Re: Who was called "God"(Heb. 'elohim) or "the LORD"(Heb. YHVH) who appeared in the O
Dor...if what you say in the above is true; then are you also saying that He taught the ancient Israelites to offer blood sacrifices to atone for sins, as He taught Adam and His family; and as He tauight Abraham and his family?
And aren't you then by extenxion also saying that since salvation was not limited to Adam and his family; nor to Abraham and his family; that salvation then was never limited to the Israelites; And if salvation was never limited to the Israelites; that then the Israelites were only chosen by Elohim as a specific people through whom He could unveil to all humanity by the sacrificial ceremonies; the plan He had formulated even before He created humans-the Plan of salvation- the Plan in which His Only Son would be killed as THE LAMB SACRIFCED FOR THE SINS OF ALL MANKIND?
And if you are saying as I believe you are saying; then aren't you also saying that any lessons taught to the Israelites are in fact lessons that are not only meant for the Israelites; but meant for all of humanity? And if such is the case why is Christianity as practiced by the majority of persons wearing this title, relegating the old testament as being just for the Jews of Judaism?
And if they are wrong in relegating the old testament as "just for the Jews of Judaism" wouldn't they then be also wrong; and in being wrong would also have misinterpreted the intent of God in His Plan of salvation as written in the old testament?
And if they have misinterpreted the plan of God in the old testament; wouldn't they then have also misinterpreted His Plan in the new testament as well?
How could you misinterpret the old testament, in which God's entire plan to save humanity from sin is given; but yet correctly interpret the new testament in which the plan is fulfilled?
Please answer if you can!
Dor said:And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Clearly the plan was in place at the time of creation.
Gen 4:3 And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. Gen 4:4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: Gen 4:5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.
That act showed us that blood offerings were what covered sin not just any offerings. The story of Cain and Abel and all later teaching emphasizes that to offer to God gifts of fruit, money or other things is of no value unless we have first had our sins put away by a blood sacrifice. [
God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac for us. Because Abraham obeyed God, when we hear this story we can just begin to understand what it must have been like for God when he sent HIS only son Jesus to die on the cross for us. How hard that must have been for God.
When Jesus died on the cross, he took the punishment for our sins. He took the punishment for all the bad things we will ever do. God sent Jesus to take our place just like he sent the ram to take Isaac’s place.
Of course I believe it was Jesus(or whatever you want to call him before his incarnation as a man) who taught Adam and Abel, and tested Abraham, and spoke to Moses.
Yes a bit beyond comprehension but was his plan from the very beginning. God's way is perfect even if somewhat baffling at times.
Dor...if what you say in the above is true; then are you also saying that He taught the ancient Israelites to offer blood sacrifices to atone for sins, as He taught Adam and His family; and as He tauight Abraham and his family?
And aren't you then by extenxion also saying that since salvation was not limited to Adam and his family; nor to Abraham and his family; that salvation then was never limited to the Israelites; And if salvation was never limited to the Israelites; that then the Israelites were only chosen by Elohim as a specific people through whom He could unveil to all humanity by the sacrificial ceremonies; the plan He had formulated even before He created humans-the Plan of salvation- the Plan in which His Only Son would be killed as THE LAMB SACRIFCED FOR THE SINS OF ALL MANKIND?
And if you are saying as I believe you are saying; then aren't you also saying that any lessons taught to the Israelites are in fact lessons that are not only meant for the Israelites; but meant for all of humanity? And if such is the case why is Christianity as practiced by the majority of persons wearing this title, relegating the old testament as being just for the Jews of Judaism?
And if they are wrong in relegating the old testament as "just for the Jews of Judaism" wouldn't they then be also wrong; and in being wrong would also have misinterpreted the intent of God in His Plan of salvation as written in the old testament?
And if they have misinterpreted the plan of God in the old testament; wouldn't they then have also misinterpreted His Plan in the new testament as well?
How could you misinterpret the old testament, in which God's entire plan to save humanity from sin is given; but yet correctly interpret the new testament in which the plan is fulfilled?
Please answer if you can!