Everlasting Life!!! What does it mean to you?


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What does it mean to you about everlasting life? Are we in spirit or physical form or perhaps some in physical and some spiritual? What is the New Heaven and the New Earth and how do they differ?

What about our loved ones, do we remember them? If we do remember them and they do not gain salvation will it make us unhappy if they are not there and we will miss them? Who will wee see, Jesus, Moses, Noah and John?

Who would you like to see and what would you ask them? Will we be with Jesus, new companions, and/or family members. I definately do not know this answer, but was thinking about this one long and hard this morning. blessings to you and your families for a nice weekend, tommy
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Hi Tommy,

This is what I believe:

To me everlasting life can mean either reincarnation or remaining on the other side in spirit form. I haven't heard of new heaven and new earth, could you please explain?
I do believe we remember our loved ones, I beleive they come to 'collect' us when we die and help us over to the other side, which is why you'll often see people dying talking to somebody when there's nobody there, and then you ask them who they're talking to and they say 'Aunty Molly' or something like that, but Aunty Molly has been dead for 30 years...
I believe there are many different levels to the afterlife, the lower levels which is like your hell, and your higher levels which is like your heaven and lots of levels inbetween where spirits work to spiritually progress up to higher levels. If a relative happens to be on a lower level and you are on a higher level, they can't come up but you can go and visit the lower levels to see them. It is my belief they will not stay in the lower levels forever, they can work their way up.
As for whether you'll see Jesus etc... I hope so, it would be wonderful but I haven't really thought about it.

I would like to see all my family and pets that have gone before me, neighbours and friends and I wouldn't ask them anything in particular, just being with them would be enough.

I'm not saying this is the answer, these are just my beliefs and I hope they make sense to you. Have an nice weekend also :)
Lisa x
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The Earth was intended for everlasting life until Adam sinned and life spans were 950 years originally. That’s also how long Noah lived. Once Satan is driven out of the Earth, two thirds of the Earths population will be destroyed and we will have paradise Earth restored with true believers of Jesus Christ for 1,000 years while Satan is locked up in the Abyss according to Revelations. The 144,000 anointed ones will rule with Jesus in Heaven (new Heaven))for all prophecy in the Bible has come true. The believers in Christ who repented and excercised faith in Jesus will have a beautiful restored life in an Earthly paradise with no Satan influences. (New Earth). The quote that I was able to find on the New Earth and New Heaven comes from Isaiah 66:22 taken from the New Jerusalem Bible as follows: “For as the “new” heavens and the “new earth” I am making will endure before me, declares Yahweh, so will your race and name endure”. My question here is what the new earth and Heaven He is making? Perhaps some may know more then I know about this?
Throughout my Christian study of the Bible, I have noticed that there is not a lot known on the topic of the new Heaven and the new Earth as stated in Isaiah 66. I hear quite a bit of different variations about the afterlife, but really cannot gain a lot about the general view of what New Heaven and New Earth means to most people as stated by prophecy in Isaiah 66. tommy
Still no answer on Isaiah 66 like I thought on the new heaven and new earth. This is a biggie...
tommy said:
Still no answer on Isaiah 66 like I thought on the new heaven and new earth. This is a biggie...
would you happen to be thinking the new heaven & new earth is right now?
Bandit: I believe the New Heaven has already happened or is about to when Satan gets hurled out of Heaven by Michael the Archangel and things begin to get tougher down here on earth with the evil one doing everthing he can before he gets locked up in the abyss for the 1,000 year reign. The new Earth is the tricky one. What can this mean, new Earth? The Earth has always been the same. My belief, is that the new Earth is here, or God will restore the Earth to how he intended it to be for Adam and Eve once the evil one is driven out after the great tribulation whereas we have an Earthly paradise. The new Heaven will be for the 144,000 ruling class in the new Heavenly government. These is only what I have learned and it is a hard subject, but an important one, as it is our future destiny and we are only given short glimpses through prophecy of the new Heaven and New Earth in the Bible. tommy
tommy, from what i can see, satan is not in heaven right now, but bound to the earth. however i see a change in his God allowed power on the earth, this side of Jordan & Calvary & after the Holy Ghost was given. there is more than one vision there in Rev 12 & many different times shown there & not all of the events are written in order of how it happened (or will happen) but i think it is in order in certain parts of the visions.

some say we are literally in the new earth & new heaven right now, (since 70AD) which i cannot see. however i do see a new heaven & new earth being created as we speak, but is not completely established yet.

i can't say for sure there will be a ruling class in heaven. maybe different groups of people but from what i can see, Jesus will be the ruler & at the same time everyone will be equal with no need for authority the way we know it now.

i will be content with however it turns out & am not going to try & figure it all out, at least not right now-but maybe over time i will see things clearer.

i am thinking it may be good to pull ALL scripture pertaing to heaven & earth. Including any possible passages that may apply. Then do a very long, devoted one year study, in prayer on your own if you really desire to understand it better.
i know that is tough, but quite often that is a very good way to go, rather than seeing what every one else is saying about it.

my pastor has talked about this many times & i have a lot of questions for him in the future & if anything starts to turn another gear in my head i will let you know.

just my thoughts on it.
tommy said:
What does it mean to you about everlasting life? Are we in spirit or physical form or perhaps some in physical and some spiritual? What is the New Heaven and the New Earth and how do they differ?

