Greetings from Xirian

Hi Xirian, and welcome to CR. :)

That's a great avatar you have, too - if you don't mind my asking, where did you source it from??

Also nice to see you have an interest in the ancient world - if you don't mind my asking, which is your favourite region/period, and does your interest in Italy go beyond the Etruscans into the general Roman world?
Hello Xirian and nice to meet you. :)

Can you tell us more about your interest in religion ?
Yes, I can Alexa, and sorry it has taken me so long to respond.

I was raised a Jehovah's witness from the age of 2 to the age of 17 when I decided to disassociate myself, based on the fact that I felt I was leading a double-life, which all along I had been told that I could be disfellowshipped for. I left the JWs and haven't looked back. I have always been a spiritual person, but there was something about religion that really bothered me for a long time. Hierarchies. I wanted nothing to do with it. I still felt that I was a very spiritual person and tried to connect with that in other ways, but was not guiding myself well. I just didn't know where to begin.

Well, about 5 or so years ago, I finally got continuous online access and started researching paganism, because it was the one thing the JW wouldn't talk about. I wanted to know what was so bad about paganism and realized that it was exactly what I was looking for. I like how it is such a fluid religion that is capable of allowing learning and mistakes, yet guiding you to help you explore your innerself. I did minimal online research at that time, but I did buy a book on solitary witchcraft and later on a book about Italian witchcraft. Most of my research at first was from books at the local library and books that I bought. I still have an issue with hierarchies and have a difficult time with the idea of joining a coven.

I love researching and wanted to find something where I could let my spirituality grow and something that I would always be learning. At first, I started doing research on the Celtic trad., but it just didn't feel right no matter how much I studied. Then some how I stumbled across Stregoneria italiana, and it seemed no matter what else I tried to research (Wicca, Asatru etc...) the connection to La Vecchia Religione kept coming up. Even though I've only run into two Italian witches, there was always something in the past 5 years that made that particular path stand out. I feel that it chose me, and who am I to refute it after supressing it and trying to learn about other paths before making a decision.

Well, I've finally made a decision and will soon dedicate myself to my path. I hope that's what you were asking. But just because I know my path now, does not mean my interest in other religions has waned. I will still continue my studying and I appreciate sites like this that have such diverse topics.

And thank you InLove, I, Brian and Alexa for the welcomes!!!

Salute e Benedizione luminose!!!!