Mystery Thread

My throwtogether casserole that I brought for lunch today (I shared, so don't worry) was rather simple and one can use real ground beef for it (althought I don't):

1 c. raw rice (the regular stuff, not the instant)
3 c. water
1 T. butter or oleo
Salt to taste
1/2 lb. ground meatless (3/4 lb. ground beef or ground turkey)
1/2 lb. chopped broccoli
2 T. tomato paste
1 1/2 t. hot sauce (or to taste)
1 c. shredded cheese

Cook the rice with water, butter and salt in a large saucepan. Add the uncooked meatless (if using real meat, brown first, just to be safe, and drain the fat) and the broccoli. Mix thoroughly. Add the tomato paste and hot sauce. Mix thoroghly again. Transfer to a 13 x 9 inch casserole/baking pan. Top with cheese. Bake or microwave until cheese is melted. Serve.


Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
shredded wheat cereal & milk.

top with sliced bananna, strawberry, blue berry or other fruit.:D
Hi Everyone--this thread is really going so well! Thanks for the wonderful responses:).

I personally think that tofu is much maligned. It can be very lovely, IMHO.:)

It can take on the characteristics of whatever one chooses to add to the skillet. My Mom (when I get to see her) hardly ever fails to provide me with the "Kung Pao" version of this humble soybean cake.

But I must admit, I have never heard of tofu hash! Hmmm....thinking about this... Dauer, you are a mentor of mine, whether you want the job or not.

On the subject of ramen--it can truly be a lifesaver--but I know what y'all mean when you talk about the ingredients--salt is listed, like, maybe first? So I think the solution with the angel hair is a good one, juan. Also, there is a product sold around here, which I cannot help but think was originally Italian, but it is sold in the Mexican markets here--called Fideo--really nothing but angel hair pasta. Good stuff, and affordable.

And, hey Bandit--thanks for the reminder about the shredded wheat--the thing about it is that one can pretty much doctor it up however one needs to! I like that because I can make it healthy (like it isn't already-LOL, even with frosting!)

Phyllis--your lunch sounds good to me--so when are you inviting me to your place for dinner so I can pick up my cat?;)


1. Read the Mad Lib Story Thread All the Way Through

2. Contribute.

3. Find your Mom's or Dad's or Grandma's or Grandpa's best peanut butter cookie recipe ( and if you feel forced or so compelled, make it heart-healthy or something)

4. Give us the details.

5. Forget the jelly beans--:)


P.S. (Oatmeal, Raisin, and Chocolate Chip (even Carob) also welcome here....
A recipe not for those who dislike chocolate (Triple Chocolate cookies). I'm still working to perfect it, so the recipe might change a bit in the future. :eek:

Make your favorite recipe for Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies. While cookies are baking, melt @ 16 oz of bittersweet chocolate with 2 T. vegetable shortening. When the cookies are cooled, dunk them in the melted chocolate, carefully removing the excess. Place on waxed paper to cool/harden.

I've added some cocoa nibs to my personal recipe for a bit of crunch, but as I said before, it's a work-in-progress. :)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
on a hot summer day try some tofu over ice .... use the soft tofu, cut into squares about 3/4" - 1" in size .... place the tofu on ice and serve with grated ginger, soy sauce (just a little), and green onion .... enjoy, poh
My favourite dish of the moment:

Sweet'n'spicy Mackrel Pasta (serves 4)

2 or 3 fillets of smoked mackrel
3/4 lb of cherry tomatoes
1 medium onion
2tsp sugar
1/2 tsp Cayenne pepper
2tbsp Olive oil
3/4lb dry pasta
1 nice loaf of white bread

Put water on boil for pasta
Finely chop onion and sweat off in olive oil
Half the tomatoes and add to onions
Add sugar, cayene and season
Cook gently till pasta is cooked
Break mackrel into smallish pieces and add to sauce for last minute of cooking
Toss all together

Serve with hot buttered toast.


Note: A large can of tinned mackrel can be substituted for smoked fillets but is not so tasty.
Anybody know some good smoothie recipies? I love fruit smoothies!
two secrets for me...throwing a handful of raw almonds in the blender first and turning them to powder before adding the excellent thickener and sweetener...and then if one wants to make it a whole meal...toss in some green powder, alfalfa, spirulina, wheat...whatever green to your liking... changes color not taste, good and good for you!

other than that whatever fruits float your boat.

It's the cookie that's good for you!

Great Aunt Ida's Drop Cookies

400o 15-20min

2 3/4 c. flour
1 tbsp. baking powder
1 c. wheat germ
3/4 c. sesame seeds
1/2 c. drk brwn sugar
1 c. or more of raisins

Mix all of these ingredients. Then add:

1/2 c. water or milk
1 tbsp vanilla
1/2 c. oil
cinnamon and nutmeg

mix well. drop by tsp on greased cookie sheet. Flatten with wet hands. 15-20 on 400.

Doctor as it delights you. This one just came out of the family vault (no, we don't really have one) and I and my family already have discussed some ways this cookie might be doctored with other healthy ingredients like shredded coconut for example or, since it comes to mind, maybe some of those sweet soy beans found in cliff bars. Mmmmm.

