget about Islam, then i'm only one step closer to having no more hard choices to make.
hello, all

thank you to Mason for your questions, and to Friend and thipps for their answers!

i have a question of my own regarding Islam:

how do men and women's spiritual obligations and spiritual lives differ? i've heard Muslims say often that men and women are equal before Allah and yet i've also heard that the religious obligations for the sexes are different. how does this work?
That to me atleast, is extremely different to looking at some finely carved stone, and could never be compared.
Actually i was pointing the fact that you asked whether muslims refuses to see this kind of art or not is a very subjective question.5 fingers are not equal.You should theoratically be interested in what islam teaches and not what muslims do.

Anyway, so seeing carved stone depicting a nude human is against the teachings of Allah....
Morality can be very subjective for all of us.I know the persons who don't have any problem with being nude in front of their mother.So in that context your morality depends on how you have been raised.It's hard to def morality as either right or wrong.God laws are perfect.We can understand most of the God laws like why alcohol,cigarette or intoxicants are prohibited but we can't understand all God laws.

I started asking questions about Islam because i was curious to see if it was something that could be a part of my life.... (sadly) Its seems the more i understand about it, the more it seems that it can't.
You asked questions which can neither make any religion true nor make any religion false.instead i will suggest reading religious scripture or asking such questions like How you know islam is the true religion and then repating this question to every religion.In the end choice is yours.

One more thing i want to make clear is Are you searching for true divine religion or are you just searching for religion?If latter is true then i am 100% sure islam is not for you.

Another problem i see is people don't know what faith means.Generally faith in dictionary =belief on something but many ppl def faith=blind belief on something.
But faith of islamic is totally different.In islam everything is about logic,sense and reason.It's a challenging religion,we don't revise quran,it's as old as 1400 yrs,and all one person has to do to prove islam wrong is find a contradiction or some scientific error in the quran.Personally when i will find some contradiction in quran,i will become atheist rather than choosing some other religion.

Though good things happen here to, as i have many a decision to make and if i choose to.... forget about Islam, then i'm only one step closer to having no more hard choices to make.

Reson,logic,sense are the tools we have.
The problem is not selecting religions,it's very easy in my view if we just follow simple logic and science.The Actualy problem i see is people lack belief in God.So they choose some religion to just organised their life or it's because they like the particular religion.It's all depend on how much do you believe in God.I love this quote.

"And you shall know the truth,and the truth shall make you free"----Bible

You should theoretically be interested in what islam teaches and not what muslims do.
Well, if i was to become a muslim then i would most likely live my life as they do, so to me asking this sort of question was the right thing to do,.... I'm not going to change the way i think because you think i should do so differently.

You asked questions which can neither make any religion true nor make any religion false
Yes, ok, maybe they weren't the best but, this doesn't however stop the fact that i feel that islam clashes with my basic beliefs. Obviously i am prepared to change and learn more refined beliefs,.... but for example, i don't think i could believe there is only one god, thought i realised this about islam early on, i then believed that i could live in some form of denial about this.... I will always believe that there are many deities, watching over their own part of our world.

One more thing i want to make clear is Are you searching for true divine religion or are you just searching for religion? If latter is true then i am 100% sure islam is not for you.
Though this is what i sent out to find, i wanted to know if it was, and it seems that it isn't for me. I'm sorry if i've offended any one by doing this, but please don't get flustered because of me.

Though good things happen here to, as i have many a decision to make and if i choose to.... forget about Islam, then i'm only one step closer to having no more hard choices to make.
When i said this i meant that i have alot of decisions to make as in about my life, like what i'm going to study next year, etc. as time is running of for that. Also, i was only reading, etc. about islam, not any other religions at this time.... so i'm not deciding between religions, if thats what you had thought.


I guess i won't be coming here much anymore,... until i have finished making all my important decisions,... and if i choose to learn some about another religion... So, its good bye from me and i would like to say thanks to Friend for trying to help me understand more about Islam.... I like the way you write,... kind i think. ^_^
ISFP said:
hello, all

thank you to Mason for your questions, and to Friend and thipps for their answers!

i have a question of my own regarding Islam:

how do men and women's spiritual obligations and spiritual lives differ? i've heard Muslims say often that men and women are equal before Allah and yet i've also heard that the religious obligations for the sexes are different. how does this work?
hello ISFP,
I dont know about others, but for me to say anything, you will have to be more specific... the question is too general in form. and please give an example of where 'religious obligations for the sexes are different'. It will really help to give an answer.
Mason ,Thanks about your thanks to me .
I knew that you said you will not coming here much anymore ... but I want to tell you that Islam is very simple ,actually we have billars , if any one believe in it he became muslim ...

Just for information, you can see this site (If you have time )

God (Allah ) bless you

well, i've heard that in general, while it's obligatory for a man to pray in a mosque, it's acceptable for a woman to just pray at home. also, from what i've seen on the interior of many mosques, the men's section for prayer tends to be spread out over the entire first level, while women typically pray in a gallery. i understand this is for the seperation of the sexes during prayer, but is the disparity between the two prayer spaces intentional?

thank you for your help!
^_^ I will look at the link Friend, thank you.

I'm not very sure of anything at the moment.... So i'm finding it hard to make sound choices. Part of me wants to learn more about Islam and like it, and the other wants to let go, so i can just have less to think about.... Maybe its because i'm a weak person or something,... though i couldn't be muslim and believe that Allah isn't the only god,... could i...
Maybe there's another religion out there thats good for me.... I might find it,... one day ^_^
Mason said:
^_^ I will look at the link Friend, thank you.

I'm not very sure of anything at the moment.... So i'm finding it hard to make sound choices. Part of me wants to learn more about Islam and like it, and the other wants to let go, so i can just have less to think about.... Maybe its because i'm a weak person or something,... though i couldn't be muslim and believe that Allah isn't the only god,... could i...
Maybe there's another religion out there thats good for me.... I might find it,... one day ^_^


i can relate. i was looking at Islam for a while. before that, Buddhism. the best thing to do is ask questions of knowlegable people and decide for yourself. best of luck on your path!
I was thinking alot last night about it and all that i have learned... So i came to the decision that i should keep reading and asking questions about Islam, and make the bigger decision later, when i really know more about it...
Well, i never know, it could end up being the right religion for me after all. ^_^
ISFP said:

well, i've heard that in general, while it's obligatory for a man to pray in a mosque, it's acceptable for a woman to just pray at home. also, from what i've seen on the interior of many mosques, the men's section for prayer tends to be spread out over the entire first level, while women typically pray in a gallery. i understand this is for the seperation of the sexes during prayer, but is the disparity between the two prayer spaces intentional?

thank you for your help!
h|, i think this topic was covered before, cant find it at the moment though. anyway, you see this as an example of 'religious obligations for the sexes are different'. I dont. The religious obligation is salaah [prayer]. It is obligatory for both.
and yes you have heard correct. it is not only acceptable for a woman to pray at home.. it is preferred. furthermore, it helps the woman out too as there are children at home (especially if they are lil ones) and she might have chores etc. BUT if she wishes to come to the mosque, she may. no one can stop her.
What you are describing is serving the purpose of keeping the men and woman separated. They have come there to pray, not for anything else. As far as the disparity you mentioned... what i can tell u is that Islam requires that all the facilities for men and women be equal. They should be separate but equally good.
When you find people not doing this, i would suggest that you ask them why there is a disparity... see what they say. It may explain why you see what you see. As far as what Islam requires, i have told you. If you have any other questions about other religious obligations, by all means ask.