Money root to all evil.

Jeff said:
Money was invented by humans so while it is not the "root" of evil i beleive it helps to perpetuate many of the evil things that go on in this world.

Jeff, I am curious about this point.
I have had many discussions with various people regarding money and its origins. Money obviously was invented by humans, but my interest is in who they were and what may have been their original intent. Perhaps the foundations were not solid to begin with.
There is a great song from Les Go de Koteba in Ivory Coast: "L'argent va tuer le monde", meaning "Money will kill the world". Of course Bill Gates isn't evil, if it wasn't for him, this forum wouldn't exist.
The problem starts when people become addicted to money and think it's the most important thing in the world. Things like slavery, suppression and oil wars wouldn't exist if they didn't have an economical purpose.