mankinds common Grave

juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, mee!

I was hoping this would come around sooner or later.

Look again at the 144,000. ONLY 12,000 of them are "Jews." The rest are the remnant of ISRAEL. Big difference. Even if one considers Jewish/Biblical history, and counts the tribes of Levi and Benjamin, that still only accounts for 36,000.

Please also note that the tribe of Dan is omitted, and the tribe of Joseph, long split into two "half-tribes" of Manassah and Ephraim, is now counted as two whole tribes.

Just an FYI.

So, if they are "heavenly Jews" and not Earthly, is this remnant then to be considered "Messianic Jews," when so few beyond the Jews themselves keep the "whole" law? Or does some other validation surround them? Clearly, all 144,000 cannot possibly be JW's?
the remnant are part of the 144000 but they are still on the earth now , the rest have already died and are now in heaven remember the book of revelation is for the most part highly symbolic and should not be taken litraly. God has taken ones to rule in the heavenly Goverment from all nations ,starting with the ones in Jesus day the early christians ,they were his witnesses then .and those part of the144000 are his witnesses now as well.those still on the earth doing his will .its taken since the early christians to gather them all .not many left on earth now,they are the chosen ones
After the first century, the foretold apostasy developed unrestrained. (Acts 20:29, 30; 2 Thess. 2:7-12) For many centuries the lamp of true Christianity burned very low. (Compare Matthew 5:14-16.) Yet, in an illustration Jesus indicated that at the ‘conclusion of the system of things,’ there would be a clear distinction between "the wheat" (true Christians) and "the weeds" (imitation Christians). The wheat, or "chosen ones," would be gathered into one true Christian congregation, as in the first century. (Matt. 13:24-30, 36-43; 24:31) Jesus also described the anointed members of that congregation as "the faithful and discreet slave" and indicated that in the time of the end, they would be dispensing spiritual food. (Matt. 24:3, 45-47) That faithful slave would be joined by "a great crowd" of true worshipers out of all nations.—Rev. 7:9, 10; compare Micah 4:1-4
