Cain's wife...thoughts?

As I mentioned on an Islamic thread... WHAT IF! What if Adam is the male population and Eve the female population? Perhaps it wasn't just two...

Interesting thought. The way I saw it, we obviously will never know for sure, but couldn't God have created more than just one man and one woman? Perhaps Adam was the first man, and Eve the first woman, but who's to say there weren't more men and women created by God after them?
greetings to all,

i just wanted to add a verse from the Book of Jasher.

Jasher 1:12 And the Lord God drove them that day from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from which they were taken, and they went and dwelt at the east of the garden of Eden; and Adam knew his wife Eve and she bore two sons and three daughters.

i have read the first few chapters of this book and let me say it is amazing because it fills in gaps that are not mentioned in Genesis. and on top of that, the book itself is mentioned in the book of Joshua and i can't remember if its in 1st or 2nd of Samuel. maybe the book of Jasher has been covered on this forum already or maybe there is something that discredits it. i don't know, but it is an amazing read and should be given a chance! just something to consider. thanks for reading and God bless you.
now.... where did cain's wife come from? cain was created, then able, then the murder, then the banishment, when did another woman come into play here?


Cain and His Wife

Where did he get her? From another human race? When were they married? Was their relationship incestuous?

ALL Bible readers are familiar with the fact that Cain was the first man to be born on earth. He was the firstborn son of Adam and Eve, whom God had created directly.—Gen. 4:1.

The Bible account records the creation of Adam and Eve, and their sin. (Gen. 2:7, 21, 22; 3:1-6)

It describes God’s sentence of death upon them and their expulsion from the garden of Eden. (Gen. 3:14-19)

God told Eve, however, that she would bring forth children.—Gen. 3:16.

Abel was the second boy born. (Gen. 4:2)

The Scriptures are very brief and condensed in this early account, but they supply all that we need to know.

They tell us that the two boys grew up, each to pursue his own profession or occupation. Cain chose what is the oldest of all professions—farming—while Abel became a sheepherder. This implies the lapse of a good number of years.

So the account reveals: "It came about at the expiration of some time" that the two men brought offerings before God to gain his favor. (Gen. 4:3, 4)

We note also that when Seth, the third named son, was born, his mother Eve viewed him as a replacement for Abel. (Gen. 4:25) Adam was 130 years old at the time of Seth’s birth

This indicates that there could well have been a number of other children of Adam by that time, including daughters.

The Bible’s silence as to the names of Adam’s daughters presents no difficulty, since the birth of daughters was rarely mentioned and they were only occasionally named in the genealogical lists. But the Bible does actually tell us, in its summary of Adam’s life, that "he became father to sons and daughters."—Gen. 5:4, 5.

Where did Cain get his wife? Adam "became father to sons and daughters." (Genesis 5:4) So Cain took one of his sisters or perhaps one of his nieces as a wife. Later, God’s Law to the Israelites did not permit the marriage of a fleshly brother and sister.—Leviticus 18:9.

adam and eve cast out of paradise. cain is born. able is born. cain slays able. cain is cast away from god, but marked so that he should not be slain lest he be avenged seven fold. cain takes a wife, and knows her, creating enoch. a city is built and named after enoch. so on down cain's line to lamech, then begins the geneology of adam and the story of noah.

now.... where did cain's wife come from? cain was created, then able, then the murder, then the banishment, when did another woman come into play here?

I do not an will not ever again compromise the Word of God.

We can see in Gen 5:4 that Adam had "other sons and daughters." Cain married his sister. It doesn't say that Cain was banished before he had any sister to marry, nor does it say when he took a wife. Only that he had a wife. Gen 4 is just the account of Cain killing Abel. Adam and Eve had other children at that time, too.