For your info. Geshe Kelsang is no renegade. He has remained true to his root Guru , Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang. He is passing on the pure Kadampa lineage without adding anything. Just in a form suitable for westerners.
It is the Dalai Lama that is the breakaway.. he has shown disdain for his own lineage and has shown great disrespect to Trijang Rinpoche (who was his Junior Tutor and Root Guru. Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang was a firm practioner of Dorje Shugden and gave the Empowerment far and wide. HHDL has caused 10s of 1000s to break their heart commitments and lifetime vows. Geshe Kelsang has followed his Guru with total surrender and no matter how inconvenient or bad for his reputation he has continued to serve his Guru and fulfill his wishes with total Humility and integrity.
HHDL is not the incumbent Authority he is the King of tibet (in Exile) Geshe Kelsangs incumbent Authority is his Root Guru as it should be to HHDL.
p.s. It was the D. Shugden Oracle that facilitated HHDLs escape from Tibet.
p.p.s It was D. Shugden that warned the 13th Dalai Lama to forge links with more powerful countries but he (the 13th DL) was too proud and thought Tibet invincible due to all its protector dieties....
p.p.p.s. D.Shugden is not a 'Vengeful Diety' He is the Wrathful aspect of Manjushri and as a Buddha wouldnt want to hurt a fly.
N.B. I Love Dorje Shugden and I am not an NKT practitioner (I left some years ago and will always treasure what NKT and Geshe-la gave me.) DOrje Shugden is my dad. I wish HHDL would stop commiting so much hurtful speech. He has hurt so many people ..Strange for an emanation of Chenrezig!
It is the Dalai Lama that is the breakaway.. he has shown disdain for his own lineage and has shown great disrespect to Trijang Rinpoche (who was his Junior Tutor and Root Guru. Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang was a firm practioner of Dorje Shugden and gave the Empowerment far and wide. HHDL has caused 10s of 1000s to break their heart commitments and lifetime vows. Geshe Kelsang has followed his Guru with total surrender and no matter how inconvenient or bad for his reputation he has continued to serve his Guru and fulfill his wishes with total Humility and integrity.
HHDL is not the incumbent Authority he is the King of tibet (in Exile) Geshe Kelsangs incumbent Authority is his Root Guru as it should be to HHDL.
p.s. It was the D. Shugden Oracle that facilitated HHDLs escape from Tibet.
p.p.s It was D. Shugden that warned the 13th Dalai Lama to forge links with more powerful countries but he (the 13th DL) was too proud and thought Tibet invincible due to all its protector dieties....
p.p.p.s. D.Shugden is not a 'Vengeful Diety' He is the Wrathful aspect of Manjushri and as a Buddha wouldnt want to hurt a fly.
N.B. I Love Dorje Shugden and I am not an NKT practitioner (I left some years ago and will always treasure what NKT and Geshe-la gave me.) DOrje Shugden is my dad. I wish HHDL would stop commiting so much hurtful speech. He has hurt so many people ..Strange for an emanation of Chenrezig!