Buddhism Knowledge


Half-Bloomed Lotus
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Hello. I'm new to the forums and to mostly any religion. All we have around here are christian churches, and I don't know of anyone in my neighborhood who is buddhist. I would like to look into it, however, because the basic things I do know DO appeal to me. I'm not sure if you are allowed to or not, but if you are, can someone please give me a few sites that would help me learn more about this religion? I've read everything on here.
Namaste RazorClean,

thank you for the post and welcome to the forum.

there are many good sites that you can visit... for generalized knowledge of the tradition, i would strongly suggest this link:


for something more specific to a particular school, this is a link to a Vajrayana site of one of my teachers:


another good site with a general overview can be found here:

You could have no idea how helpful you have been. I will scour these sites for every bit of information I can pick up. I give you a thousand thanks, and hope your life is full of joy and enlightenment.
Namaste Razorclean,

thank you for the kind words and the well wishes.

may you enter the Stream and realize your liberation!

I know this is an old thread, but thank you Vajradhara also! I originally came on this site to look for Celtic folklore, but I also have an interest in Buddism and was delighted when there were threads about it here. Those links are terribly helpful, so many thanks :).
www.accesstoinsight.org is an awesome site. It contains the whole pali canon.
Personally, when studying the dharma I prefer to study the words of the Buddha themselves before accepting what anyone else tells me about Buddhism. It's important to study the teachings directly for yourself and form your own understanding of them before trusting another persons words because we all have different understadnings of the dharma and someone elses maybe flawed even if they are considered to be authorative.
Namate mindfreak,

just an aside... the listed site doesn't contain the entire Pali canon in English just yet... there are still fairly significant portions of the Abidharma to be transcribed and there are still some of the Suttas which are not hosted there...

nevertheless, the site is quite excellent. i especially enjoy the articles that they host.

