whole world in the power of the wicked one

Ephesians 6;12

In the Christian Greek Scriptures, earthly governments and their peoples are shown to be subject to Satanic rule

Now there is a judging of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out...john12;31


No, my friend. Humans do not need satan to muck up the works. We do quite well all by ourselves (he just pitches in for good measure...pardon the pun).

Man must take responsibility for man. Anything else is the easy way out, and just a continuation of placing blame on someone or something other than self.

The "devil" didn't make us do it. We did. And we stand in judgement for it.


yes you are right we make the choice , but the bible tells us that the first lier who is satan, is behind the rulership of the earth at the momment . mankind goes about his life not even realizing that the world is in the power of the wicked one ..1;john 5;19the issue of universal sovreignty is still going on , but the God of heaven will prove that man was not created to rule himself .it is just as ...Jeremiah10;23tells us

I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step......we were not created to rule our selves with out God and that is what we are doing right now but not for long
