i need enlightenment?

Welcome to CR LIFE!
I just wanted to add my own imput in response to your post that you were listening to other's judgements of you and taking them as truth.
Always remember that YOU are the only person who can understand what is in your heart and mind. People that judge others do so based on their own experiences and opinions and can't possibly Know for a fact what is right for you. You must base what is right for you on what you believe yourself and only that. Whats right for one is not (always) right for another.
So, to end, if you believe in your heart that what you are doing is wrong, then change. But if you believe that it is right for you, then Good for you in following your own path!

Thanks for listening to my view!
Freedom of Opinion, are you suggesting that if one believes that stanism is right for them that they should follow that belief because they believe it and if they believe it than it is right for them ? Please clarify. Sincerely, Mooskee.
LIFE said:
it is easy to see that as much as i love god and sing his praises and read his word because of this HUGE SHAMEFUL SIN i am not a christian, i am a disgusting sinner. i will be subjected to centuries of pain in hell because of this. but for all my days i will continue to read his word and sing his praises because i do love the LORD MY GOD forever and ever.

Wow, so if you're a disgusting sinner because you're having premarridal sex, or living with someone while not officially married, then I must be screwed. Trust me what you have done isn't the worst sin, and forgiving yourself is always the hardest part. If it's redemption you seek, the first step is forgiving yourself.
Mooskee said:
Freedom of Opinion, are you suggesting that if one believes that stanism is right for them that they should follow that belief because they believe it and if they believe it than it is right for them ? Please clarify. Sincerely, Mooskee.

Not sure what stanism is, is that when you worship some guy named stan?

But yes, I would say that if Satanism feels right in your heart then that is what you should follow.

Few satanist churches reflect the Christian view of satanism. As I understand it, most sects of satanism are largely atheistic.
Fifth , that is what l thought you meant about satanism, and of course if a person believes that murdering children is their new belief than that is good for then as long as they believe it and it is good for them to murder children because they believe that is right for them.. That is absurd as what you say ,and ,in fact you are saying just that. But this is a free society and your thoughts are allowed. You must be here to find our Lord , and you will if you look at the Truth of what you are saying and look at what you believe. Surely you cannot be right in saying that if l think murdering is right for me ,, then it is right. Absurd. I will pray for you. Sincerely, Mooskee.
Hi, Mooskee, welcome to CR, if I have not said so--

I am curious--by "murdering children", are you talking about some kind of religious ritual, or are you speaking of something else?

Both. In some absurd religions l have read that they " sacrifce " newborn babies for whatever reason . But in general anyone could develope a belief that incorporates murder and in their hearts believe that murder is a spritual aspect which would help them reach their goals, whatever they might me. So to say that just because you believe in a religion doesn't mean that [that ] religion is the right one. To find the right religion would take finding the Truth. The truth is not murdering . Hope that helps. Sincerely, Mooskee.
Inlove, I have read your reply again and l do need to clarify as you have asked a two fold question . When a child is innocent they can be " molded " by their immediate environment . If that environment was , say a satanic environment that child would follow that . The parents of that child believe that their "religion" is right and therefore right for their child.But the child's right to choose his own choice was " murdered " by the choices his parents choice in bringing him up . And if the parents beliefs were of the Truth the child rights would not have been murdered .
Sincerely, Mooskee.
Of course, Mookshee, I would like to ammend my previous statement to say that you should follow whatever religion feels right in your heart as long as you do not harm anyone else.

A little off topic, but I must ask you what makes you think that satanists murder children? Have you researched that religion?

There has been some good debate on the subject here
If a murdered child as l explained in my second reply to your question , [last post] , was to find the Truth later on in life it can happen , and through the Lord it will happen as the child distances from it ,,, to find the Real Truth. Sincerely, Mooskee.
Yes. I do not advocate it, and l never would even need to try it to see if it "works " because that could "invite " satan . Getting into me , with all due respect is not appropriate for me now but l enjoy sharing the Truth with others here in this format. Yes, in fact it does happen and it is documented in many police files. But no , l have not been involved in any such activities and l thank my Lord that l am the way l am and the Truth is near for me. Sincerely, Mooskee.
One thing fifth, in your ammendment you are still saying the same thing because in saying you can believe in any thing as long as it doesn't hurt anyone is again in -accurate because your interpretation of "hurting someone else " is guided by "your " beliefs which could incorporate pain as a wonderful thing so we go by the Truth and not our interpretation of the Truth . Sincerely, Mooskee.
Mooskee said:
Freedom of Opinion, are you suggesting that if one believes that stanism is right for them that they should follow that belief because they believe it and if they believe it than it is right for them ? Please clarify. Sincerely, Mooskee.

Yes Mooskee,
I am saying that even if someone believes that Satanism is right for them, then they should follow that belief. You should always follow what you believe in, not just because others do. I'm not advocating blind faith, by all means please learn all you can about something before you choose to believe it, but if it is what you truly believe, then follow it with all your might.
Accepting what you said as different is okay, however what kind of world would it be like if everyone thought that way . We would not have any justice if anyone did whatever they believed was right . There seems to be a somewhat internal belief that we all have a right to live in peace but if your beliefs hinder my rights to a healthy normal life then perhaps that belief may not be right even though you believe it is right for you. So there is a reason to follow a faith that is just and safe for all and not just what the believer believes is safe but what is actually safe. Why do you believe that ? Sincerely, Mooskee.
I'm not sure if your aware, but in lieu of hijacking this thread, Awaiting the Fifth has started a new thread called personal beliefs that continues this topic. I'll reply to your post there.
Please join us!
I'm sorry for taking your question so far off base! Hope you found the answers you were looking for!