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It seems
we float down streams...
It seems like a confusing little idea, this free-will. (but would we be discussing it if it weren't?!?
I agree with the 'divine will'/Ultimate tao/stream kinda thing..
i think there is a part of us that is always in the stream. this might be caled the unconscious, or the higher self, or anything like that. But from personal experience, there seems to be a part of me (and by extension - us) which knows what its doing a lot better than 'i' do.
There seems to be a 'mind-I' which we generally associate with for the most of the time. I reckon maybe that this starts of being free to look around the head, then when it gets bored with that, it starts to control our actions..
That's where things go 'wrong'...
The 'mind-I' with all its desires and fantasies and that ends up thrashing wildy against the current.
Sometimes it can swim a little to the left or right and get what it wants pretty easily.
But when it starts to try to go backwards, or cling to the side of the bank, or whatever analogy you want to use, it starts to find things a little hard.
Ergo - suffering.
When mind-i gets tired it takes a bit of a rest, goes with the flow for a bit, finds calm again. Then goes off suffering again. - what some might call the 'wheel of life' or samsara or whatever.
As it starts to realise that all this swimming away is really hard, and that the real fun is found in going with the flow, it starts to let go bit by bit.
The mind-i 'freely wills' to join the 'real I' that's really there in the stream.
Intuition would be 'the feel for where Real-I wants to go'.
The Real-I; our Buddha-nature, the part of us that is divine - the Godhead - the nameless name etc etc etc, is always there, but is patient and will let us do whatever we want for all eternity; it doesnt mind, cos it's already divine
So something like: we can row the boat wherever we want, but it's a lot easier to let it follow the stream - maybe keep it in check every now and again - after a while you are having so much fun that you kinda forget about the boat, and it starts to dawn on you that maybe you were the boat in the first place. and after that (if you're real lucky!!) you might start to realise there was no boat and all there was was the stream...
I dont think we could ever explain 'free will' - if you think about it, we cant even explain a stone falling - sure, we can Describe in as minute detail as possible What happens when the stone falls; but ask 'Why?' - 'well, because of gravity..' - 'why does gravity work?' - 'um.. well.. it just does..'
And yeah, the stream isnt the stream of other people's words/worlds. - The Tao that can be named is not the Great Tao...
By the way - i appologise if i sound at all pompous in my writings; no pomposity intended! I just put these funny thought into words, but i dont pretend they are in any way 'right'. or even 'wrong'.. they are what they are...
in the words of the great Roy Walker - 'Just say what you see'
It seems
we float down streams...
It seems like a confusing little idea, this free-will. (but would we be discussing it if it weren't?!?
I agree with the 'divine will'/Ultimate tao/stream kinda thing..
i think there is a part of us that is always in the stream. this might be caled the unconscious, or the higher self, or anything like that. But from personal experience, there seems to be a part of me (and by extension - us) which knows what its doing a lot better than 'i' do.
There seems to be a 'mind-I' which we generally associate with for the most of the time. I reckon maybe that this starts of being free to look around the head, then when it gets bored with that, it starts to control our actions..
That's where things go 'wrong'...
The 'mind-I' with all its desires and fantasies and that ends up thrashing wildy against the current.
Sometimes it can swim a little to the left or right and get what it wants pretty easily.
But when it starts to try to go backwards, or cling to the side of the bank, or whatever analogy you want to use, it starts to find things a little hard.
Ergo - suffering.
When mind-i gets tired it takes a bit of a rest, goes with the flow for a bit, finds calm again. Then goes off suffering again. - what some might call the 'wheel of life' or samsara or whatever.
As it starts to realise that all this swimming away is really hard, and that the real fun is found in going with the flow, it starts to let go bit by bit.
The mind-i 'freely wills' to join the 'real I' that's really there in the stream.
Intuition would be 'the feel for where Real-I wants to go'.
The Real-I; our Buddha-nature, the part of us that is divine - the Godhead - the nameless name etc etc etc, is always there, but is patient and will let us do whatever we want for all eternity; it doesnt mind, cos it's already divine
So something like: we can row the boat wherever we want, but it's a lot easier to let it follow the stream - maybe keep it in check every now and again - after a while you are having so much fun that you kinda forget about the boat, and it starts to dawn on you that maybe you were the boat in the first place. and after that (if you're real lucky!!) you might start to realise there was no boat and all there was was the stream...
I dont think we could ever explain 'free will' - if you think about it, we cant even explain a stone falling - sure, we can Describe in as minute detail as possible What happens when the stone falls; but ask 'Why?' - 'well, because of gravity..' - 'why does gravity work?' - 'um.. well.. it just does..'
And yeah, the stream isnt the stream of other people's words/worlds. - The Tao that can be named is not the Great Tao...
By the way - i appologise if i sound at all pompous in my writings; no pomposity intended! I just put these funny thought into words, but i dont pretend they are in any way 'right'. or even 'wrong'.. they are what they are...