kabbalah which some consider the essence of Judaism teaches one to transcend ALL boundaries of this world.
without, of course this including the physical aspects of Torah. in other words, kabbalists still have to keep kosher and know halachah.
Kabbalists who reach a very high level of attainment begin to sense and live in the upper worlds which are eternal and perfect, while still living in this world which is not permanent.
and, again, this path is not for everyone. we are talking about a *very* small number of people here (as few as 36, perhaps) because the discipline which might enable such attainment is extremely, extremely difficult.
They transcend all boundaries of time and space.
surely not all. for example, they still grow old and die. i think this is crossing into hyperbole.
Rav Laitman says it is the most difficult thing in the world to do, but the only thing that is truley worth doing.
i'm sure rav laitman does not include flying in the face of "elu devarim" -
kibud av ve'em,
gemilut chasadim,
biqur holim and making
shalom bein adam lehavero ubein ish le'ishto despite the study of Torah being
keneged kulam.
The Torah which seems to be historical and worldly to some who read it is actually a roadmap to exit from the spiritual state of absolute selfishness, also know as Galut (exile), or Egypt and enter the spiritual state of absolute altruism called the Land of Israel.
but it is also many other things.
nistar may be the "inner dimension" but there are seventy faces of Torah. even the ba'al sulam's introduction to the zohar says that kabbalah should be studied by those who cannot study mishnah and gemara. and, furthermore, he distinguishes between
ta'amim and
sodot. the level you are talking on is, of course, the "big picture" - but the Torah is also about the nitty-gritty, the details of how we live.
Kabbalists state that the main purpose of physical mitzot is to remind us of the need to keep spiritual mitzvot.
i couldn't agree more - with the proviso that the
tiqqunim of
'olam ha-ba not lead us to neglect the
tiqqunim of
'olam ha-zeh - let us not forget that the 'arousal' of the
mayim duchrin is contingent in a certain sense upon the prior arousal of the
mayim nuqvin.