Are atheists shallow?

Shallowness, to me, is blind acceptance of a creed (any creed) in which one has been told to believe. I once heard a quote which I quite like - "religion is spirituality in formaldehyde". What's important (to me) is that people think through their views and form their own tentative conclusiions - conclusions which will undoubtedly evolve as their lives unfold and mature. I respect anyone's views if they're theirs, of whatever religious tradition, or of none. This means Atheists too. You can see a lazy mind as much in evangelical Christianity as you can in blind atheism, or you can see an active, thinking mind in either. Ditto other religious traditions.

Great post, Brian.

Though I am not one, I know quite a few atheists, and none of them are shallow. I can't speak for all atheists of course, but if I had to generalize, I'd actually say that atheists are some of the deepest thinking people I know. The atheists I know tend to be very individualistic, and base their opinions on a lot of thought, self-reflection, and research. Aside from deep thought, many atheists I know have very high personal ethical standards, care deeply about others, and are great humanitarians. It doesn't take a belief in a god to be loving and compassionate, and to work for meaningful causes in life.
Postmaster, With all due respect , you stated , scientists have realised that the brain has an area that is relevent to religion and worship .I am not doubting you or the scientists. However l am in a quest not directly related to this site, so to speak, and that statement is relevent in my quest . If possible could you please state where you received that information as l need to read it for myself.

Thank you. Sincerely, Mooskee.