
Postmaster said:
Before it sank the land mass of Atlantis was connected to Europe, Asia and Africa. The capital (Acropolis hill) is in the Cypriot and Syrian waters there are more great Atlatean cites towards Cyprus. All Cyprus is, just the mountinous area of Atlantis that remained due to the hight.

That is physically impossible Post. Geological examinations have proven this to be a fallacy. Even if it happened 40,000 years ago, the earth would show the scars of a sunken land mass.

Second, you are calling Atlantis an island? yes? The way you describe it, it is a penninsula.

And I don't understand your obsession with Cyprus. The earth did not begin with Cyprus.

That's like me saying that the world began with Ireland, or Detroit, Michigan. (no, mass production of automobiles began in Detroit, and preserving "western civilization's writings began in Ireland).

The civilization of Cyprus is less than 3000 years old. It claims a 9000 year history, but there is nothing to back it up, until the Greeks arrived in 1050 BC. Nothing is written before. And even if Cyprus had a civilization 9000 years old...that is 3000 years short of the Atlantian theory.

Provide evidence for your statements.


Here you go, hope this helps, start from the bottom. I said civilised man came out of Cyprus!! This is the Garden of Eden. It won't be long untill your all watching the documentary anyway.

This is going ot sound paranoid but I'm posting again cause I have a 6*6 post count. But as regards to this

The civilization of Cyprus is less than 3000 years old. It claims a 9000 year history, but there is nothing to back it up, until the Greeks arrived in 1050 BC.

I'm afraid you’re wrong. Anyway what Cyprus currently is, is just the mountainous area of Atlantis so you would find less civilisation there. Like described by Plato it all went in the sea. Which you can clearly see pictures of man made structures on the sea bed, who created them? Maybe some Mediterranean Dolphins? Looks like human hands to me and if they are, it means it was above water. Every year me and my family celebrate a great flood in Cyprus, going back from the time of Noah, Cypriots have always considered themselves as ancestry of Noah.
Hi, Peace to all here--

Postmaster, before your last post, I was developing some things from inside my head to say--

LOL--I am still going to say them!

But before I do, I just want to tell you, that even though I do not understand a whole lot of what you say, I still am glad that you are here. You bring a perspective that I must check out.

That said, back to what I said about the people who are looking for Atlantis in the Caribbean. It is no joke. I realize I am apparently involved in a forum full of people who do not watch television (there are refreshing exceptions)--but I wasn't just talking out my other end when I posted what I posted.

Millions of dollars (or some other form of money) are, every day, being poured into the research of Atlantis and other "lost" places. Several of you here tell me that you do watch PBS (Public Broadcasting System) here in the U.S.? I feel certain that there must be networks that are comparable to it in the U.K. and maybe other places, like Asia?

I am, in no wise, saying that Atlantis or the continent(s) in question in the Pacific never existed, and I think it would be totally awesome if someone could prove their existence.

So, I am thinking that for the time being, it would be really great to float around the Caribbean, or the Mediterranian (sp?) on someone else's money, and wind up on T.V. while some gifted writer ghost writes my diary.

Do I sound cynical? LOL--don't answer that--it is rhetorical. I am not a cynic at heart.

Anyone care to comment? (Before you say it, yes, if you insist, I will go look up the blasted documentary and provide you with at least the names of these explorers, if not a link.)

(This is one of those posts that I know will involve some kind of apology, eventually--ever been there?)

I am smiling through it all....:)

There's no bublic broadcasting system in the UK, we only have 5 channels (unless you pay through the nose for sattelite or cable) and they're all run by big corporations. Like the totally inbiased, independent, objective and neutral BBC for example. (can you feel the sarcasm?:rolleyes: )

And we have to buy TV licenses. Oooh, it makes me so mad!!! :mad:

Anyway, back on topic..........
Wow, I didn't know that, I understand a bit more.

And, so--I do think that I was a bit rude on my last post. My apologies for that.

Also, Postmaster? I should not have said that I don't understand a lot of what you say. I really do understand you much of the time. And when I don't, it is not your fault--it is mine. Or no one's at all:).

Every now and then, I get a little frustrated, and it shows up in a post. I know I am not alone in this, but still, it is something I do not like to do. I'm getting better about it , but I still slip up from time to time.

Anyway, I will see if I can find that info I was talking about, and maybe then I can get back here with something interesting to say:).

