Greetings all. I am a 20 year old Luciferian/Devil Worshiper. I'll get into exactly what that means in a moment. I just thought I'd join the forum to answer your questions from one whom is actually walks on the Left Hand Path (once again, will be explained later). First a bit about me. I am from Iowa and am the only Luciferian that I know of in the area. I have studied the occult for about 7 years and been a Luciferian for about 4. I have studied all of the world's religions. Currently, I am attending college and going for a double major in philosophy and psychology. I have a very strong interest in both topics, as well as theology (I may end up getting a religion minor). My interest in Satanism is not due to any simple angst-fueled rebellion. It is due to a personal drawing to what most people consider to be the "dark side." I do not see the Devil as "evil". I do not see him as necissarily all "good" either. I'd say that I see him as pro-humanity, but is not afraid of tough love when necissary. I see the Christian god (should he exist at all) as just one of many gods. I do not believe he created the universe or the world or anything like that. I don't believe the Christian god to be all powerful or to be good. I don't believe the Christian god to be all evil either. I would say however that the Christian god appears to have a history of being not terribly fond of mankind. I don't believe that any god (including Satan) created the earth and I don't believe that any god that mankind worships is all powerful and all knowing.
Now, getting a bit into what Luciferianism, Satanism and Devil Worship are.
The first term I would like to introduce to you is Left Hand Path. This is the term that Satanists and Luciferians of all kinds use as a sort of blanket term for all religions that focus around the Devil in some way. If you want to see the common linkages between these religions I suggest two articles which I wrote for my website "The Kindred Association."
Now within the Left hand path, the most popular religion currently is Satanism. The most popular form of Satanism currently is "Modern" Satanism which is also known as atheistic Satanism or LaVeyan Satanism (name after its founder, Anton LaVey). Modern Satanism does not believe in any literal deity. They either see Satan as simply a useful symbol to represent their beliefs about the world, or they see Satan as a "dark force" within nature. The quotes that you've had on this post so far are from Modern Satanist works. In particular "The Satanic Bible" which was written by Anton LaVey. Note that most Satanists do not share every belief in the Satanic Bible. In fact there are quite a few who do not use it at all. I personally see the Satanic Bible as a decent "beginners" text on Satanism, but its view is much too simplified and two-dimensional.
There is also the form of Satanism which believes in a literal god or entity called Satan. These Satanists are known as "Traditional" Satanist. They are also known as theistic Satanists or sometimes Devil Worshipers. The views of Theistic Satanists very greatly on many issues, but they tend to be ok with this. Most Theistic Satanist see Satan as a multi-faceted deity whom answers to many names (such as Belial, Lucifer, Samael etc). Satan tends to be seen as a deity whom desires humanity to evolve on both an individual and worldwide scale. Satan is seen as encouraging individuals to question dogma of all kinds (not just chrisitan, and not just religious). Most Satanists do not believe Satan desires flocks of worshipers like other gods, but simply desires mankind to free itself. There is no one "holy book" for theistic Satanists although many find inspiration in the Diabolicon written by Michael Aquino, The Book of the Law written by Crowley, the "inspired" texts of the Yezidis and many works of literary Satanism.
While I include myself amongst Satanists, I feel that I best described as a Luciferian. Luciferianism is a very loose religion right now due to there not being many individuals involved in organized groups. There arn't many central dogmas to Luciferianism, but there are general trends in belief. Many Luciferians do not believe Lucifer to be the same as the Prince of Darkness. They see Lucifer as more of an angel of light, lacking the cthonic aspects that Satan is often seen as having. Lucifer is also seen as desiring humankind to evolve. Luciferians tend to be more spiritual that Satanists, although we do not negect the carnal. My personal brand of Luciferianism is explained in the following essay:
Well, there is Satanism 101 for you. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I may respond to some of the posts made previously on here next.