What about our loved ones, do we remember them? If we do remember them and they do not gain salvation will it make us unhappy if they are not there and we will miss them? Who will wee see, Jesus, Moses, Noah and John?

Who would you like to see and what would you ask them? Will we be with Jesus, new companions, and/or family members. I definately do not know this answer, but was thinking about this one long and hard this morning. blessings to you and your families for a nice weekend, tommy
to me it means
Earthly life without corruption

The prophetic vision of Revelation 21:1-4 points to the time of "a new heaven" and "a new earth" and gives the promise that then "death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore." Since this promise is given, not to spirit creatures, but specifically to "mankind," it gives assurance that a new earthly society of humankind living under the "new heaven" will experience restoration of mind and body to fullness of health and everlasting life as earthly "children of God."

the Kabbalists explain that out of the infinite abundance the Creator wishes to bestow to us, only a tiny micro fragment called "ner dakik" (the small candle) can be attained below the Machsom (barrier between this world and the spiritual).

when I want something, say a dinner, I want it so much but once I start eating it I lose taste for it, that is, the reception of pleasure kills the desire for it and then I even if I have plenty of food I can't enjoy it. This is true with all worldly pleasures, if I win the lottery I am so happy at first that I have a million dollars, but if I win the lottery a second time I'm not so pleased by it. First we feel pain by lacking the desire, then we have a brief moment of pleasure when the desire and fullfilment meet, but the fullfillment quenches the desire and now I feel empty, I only have the memory of the pleasure, not the pleasure itself. The very brief sensation of the desire and fullfillment meeting is all we can really consider "life" because the rest is nothing but pain or lack of suffering not actual life.

However, what if I could receive infinitely, that is the more I receive, the more I want to receive. Say I receive 20 grams of pleasure and instantly desire 40 grams, receive that and instantly desire 80 grams. In our world it does not exist. You can only receive infinitely if you receive in order to bestow. That is, the Creator wants to give, so I receive to satisfy his desire. Then since the lack itself is felt as pleasure, since I feel his love for me in the lack, and I can receive infinitely now that the pleasure doesn't kill the desire.

However, man ascend to this level while in this world, clothed in a body. Kabbalah is the method to attain the purpose of creation, described above and if you don't use it in this lifetime, you will be reincarnated back into the worst possible situation: this world.
But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth ...psalm 37;11

(Matthew 5:5) "Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth.yes the new earthly society of people will be meek enough to be taught by Jesus Christ. to be meek means to be teachable

Therefore Jesus said: "When once YOU have lifted up the Son of man, then YOU will know that I am [he], and that I do nothing of my own initiative; but just as the Father taught me I speak these things...John 8;28 yes Jesus is taught by Jehovah.

(Psalm 119:165) Abundant peace belongs to those loving your law, And for them there is no stumbling block

(Philippians 4:7) and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard YOUR hearts and YOUR mental powers by means of Christ Jesus...yes Jesus is the greatest teacher who ever lived,because Jesus was taught by his father Jehovah God

And all your sons will be persons taught by Jehovah, and the peace of your sons will be abundantIsaiah 54;13

They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea Isaiah 11;9

tommy said:
What does it mean to you about everlasting life? Are we in spirit or physical form or perhaps some in physical and some spiritual? What is the New Heaven and the New Earth and how do they differ?

What about our loved ones, do we remember them? If we do remember them and they do not gain salvation will it make us unhappy if they are not there and we will miss them? Who will wee see, Jesus, Moses, Noah and John?

Who would you like to see and what would you ask them? Will we be with Jesus, new companions, and/or family members. I definately do not know this answer, but was thinking about this one long and hard this morning. blessings to you and your families for a nice weekend, tommy

Wow, Tommy...that is a tough one. I believe we will have the knowledge to flex from energy to matter (spirit to physical), as required, or desired. Some say the new earth and heaven are actually restored versions of the original (makes sense).

Loved ones, is a strange conundrum. If we love someone, who is lost for lack of faith...are they? Faith Hope Love, but of these three the greatest is Love...not faith or hope. Is this where the "power of Love" comes into play? If Love is greater than faith or hope, can Love save previously "faithless"? Perhaps they do not suffer in "hell", but nor can they step into heaven. Yet they are in a place of comfort...hard to say. Love is such a cryptic message in the scriptures.