Love and Peace to All Here--

Hey, no need to apologies. When this Atlantis theory is proven correct, then it will all be clearer to everyone. I know I come across bias.
The subject of Atlantis is not an easy one; casual reading will not prepare you for it. Many of the world’s greatest minds have been obsessed by it, and the people responsible for relaying the legend are none other than Plato, Solon (the father of democracy), and the high priests of ancient Egypt who were known as the best keepers of ancient history. These people were no fools, and the ancient world did not relay to this legend to us as myth but as real history. If you study the topic long enough you will understand that this was actually considered to be sacred text, and the legend was revered around the ancient world. Think of the last three thousand years as the latest chapter of human history, with Moses, Jesus and Mohammed and the effect they left on the “holy land.” If you go back one chapter to an earlier time and study life in that era, you will come to understand that Atlantis or Eden or Hesperides, whatever you want to call it, was their “holy land,” and was treated as such. Imagine if our holy land was wiped out due to natural disasters and people living ten thousand years from now rejected that it ever existed because they couldn’t find the actual landmass. Well, when they look at its effect on our history and how it played such a central role in so many different ways, then they would be able to infer that it must have been a real place. Atlantis can be viewed in the same fashion, but we will find its physical remains to prove the point. - Sarmast
I was on several on-line forums that discussed the various theories about the lost continent of Atlantis (also known as Poseidonis) for several years and I have many books on the theories including two that have not been published yet (shared by the authors). With very few exceptions most people involved in the dialogue believed that the continent would be located soon (that was in 2001). One forum would not allow anyone that didn't believe that the physical continent existed beneath the ocean .... I was the exception to be allowed into the forum for discussion .... this was one on the opening of the 'hall of records' connected with both the mystery of the great pyramid as well as the location of atlantis. I do believe in the saying "as above, so below" which goes back to the Emerald Tablets of Hermes or Toth "I speak not fiction, but what is certain and most true. Which is below is like that which is above, and that which is above is like that which is below for performing the miracle of one thing. And as all things are produced from one, by the mediation of one, so all things are produced from this one thing by adaptation." So while the physical location of a lost continent may exist, I believe that its purpose is only to lead us to the location of the internal lost continent. Interesting to me that those that speak of the lost continent of Atlantis (or Poseidonis) seldom speak of the lost continent of the Mu (or Lemuria or Ta Rua). One is reportedly in the Atlantic and the other in the Pacific. I've already shared my perspective on this so I don't need to repeat it. Personally I hope it will be found to end the outward search and being the inner search. he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine
I mentioned the Emerald Tablets but forgot to say that Atlantis is mentioned in them ....

"List ye, O man, to this mystery:
Long in the past before ye were man-born,
I dwelled in Ancient Atlantis.
There in the Temple,
I drank of the Wisdom,
poured as a fountain of Light
from the Dweller.
Give the key to ascend to the
Presence of Light in the Great world.
Stood I before the Holy One
enthroned in the flower of fire.
Veiled was he by the lightnings of darkness,
else my Soul by the Glory have been shattered."

I understand these to be symbols of ancient knowledge, even the "flower of fire" is understood in Hawaiian mythology when one can hear the root sound of the words.

It also speaks to the "tree of life" which is part of the basis of the Kaballah. It also speaks of the key to Shamballa "the place where my Brothers live in the darkness: Darkness but filled with Light of the Sun, o Darkness of Earth, but Light of the Spirit, guides for ye when my day is done" and speaks of the twelve in "open thou the way of the Twelve and the One, so I may pass to the realm of wisdom. Open, I command, by the Secret of Secrets Edom-El-Ahim-Sabbert-Zur Adom." and it ends "Thus finish I my writings. Keys let them be to those who come after. But only to those who seek my wisdom, for only for these am I the Key and the Way."

All are metaphors and symbols. Some believe that The Emerald Tablets were writen by Thoth, an Atlantean priest-king, who founded a colony in ancient Egypt. For myself I do not know .... but I do know that the words ring true with the path of many other traditions. he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine
I always wanted there to be an Atlantis and have had many a dream where I have been escaping from the volcanic eruptions, struggling to get away from the burning island.

