Mus Zibii said:
Why - if the gospel story was true - was Magdalene remembered? And if its an invention, why was she included?
I always loved how she seems to demand acknowledgement.
Ha, why did God say in the beginning "it is not good for man to be alone, therefore we shall make a help meet"... (help mate/counter part) ?
Damn the feminists messed up. God gave them everything at the very beginning as far as power and influence.
This is a broken record, but I'll repeat it again. Woman is life, and man is the servant of life...and all that entails.
Women are powerful in God's world, Spiritually, politically, and influentually...but it seems that they don't realize it.
I'll tell you what (Ladies), you surprise your men tonight by doing this. When he comes home, tired, irritated, worried about bills, kids, what have you...and he sits down in his chair or couch, you take his shoes off, and socks (get ready for the smell), and you wash his feet (not rub).
He will look at you with an incredulous eye, and ask you why. Then you simply say "These feet help meet the needs for maintaining this home, and I love them, and who they are attached to."
You want to break an honest man's bythats, do this. There is something in our psychie that stuns us when a woman (in love) washes our feet (we have to be in love with them as well, you understand, or have love for).
Like my dad says, the more his wife supplicates herself...the higher a pedestal He puts her on.
Damn, I got off the main subject.
Maybe Jesus had romantic feelings for Mary M (He was human). He was tempted so many times before on other things...why not this? It is not spoken of in the Bible, probably due to the fact that the theologians did not really want to show the Human "weakness" to us. (ignorant fools)
Paul was adamant about the virtues of remaining single...
Now here is a thought. Had Jesus sired children with a woman (obviously), would they have power beyond mortal humans? Nope. Understanding after being reared by a God and holy woman, but no powers.
Remember, Jesus gave up his God Head, when he became man. He gave up everything. He was born in a stable, because his parents could not find an Inn (hotel/motel). Everything was booked up for the season. Does that seem like a God in action?
So the kid meets a girl and in time they become best friends. She has dreams of the normal sort, but He comes to realize that His path is different. She is angry, then remorseful, then accepting, then discovers who He is! Oooooh boy!
One hell of an advocate for womens' rights under God (Steinman, move over).
Why is woman described in the book of Genesis as man's help meet (help mate)? And if this is so, why aren't women helping men meet their or God's objectives, in making this a better place to live?
Women are so angry today that men want nothing to do with them...obviously a death sentence for mankind.
Even if this was a matriarical society, the men and women would not get along, and there would be war between the two...hmmm sounds familiar.
Jesus did not come to Earth to have a family, He came to save our butts.
He knew eventually we would turn on each other, so He wanted to stop it; have us turn to Him.
But we are not as bright as we claim to be huh? We still fight between ourselves, and leave God out of it. What a dysfunctional family we be.