Different 'types' of Christianity


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Why are there different types of Christianity? Why isn't Christianity just Christianity? Why is there Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Presibeterian, Nazerine, etc? I mean, when I think of Christianity, I think of the Bible, God, and Jesus. What is the difference between each sub-category of Christianity? Is there a difference between them? Is it there to give more definition or is there really no point?
Hi and Peace--

That is a pretty full question there. I know I don't have all the answers! May I suggest some reading material? For starters:

A History of Christianity, Volume 1, Beginnings to 1500, by Kenneth Scott LaTourette

There is also a related thread in Comparative Studies (Can't recall the title at the moment) recently started by smkolins that might interest you.

There are different types because different groups believe different things. As Pope Benedict said before the conclave "In Christ, truth and love coincide. To the extent that we draw near to Christ, in our own life, truth and love merge. Love without truth would be blind; truth without love would be like 'a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal'" Christians are united in love but not in Truth we disagree with what Truth is so we are separated. Christianity should be united in both but it isn't because of the pride of Human beings.

As for specifics here is a list of many major protestant denominations and their beliefs. It's from a thread in another forum and I know Brian always seems to have a problem with promoting other boards on this one so I'll simply copy and paste and say I didn't do the research.

Assemblies of God

The Baptist Faith & Message

The Brethren Church


Calvary Chapel

The Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA)

Christian Reformed Church

Church of the Nazarene

Church of England

Episcopal Church

The Evangelical Covenant Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)


The Lutheran Church---Missouri Synod

Presbyterian Church in America

United Methodist Church


Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS)

The Catholic churches teachings can be found here http://www.vatican.va/archive/catechism/ccc_toc.htm

Some differences are so great as the nature of salvation some are very trivial such as the difference between the Orthodox and Catholic church which is pretty much a difference of interpretation of a paragraph in The First Council of Constantinople.A difference, which was fueled by power hungry bishops of one See but we disagree which See that was. The Eastern and Oriental Orthodox are two other major groups but I don't know if they have similar documents to the ones I've posted above.

Hi, Peace--

JJM said:
As for specifics here is a list of many major protestant denominations and their beliefs. It's from a thread in another forum and I know Brian always seems to have a problem with promoting other boards on this one so I'll simply copy and paste and say I didn't do the research.

Uh-oh:eek: I apologize if I broke a rule. I plead ignorance--may I be excused this time? :)

Haruko said:
Why are there different types of Christianity? Why isn't Christianity just Christianity? Why is there Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Presibeterian, Nazerine, etc? I mean, when I think of Christianity, I think of the Bible, God, and Jesus. What is the difference between each sub-category of Christianity? ...
The human condition...

Same reason there are differenct "sects" of islam, Hinduism, Budhism, and Judeasm. ;)


Haruko said:
Why are there different types of Christianity? Why isn't Christianity just Christianity? Why is there Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Presibeterian, Nazerine, etc? I mean, when I think of Christianity, I think of the Bible, God, and Jesus. What is the difference between each sub-category of Christianity? Is there a difference between them? Is it there to give more definition or is there really no point?
If we look at what the bible says there would be one faith ,one baptism
"One Lord [there is], one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all persons, who is over all."—EPHESIANS 4:4-6.........yet there are different faiths and different baptisims so maybe only one is the correct one ,i suppose it must be the one that sticks to the bible

"There is actually to us one God the Father, out of whom all things are, and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are, and we through him." (1 Corinthians 8:6) True Christianity means united worship of the one God, the Father, Jehovah, through the one Lord, Jesus Christ...........seems to me that many have gone away from this by taking on manmade doctrines such as the trinity doctrine

they all have man made doctrines & a man made book attached to the bible, that is the reason there are so many TYPES.

from what i can see there is only one doctrine in the bible & it is called the Apostles Doctrine.
so i think i will stick with that.
There should be only ONE kind of Christanity. The one kind I speak of is NOT a religion, but a movement of people (a body) that seeks to do the will of their master, Jesus. This movement of people have come to Jesus because they see that without him, their good deeds wont stand like a chair with one leg. They accept the Savior's offer to eternal life, and live to do his will. They also go out to tell others of what he has done for them, so that they may also live. There goal in life is to Love, and reflect their master's face in their own. You wont see a real Christian killing for their God. Rather, you'll see them gladly giving up their own lives to conqure hate. Death is a Christian greatest weapon. Death is victory!
Proph 1 said:
There should be only ONE kind of Christanity. The one kind I speak of is NOT a religion, but a movement of people (a body) that seeks to do the will of their master, Jesus. This movement of people have come to Jesus because they see that without him, their good deeds wont stand like a chair with one leg. They accept the Savior's offer to eternal life, and live to do his will. They also go out to tell others of what he has done for them, so that they may also live. There goal in life is to Love, and reflect their master's face in their own. You wont see a real Christian killing for their God. Rather, you'll see them gladly giving up their own lives to conqure hate. Death is a Christian greatest weapon. Death is victory!
Yes there is only one kind of christianity i agree with that, and they would seek to do the will of their God by looking to jesus as he is the image of God, and the true christianity would have to recogonize that salvation will only come though Jesus christs headship and kingship that the true God has given to Jesusby making him king of Gods heavenly kingdom. and yes , true christianitywould make known this Goodnews of the kingdomto others, so they could also gain everlasting life .i agree that the true body of christianity would never kill anyone, in fact they would be no part of the world and its wars and conflicts ,as a body of people worldwide they would be only doing Gods will , and that will is that the goodnews of the kingdom will be preached first
Yeah, but I didnt mean the JWH bunch. I ment those that adhear to the Bible as a reverlation from God, written from a Jewish perspective to all the nations of the world.
Rather, you'll see them gladly giving up their own lives to conqure hate. Death is a Christian greatest weapon. Death is victory!
Oh boy, a martyr complex...