The dream always scares me. I do not believe that my dream is a vision of a previous life, but probably of me running away from problems in real life. These dreams are so graphic, people burning and total chaos.
Trillian that is interesting, to me I'd say you are running away from or battling morral cor"ruption".. The symbolism of the volcanic e"ruption"s. In fact it's a postive sign that you will succeed.
I said:
Spartel Island off Spain is now being fingered as a location for the original Atlantis account - certainly the geography of the account seems better than other suggestions:

Island to small. No known people lived on the island, let alone an advanced culture. The time period is too far back for the collective memory of mankind. This would have been an oral tradition for nearly 10,000 years. Not likely the tale could have existed that long and even less likely it would resemble the original tale.

Thera is it.
It may be of interest to some to visit the following two pages on Atlantis and Lost Lemuria. These are direct links to the map pages at from W. Scott-Elliot's book, published in 1904. Anyone open-minded enough to peruse these maps might want to do so carefully. They are listed in chronological order.

The Lemurian period (referring to the continent, or land-mass configuration so-named after its Lemur-like inhabitants) dates back approx. 18 million years. Prior to this, a physical planet did exist (the geological record proves this) ... but Humanity did not exist in solid, liquid & gaseous matter, or so the esoteric record indicates. We were still in the process of concretizing, or materializing.

Two major evolutionary periods (from the Human perspective) occurred prior to the Lemurian, these being the Hyporborean and the Polarian, in reverse order. The Polarian was the first, occurring at the magnetic pole many millions of years of ago. Theosophically these are described as the 1st and 2nd Root races of the one race, Humanity.

Lemuria came 3rd, and is mentioned in the Bible as the race of giants. The fossil record also will one day bear witness to our 18 feet tall ancestors. Additionally, the statues at Bamian, destroyed by Al Quaeda, attested to our size. Five statues existed in all, one for each race including the present (Aryan), though only two have been discovered ... possibly a third. See this reference. The largest two statues are meant to depict our relative size - though not appearance (being rebuilt by Buddhists to preserve the record) - during the first two races.

Atlantis is the 4th of seven root races which are destined to evolve upon this planet. The maps (and the estoeric record) indicate that the Atlantean period reached its zenith about a million years ago, at which point the 5th, or Aryan race began as an offshoot. Atlantis suffered catastrophes as a direct result of our wickedness, in that we refused the Divine leadership of our spiritual Teachers ... who walked openly among us as intended by the Divine Plan.

Gee, let's think: God is supposed to be all-powerful, all-loving, all-wise & all-knowing, but he doesn't have a damn good idea of how evolution is supposed to proceed? Errr, hmmm. Think again. We, however, do have `free will,' including the ability to stall any real moral/spiritual progress for awhile, if that is our prerogative. Pity, yet thus we learn.

So Humanity banished the Hierarchy, and the latter withdrew publicly, but remained upon the planet spiritually to guide us, with select members yet incarnate - including the Christ, in physical body, for those few who need to find him/them in this manner. And so the Teachers are here, Christ's elect, whose time has come for Reappearance on the world stage. And this is why it has been possible to meet such individuals (and groups) for many years now, as we invoke Divine aid.

Atlantis suffered tremendous cataclysms around 800,000 & 200,000 years ago, then another about 75,000BC. Remaining were two large islands, Ruta & Daitya, until the latter catastrophe. This left Poseidonis, of which Plato spoke ... yet this island was much larger than the state of Texas, as indicated on the map. Finally, that island sank in 9654BC, as records will one day evidence. Plato could only pass on a minute fragment of what he knew, as an Initiate.

The world today is ready for more of its history, but only so much of its future, because we are dangerously close to yet additional cataclysm. Racial (Human) karma, and not the whim or caprice of an unruly, childish deity, is what governs our collective future, just as my thought, speech & actions determine my own (future). Egad!!! Fancy that, the idea of responsibility!

`Arya' simply means wise, or sage in Sanskrit. Thus our 5th root race should be the race of sages. Aryan is a title we are scarcely worthy to receive, yet. Fifth root race origins go back a million years, and can be traced from India, the code of Manu, Noah & his sons, Moses/Akhenaton, and unto present day America, New Zealand/Australia, and of course, all of Europe. All this stems from Vaivasvata Manu - one individual. If only we had his Wisdom, his Love, his Insight ... and that of his Brother, the Christ (Bodhisattva).