Love seems to conquer death. I've seen first hand the love of a father, beat death away from his drowned daughter. She was dead, lungs full of water, heart stopped, temperature below 90*, blue all over (no cardiopulmonary response for over 5 minutes). It was 1963. Artificial CPR, did not exist, except for a few military service men that had been taught it as a novelty. (maybe 100 or so in the Airforce).

He breathed for her for 15 minutes, he pounded on her chest, he rubbed her limbs, and hung her upside down to drain the fluid from her lungs. (there was no 911 response back then, and one in 8 houses had a phone to begin with). It would definitely not be the CPR we are taught today, but it certainly reminded me of what trauma centers do now adays to bring back lost causes. But it was his refusal to give up on her, he had those around start rubbing her limbs vigorously, while he exhausted himself being her heart and lungs. Finally, he stopped, and said simply "Not her God, please".

Loudest sound you'll ever hear, is when a child that's "dead" lets out a tiny "eck" from the mouth...

Anyway, that wasn't faith that did all that work. It was Love. Faith at the end, may have tipped the balance. But Love and love's determination went the majority of the way. The mountain it seems, needed a mustard seed to bloom, but without the mountain, the seed would have never taken.

Man toils in love, then must ask for the blessing. Now the expulsion from the Garden makes sense. Hope? That is the expectation.

What does that have to do with Heaven? I don't know. Except that Love conquers all...even death. Hope give for expectation and faith tips the scales.

my thoughts.


Wouldn't eternal physical form be a separation from God?
I said:
Wouldn't eternal physical form be a separation from God?
Wasn't Adam and Eve given the prospect for "eternal" life on a conditional basis (which they violated) right here on earth in a physical form? Therefore, it was the Fathers intention to make earth, a paradise, for everlasting life in the same format Adam and Eve had available to them originally until the evil one tempted them and changed God's intention for us?
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I said:
Wouldn't eternal physical form be a separation from God?

Very good question, Brian. I wonder about this. The mystics and those who have had the experience of touching/seeing God while the soul is still manifested here on earth (perhaps like your NDE?) seem to suggest that it is possible to be united with God while the soul still has a fleshly body.

I don't know about in other religions, but of course in Christianity and others we are promised to keep some aspect of our individuality. To me that means we do need some kind of body or something that does the same thing as a body, which is to reflect those aspects of the soul that make us individuals. So, is this still separation from God to have any of our individuality reflected? I don't know. But perhaps whatever form the transformed body is has the capacity to be merged with God at will.

As for the question about eternal life. I think it is right now in this moment when we choose it.

tommy said:
What does it mean to you about everlasting life?

"Thou hast asked Me concerning the nature of the soul. Know, verily, that the soul is a sign of God, a heavenly gem whose reality the most learned of men hath failed to grasp, and whose mystery no mind, however acute, can ever hope to unravel. It is the first among all created things to declare the excellence of its Creator, the first to recognize His glory, to cleave to His truth, and to bow down in adoration before Him. If it be faithful to God, it will reflect His light, and will, eventually, return unto Him. If it fail, however, in its allegiance to its Creator, it will become a victim to self and passion, and will, in the end, sink in their depths."

tommy said:
What is the New Heaven and the New Earth and how do they differ?

"No less enthralling is the vision of Isaiah, the greatest of the Hebrew Prophets, predicting, as far back as twenty five hundred years ago, the destiny which mankind must, at its stage of maturity, achieve....The writer of the Apocalypse, prefiguring the millenial glory which a redeemed, a jubilant humanity must witness, has similarly testified:... Who can doubt that such a consummation--the coming of age of the human race--must signalize, in its turn, the inauguration of a world civilization such as no mortal eye hath ever beheld or human mind conceived?"

"Verily, verily the new heaven and the new earth are come...."

tommy said:
Who will we see, Jesus, Moses, Noah and John?...

Who would you like to see and what would you ask them? Will we be with Jesus, new companions, and/or family members

"And now concerning thy question regarding the soul of man and its survival after death. Know thou of a truth that the soul, after its separation from the body, will continue to progress until it attaineth the presence of God, in a state and condition which neither the revolution of ages and centuries, nor the changes and chances of this world, can alter.... The Maids of Heaven, inmates of the loftiest mansions, will circle around it, and the Prophets of God and His chosen ones will seek its companionship. With them that soul will freely converse, and will recount unto them that which it hath been made to endure in the path of God, the Lord of all worlds...."
smkolins said:
"No less enthralling is the vision of Isaiah, the greatest of the Hebrew Prophets, predicting, as far back as twenty five hundred years ago, the destiny which mankind must, at its stage of maturity, achieve....The writer of the Apocalypse, prefiguring the millenial glory which a redeemed, a jubilant humanity must witness, has similarly testified:... Who can doubt that such a consummation--the coming of age of the human race--must signalize, in its turn, the inauguration of a world civilization such as no mortal eye hath ever beheld or human mind conceived?"

"Verily, verily the new heaven and the new earth are come...."

More about the New Heaven....

The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder.