Dear friend, I am so glad that you, a muslim person, does not wish me, a christian, to be dead as Al Qeda does. I do not know why they want to blow us up in America or in London. I am a mom, I have 3 kids, and I do the best I can financially and morally. I seriously doubt I could ever be muslim, as the rules are way to hard for me, and since I live in a very hot climate in the South USA, I could never wear the clothes, I would faint. I would like it very much if the peacefull muslims would begin a grass-roots effort to re-translate the koran so that it teaches peace and leaves out the parts where those who do not convert to Islam are lost and it is ok to burn or kill them. I have many muslim friends and they have all given me korans to read from their mosques. My versions are, of course in English. I have found parts of it that surprise me. In one part the Koran accuses christian people of talking nicely to the face of a muslim, but behind his or her back, just evil gossip. I know that I would never do such a thing, i love my muslim friends (and their cooking)genuinely. I was surprised that the koran has a section on jihad, and in my version, it supports war against non-muslims as necessary, which scares me, because I do not want to switch religions. I have found a few passages that say that if a muslim can not convert someone to islam, their soul is lost anyway, so it is ok to kill them. I can not at this time "quote" text and verse for you, as I am not that familiar with the Koran, but in reading it I was surprised to find such things written about me, a christian, and it scared me- I did not feel peacefull about it at all after that. I felt frightened that if I don't convert, I will be killed.
I hope I have understood everything wrong, and desire that you sit down with your english version of the koran and re-read it. If I am wrong, please point it out to me.
I just want peace for you and me, and maybe lunch, if you will cook such nice things.