Buddhism preserves what I have related above (my take on Theosophical teachings, updated by Alice Bailey and by numerous Messengers in recent years) ... in the teaching of 5 Dhyani Buddhas and 5 Dhyani Bodhisattvas. These are named (look it up), Amitabha being one. They correspond to the five human races thus far. A profound symbolism is contained therein, Tibetan Buddhism being the closest thing to the Esoteric teachings & records.

Two races are yet to come: the 6th and 7th. In parts of California and New Zealand the 6th is developing (over many thousands of years). If we survive the present human crises, the 6th race will see a spiritual renaissance which we can hardly imagine. It's up to us, for the most part. Whether we support things like the xenophobic nuking of all potential enemies of the free world ... hmmm. WHAT!?!

Apathy, hate & fear are our worst enemies, not people of other cultures, other religions, or lacking in both. Better to be a humanistic materialist than a racist, a sexist, a bigot and a warmonger. I use the word `race' in mentioning the Atlaneans, Lemurians, etc. ... but hesitatingly.

The Path of Discipleship is traveled by people of every creed and background, in every country of the world. The Call can be heard, sounded by the Soul within every individual and equally present within Humanity as a whole. It is not easy to answer, because we must do so daily (dying, as it were, to the personal self). It is not a one-time deal. The challenges increase. And even the rewards may come few & far between. But the Cause is the only one worth fighting for.

The fact that Atlantis had technologies we have yet to discover ... should not be surprising. The average citizen at that time did not really understand these technologies, being provided as they were by the ruling priesthood, under Divine Guidance. As the priesthood became corrupt (gee, sound famliar?), such technologies were withdrawn. But the abuse of our relationship with nature, and nature's elements (literally living entities), had its disastrous results ... including the flood catastrophes, and a temporary separation of Human evolution from the Deva evolution. And the latter has every bit as much right to be here, on this planet, as we do!

Only recently have there been experiments to re-open the channels of communication ... and if successful, if we are cooperative, the possbilities would be endless. We would not need harmful, polluting sources of energy (such as fossil fuels) any more. Problems such as world hunger and widespread poverty could and would be solvable very quickly & efficiently. This is to say nothing of the doors that would open for the discovery of and cooperation with other evolutions in this Solar System ... and in others. But we cannot proceed with our intentions of weaponizing space, of forcably colonizing any planet we choose, and with developing nuclear & neutronic arsenals of such deadly force ... that we leave other Humanities no choice but to police our efforts.

Evolution does have checks & balances. If you profess or pretend to believe in any kind of Divine Order or Being ... then surely you will see/agree that for us to continue unbridled & unchecked down the current path toward self-destruction at breakneck speed - is unhealthy for everyone. "Well gee, this is just how things are, it's how we've been for so long, and it's a bit silly for you to say we can change overnight." THIS is the kind of thing I sense from most people. I know the sentiment well. I mismanage my own life in this manner, so I can relate. But just as stagnation is unhealthy for the individual, and just as many, many people have this kind of self-defeating, self-destructive lifestyle ... so with the planet.

We are in a crisis. And we must look for help from every source we can imagine - and then some. Most folks have no clue what is indicated by the term `Cosmic Avatar,' or `Cosmic Aid.' Even to suggest that extra-planetary, or extra-Systemic aid has been invoked and is present, makes many people chuckle. Meanwhile we've shot down quite a few of our friends from other evolutions, and the discs appropriated by the U.S. Government (inhabitants included, in some cases) - are hardly the product of an overactive imagination.

We can learn a lot from Atlantis. Some of the lessons are at the individual level - and for all of us these will come into play as we begin to work off the final portions of our karma (possibly many lifetimes ahead). But for Humanity as a whole, the lesson is really as simply as survival - and we're about to muck it up. Anybody familiar with HHGttG? Errr, Slartibartfast? Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect? Ya see it's this great story about a planet that almost fulfilled its purpose and then ... ah, nevermind.

Meanwhile, I'm a goof because I believe in lost continents & little green men, but go ahead - keep sucking on that cup of coffee, smugly assuming x is x and can't be y. Y, I tell you. Y ...

