Where is my mind?
What is your view of genetic engineering / manipulation?
This could cover anything from insulin production to designer babies.
As a buddhist Im not sure what to make of it, perhaps it means we are taking control of the evolution of our consiousness.
I talked to my Catholic father about it and he was dead set against it which I didnt understand because: (deep breath)
If God designed and created every one of us then must have built this natural design function, DNA, into us. He also must have known that we would eventually reach a point in our development where we woulkd discover our DNA and become able to manipulate it. It is therefore my opinion that if there is a God, he must want us to take control of our physical form and control the future of our evolution.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
So what does everyone think?
This could cover anything from insulin production to designer babies.
As a buddhist Im not sure what to make of it, perhaps it means we are taking control of the evolution of our consiousness.
I talked to my Catholic father about it and he was dead set against it which I didnt understand because: (deep breath)
If God designed and created every one of us then must have built this natural design function, DNA, into us. He also must have known that we would eventually reach a point in our development where we woulkd discover our DNA and become able to manipulate it. It is therefore my opinion that if there is a God, he must want us to take control of our physical form and control the future of our evolution.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
So what does everyone think?