hmmmm.... a couple of interesting questions .... "it borders three continents" .... and "it is an island" ....
in another post that I wrote about the human brain and its connection in these types of stories, someone commented that it didn't seem possible that the ancients knew as much about human anatomy and therefore how could they have been making reference to the brain ..... my believe is that we use only a small portion of our brains today and that it is possible our full potential lies in using all three hemispheres simultaneously .... if we use more of our brain power we will be able to open the illusive "hall of records" (this is where it takes three to open the hall) and we will know much more than we know now .... so if this has any truth, the ancients would have had greater knowledge than we have today even with all our scientific knowledge (which is helpful in us understanding where we may be going) .... so with this thought in mind let me return to Atlantis .... the hemispheres of the brain are the "continents "(and there are three) and the energy centers in the body are sometimes referred to as "islands" .... there is one in the center of the brain .... and our head is referred to as the "mountain, the mound" .... so it is still possible that the inner meaning of the Atlantis story is what we seek and not its outer location .... in my belief, it is the left hemisphere that is "Atlantis" and the right hemisphere is "Mu or Lemuria or Ta Rua" because the right is connected with the moon, spirituality and female energy .... the left is connected with the sun, logic, and male energy .... the continent to be lost was "Ta Rua" it was, in story, the place of the people of spirit (in Hawaiian mythology this is the place that the twelve "alaneo" came from, they were twelve mystical healers that came to teach the people and four stayed behind in the form of rocks that can be found near Waikiki beach.... "alaneo" can translate as the "path of silence" .... Atlantis would have been associated more with the concept of warriors and scientific advancement and this is the left hemisphere .... remember these are only metaphors and the descriptions are only symbols for a more ancient path of wisdom .... so the two continents sank and are lost and we are still searching for them .... just like the twelve tribes .... it is said that when they reunite we will live in peace and harmony again, the golden age .... remember the twelve "alaneo", I believe they are the same symbol as the twelve tribes .... it is connected with the 12 pairs of cranial nerves in the brain that must all work together to operate the whole internal system that move the sprialling energy up and down the spinal column to reunite the three hemispheres of the brain which in turn will open the gates allowing visions and revelations .... so some will laugh at this perspective, but as far as I know it is the key to seeing how we are all linked in our various religions, cultures, and minds .... "moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day .... this is how we live our lives, and this is how we change the world. With each breath, each thought, each action" (author unknown) .... he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine (p.s. my hawaiian name means "a circle of women" and is connected with a circle of twelve women from the distant past in Hawai'i)