(just trying to stir you up a bit :D)


Interesting story be it mythic or factual, taijasi. As for those Bamyan buddha statues-that's what they were-statues of buddha figures not statues of an extinct race of actual giants. Buddhists have tended at times to like to build their statues on a large scale-take the one in Kamakura, Japan for instance. However, even if nothing but a myth, there are certainly inspiring themes and spiritual directions such a myth may point to. Am curious, though, as to what written sources you drew on in laying out this "theory." Thanks, Earl
earl said:
Am curious, though, as to what written sources you drew on in laying out this "theory." Thanks, Earl

I recognize alot of this from the ideas of the Theosophical Society and Madame Blavatsky.

Is that the source for this?
Yes, Abogado, the idea of 7 root races comes from Blavatsky, and other Theosophical authors, in the form I presented it. Alice A. Bailey also teaches these ideas with regard to Humanity's history. I'm not as versed in Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy, but I believe he expressed similar ideas. Likewise with Max Heindel's Rosicrucian CosmoConception.

Actually, these teachings are part & parcel of the Vedas, but one must be a well-versed scholar to isolate the threads (sic). Vaivasvata Manu figures prominently (the true Noah of Judaism), and imho complete sense is made of the soteriological nonsense which I take churchianity to otherwise be (the error lying with the earliest followers, and those ever since - certainly not with the founder).

Atlantis is perhaps a threat to those who would feign imagine us the creme de la creme - as if Nature would not be so gracious as to bury our sordid past (the tabula rasa) on the collective scale just as the individual ... in order that we might be the less burdened by our previous failures. Precious few individuals can actually remember anything of Atlantean embodiments, whereas the number that have insight into more recent lives is probably tens or hundreds of millions. Isolating those who actually see these insights for what they are - I would still estimate many, many millions. Skeptical? Start inquiring.

I love the attitude that says: I know x to be the case ... therefore, y is wrong. Nothing you can do or say will lead me to believe y, because my mind is already made up. (Facts are irrelevant, including all evidence that would otherwise & normally be overwhelming.) NOW - go ahead with your idea? What was it you were trying to tell me? :p

And thus countless individuals and generations of would-be seekers have approached the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom (Theos-Sophia, `Wisdom of God'). It is my belief that the poet Vyasa authored the Vedas many tens of thousands of years ago, but "experts" today reduce that figure by a factor of ten. Again this great Sage incarnated, as Orpheus the lyricist, as Thoth-Hermes the Thrice-Greatest, as the original Zarathustra ... and finally, as Gotama Siddharta, Shakyamuni Buddha.

In order to correct karmic error (his compassion was so great that he revealed more of the esoteric doctrine than might have been prudent) ... Shakyamuni again appeared, vicariously as Shankara, as well as via Padmasambava and Tsongkapa. Every Wesak/Vaishaka (a Hindu Festival associated with Gemini) ... he once again blesses Humanity from beyond Nirvana. Again, yes, more legend (based on ... ?). Google the discovery of a possible location for this sacred valley in Tibet. Photos included. Good research, imho.

Esoteric teachings - through Alice Bailey, et al - indicated that coincident with the Reappearance of the Christ comes the Externalization of the Hierarchy (the Teachers we banished during the decadence Atlantis), and the Restoration of the Mysteries. Martyrs for the latter cause in recent millennia, especially during the dark days of the Inquisition, must surely be countless. The good names of the Comte de St. Germaine and Cagliostro are slandered as imposters (or made absurd by the I AM movement), while evil popes are lifted on high and venerated. Tyrants and demagogues would bury the Truth and needlessly perpetuate human suffering and misery ... while people of Goodwill stand ready worldwide and need little more than mobilization to turn the tides on the forces of hate, greed & warmongering.

I like this forum, because it's the best I've found yet when it comes to a good blend of open-mindedness, scholarly inquiry, and the expression of ideas ranging from sensible & routine to far-fetched & flaky, etc. I only know about 3 people who have a clue what I'm talking about most of the time. But yes, I've been a student of the Ageless Wisdom for 15 years or so, Theosophy being the first thing that made sense in my adult life.


Modern Theosophy is very interesting to me. One of these days, I'd like to truly dig into it and decipher its symbols.
I have some cursory understanding of contemporary theosophic beliefs, ( they were kind of "New Age" before there was a "New Age"), and actually find myself in agreement with a number of their beliefs-just didn't know that this detailed stuff posted re Atlantis, etc. was part of their belief system-guess that's because my knowledge of theosophy is cursory:) Interesting beliefs re that. Take care, Earl