OK, Proph, then tell me, how does one make it to the millenial kingdom in the flesh if they are dead? If you need to refresh your memory on this vital promise, check the second chapter of Isaiah. You know, the lion sleeps with the lamb and all that.

If you are anxious to jump on a grenade, just stay away from me. I will jump on a grenade if I have to, but I will exercise all other options first, up to and including making the other guy die for his god.

that is like the funniest thing i have seen on here in weeks.
i know what you mean, is not what you mean, but i know what you mean.:D
OK, Proph, then tell me, how does one make it to the millenial kingdom in the flesh if they are dead? If you need to refresh your memory on this vital promise, check the second chapter of Isaiah. You know, the lion sleeps with the lamb and all that.

Acording to the Bible, there will be many saints who return with Christ after the rapture to rule and reign with Christ during that 1000 years. Those that return with Christ will return "in the flesh". Yet, they will have a glorified body, like that of the risen Lord. As for how you "make it"? Well, other than repenting of your sins, trusting Jesus, and allowing him to change you, you cant do anything else. We can do nothing to recieve the gifts he has for us. In fact, we dont deserve any of it.

If you are anxious to jump on a grenade, just stay away from me. I will jump on a grenade if I have to, but I will exercise all other options first, up to and including making the other guy die for his god.

"Jump in front of a grenade?" Lets exersise common sense here guy - How can doing something like that benefit God? My point in me dying for Christ consist of the samethings all Christian martyrs go through. Here's an example: The Chrisitans in China who lose their ration cards, and are offered another one only if they deny Jesus. Or this: The Christians the Sudan are offered their life if they would convert to Islam. These dudes die rather than denying God. This is in direct contrast to those of other religions who kill for their gods.
Kindest Regards, Proph.

Acording to the Bible, there will be many saints who return with Christ after the rapture to rule and reign with Christ during that 1000 years.
Tell you what...if you can show me one place in the Bible where the term "rapture" is used, I will believe in it. Mind you, the word, not the concept, because frankly that is a tradition of man I do not believe in.
juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, Proph.

Tell you what...if you can show me one place in the Bible where the term "rapture" is used, I will believe in it. Mind you, the word, not the concept, because frankly that is a tradition of man I do not believe in.
Tell you what...Go get the Latin Volgate, and you'll see the word "Rapturo" which is a translation of the word "Harpazo" in the Greek. These are translation of the verb "caught up" that is found in 1Thess. 4:17. It means to snatch up quickly. The english word "rapture" is just a theological word we use to describe the "Catching up," or "Rapturo."
PS: The rapture is described in the Old Testment, it isnt a new concept!
Proph 1 said:
Yeah, but I didnt mean the JWH bunch. I ment those that adhear to the Bible as a reverlation from God, written from a Jewish perspective to all the nations of the world.
i didnt mention the name JW ,still jesus did say that his followers would be recognized by their fruits so it seems actions speak louder than words because you seem to recognize JW as the ones doing these things ........;)
I do reconize the JW's for preaching a gospel. Albeit, not the Gospel of the Bible that I believe, but nonetheless a gospel. Also, they do it with a zeal that I wish more mainstream Christians would do it with. They seem to take on more brave personer when witnessing. Again, I wish more Christians would do it. That said, I asked for you to join me in a friendly debate, would you join me?

see you around the board then ,i sometimes put my little bit in but tend to watch the fireworks LOL
Haruko said:
Why are there different types of Christianity?
Because back in the middle ages, in the days of Martin Luther, the Catholic Church was largely a political organisation which did not practice the faith taught by jesus. It was corrupt, dominated by the aristocracy and obsessed with keeping its own power.

So a whole bunch of different people, like Martin Luther and John Calvin decided to just ignore the Church in Rome and set up their own religions which they believed followed the traditions started by Jesus more closely.

Then there were arguments about what was the best way to do this, so these new churches split into more churches.

Today the catholic church once again tries to follow the teachings of Jesus, but many people have grown up with other branches of christianity and are unwilling to change the small (and honestly largely irrelevant) points of dogma which seperate them.

Also, I know some people just like to be part of a smaller church organisation.