Where is my mind?
Ron Hubbard."Consider all knowledge to fall above or below a line of demarcation. Everything above this line is not necessary to the solution of mans abberations and general shortcomings and is inexactly known. Such a field of thought could be considered to embrace such things as metaphysics and mysticism. Below this line of demarcation could be considered to lie the finite universe. All things in the finite Universe whether known or as yet unknown can be sensed, experienced or measured."
I think Mr Hubbard quite accurately draws out the difference here between Logic and Faith, the main reason I consider Mr Hubbard to be incredibly misguided is that he goes on to say,
I would personally argue that it is the information above the line which is most important, and that a "Science of the mind" is impossible to achieve without it.All factors necessary to the resolution of a science of the mind were found within the finite universe
I am no longer sure whether or not I am on topic here, sorry.