One God with many names / One religion with many names

Tao Te Ching 1
The Tao that can be trodden is not the enduring and
unchanging Tao. The name that can be named is not the enduring and
unchanging name.

(Conceived of as) having no name, it is the Originator of heaven
and earth; (conceived of as) having a name, it is the Mother of all

Always without desire we must be found,
If its deep mystery we would sound;
But if desire always within us be,
Its outer fringe is all that we shall see.

Under these two aspects, it is really the same; but as development
takes place, it receives the different names. Together we call them
the Mystery. Where the Mystery is the deepest is the gate of all that
is subtle and wonderful.
When all the names become one, religion will have completed its cycle. Thus the inherent conflict of interest.

Which God Are You a Witness?

"‘So you are my witnesses,’ is the utterance of Jehovah, ‘and I am God.’"—Isa. 43:12.​
When all the names become one, religion will have completed its cycle. Thus the inherent conflict of interest.


They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea.ISAIAH 11;9

"I am Jehovah. That is my name; and to no one else shall I give my own glory, neither my praise to graven images.ISAIAH 42;8

That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah,
You alone are the Most High over all the earth.PSALM 83;18​

I agree with the majority of you that God is everywhere, supreme, so far above any human thoughts that it is arrogant and foolish to think we can know Him by one name, one attribute, or one church. He created humanity so diversely, how can one think that they are all meant to believe the same, think the same, worship the same? I find it insulting.
Just as no marriage is the same, no human relationship is the same, I believe that no belief is the same. To each his own, and judge not another man who calls "your" God by a different name. How do you know he does not love his Creator as much as you?
I spent many years in the Christian church, various denominations, and I found that nobody withing one church thinks that same. How then, can we conclude that God has only certain names, certain attributes, certain followers?
God is One.
Most of the person believe in God,but different religious and different types of people call different types of god name but true is God is only one.
Hello, or let me say Hare Krishna.

I would like you to give your opinions on this topic about one God with many names. To me it was always logical that God is one. I heard this in many religions. So this must be the absolute truth.

Is God Hindu, Muslim, Christian or above these designations? This is an interesting question. Let say in other planets and universes there are also religions with their particular name and particular name of God. Still if all of them describe the Supreme Lord in the more less same way they speak about same God.

One God with many names / one religion with many names.
Any thoughts about this?

This old thread caught my eye. Some controversial statements being made here. Nonetheless, I wholeheartedly agree with them. I think, too often people focus their attention on the cultural differences of the various religions and completely mis the big picture.

"When comparing apples to oranges, it's easy to see the differences, but if you look past that, you'll see that they're both fruit"
Religions and names for God are to spiritual growth like training wheels are to learning how to ride a bicycle--useful in the beginning but something that becomes a severe handicap if desperately clung to beyond their span of usefulness in getting you started.
I love diversity. I read somewhere that there are some 32 000 varieties of Christian Church in America. To me, that, and the fact that they have been able to get along admirably without that much fighting, says a ton. The world has so many languages, so many vegetable varieties, so many brands of cars, etc. Languages are disappearing, plant variety is disappearing.

Just because you recognise and love the differences doesn't mean you 'hate' the way that isn't yours. To each his/her own.
Absolutely. There is much diversity among the various religions and faiths. That's one of the things they all have in common.