Holiday Fruitcake

Holiday Fruitcake

1 C Water
1 C Sugar
4 Large eggs
3 C dried fruit
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1 C Brown sugar
Lemon juice, nuts
1 FULL bottle of your favorite whiskey

Sample the whiskey to check for quality. Try half a cup.
Take out a large bowl.
Check the whiskey again to be sure that it is of the highest quality. Pour 1
level cup and drink. Repeat.
Turn on the electric mixer; beat 1 C of butter in a large fluffy bowl.
Add 1 tsp. sugar and beat again.
Make sure the whiskey is still OK. Cry another cup. Turn off the mixer.
Break two geggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit.
Mix on the burner.
If the fried fruit gets stuck in the beaters, pry it loose with a
Tyr some more whiskey to check its toxisisticityly.
Next, sift 2 cups of salt.
Or something. Who cares? Check the whiskey.
Now sift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.
Add one tablespoon of sugar or something...whatever you can find.
Grease the oven. Turn on the cake pan to 350 degrees.
Don't forget to beat off the turner. Throw the bowl out of the window.
Check the whiskey again. Go to bed.
Who the hell likes fruitcake anyway???
Variation on Hopping John

3/4 c. raw rice
1 lb. fresh or frozen black eyed peas
1 c. frozen corn
1/2 c. onion, chopped
1 each green, yellow and red bell pepper (you can add orange or purple bell pepper if you'd like), chopped
1 clove garlic, finely chopped (you can use garlic powder if you'd like)
1 T. vegetable oil
1 (14 1/2 oz.) tin of diced tomatoes, undrained
15 oz. sliced carrots (I use either frozen or canned)
1 T. chopped fresh parsley
1 t. dried thyme
1/2 t. salt
1/8-1/4 t. ground black pepper
1/8-1/4 t. cayenne pepper

Cook rice and black eyed peas according to package directions. Drain peas. In a large skillet on medium heat, saute corn, onion, peppers, carrot* and garlic in oil until onion is translucent, then add tomatoes and peas. Turn heat to low, mix thoroughly, then add rice. Mix again. Combine seasonings, add to the vegetables, mix again. Cook for another 2-3 minutes, stirring to keep hopping john from setting off smoke detector.;) :rolleyes:

You can also use a Dutch oven instead of a large skillet since this is a rather large recipe and it could end up decorating your stove.

* If using canned carrots, add with tomatoes.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Terrible Cookies

I thought I'd already shared this recipie here, but I don't see it so I'll post it anyway. I just made these again today, substituting dried cherries for dried cranberries. Mmmmm....

In a large bowl:

1 stick (1/2 c) butter, softened
1/2 c vegetable shortening or margarine
1 c packed dark brown sugar
1 c sugar

(cream together in a bowl until well mixed and smooth)


2 eggs
2 Tbsp milk
2 tsp vanilla
(use the good stuff, it's worth it!)

(mix in well)

in another bowl combine:

2 c sifted flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt

add to the butter/eggs mixture in parts, mixing well after each addition

2 cups quick-cooking oats (I used old fashioned oats and it worked just fine)
12 oz semi-sweet chocolate morsals (today I used a combination of what I had on hand, which included semi-sweet, milk choc., and white chocolate)
1/2 c or more dried cranberries or raisins or dried cherries
1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts

optional but a really good addition: 1 cup sweetened shredded coconut

mix well. drop onto cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees 9-12 minutes, depending upon size of cookies, your oven variations, etc.. Cool five minutes on the cookie sheet, transfer from sheets to cool completely. Do not overbake.

I was happy to discover that even cooking at high altitutde these cookies came out great!
I'm printing this one out to try soon! Thank you, Phyllis!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
Variation on Hopping John

3/4 c. raw rice
1 lb. fresh or frozen black eyed peas
1 c. frozen corn
1/2 c. onion, chopped
1 each green, yellow and red bell pepper (you can add orange or purple bell pepper if you'd like), chopped
1 clove garlic, finely chopped (you can use garlic powder if you'd like)
1 T. vegetable oil
1 (14 1/2 oz.) tin of diced tomatoes, undrained
15 oz. sliced carrots (I use either frozen or canned)
1 T. chopped fresh parsley
1 t. dried thyme
1/2 t. salt
1/8-1/4 t. ground black pepper
1/8-1/4 t. cayenne pepper

Cook rice and black eyed peas according to package directions. Drain peas. In a large skillet on medium heat, saute corn, onion, peppers, carrot* and garlic in oil until onion is translucent, then add tomatoes and peas. Turn heat to low, mix thoroughly, then add rice. Mix again. Combine seasonings, add to the vegetables, mix again. Cook for another 2-3 minutes, stirring to keep hopping john from setting off smoke detector.;) :rolleyes:

You can also use a Dutch oven instead of a large skillet since this is a rather large recipe and it could end up decorating your stove.

* If using canned carrots, add with tomatoes.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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lunamoth said:
I'm printing this one out to try soon! Thank you, Phyllis!

Consider the gesture reciprocated *checks pantry for the ingredients to lunamoth's cookies, planning a trip to the supermarket*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Eggplant Lasagna:

Cover the bottom of a skillet with a film of olive oil.
Wash and cube 1 medium to large egg plant, skin on.
Chop 1 medium white onion.
Smash and chop 4 cloves of garlic.

Place all in skillet and sautee on low-medium heat until the onion begins to become transparent. Set aside to cool.

Grease 9x13 pyrex casserole with olive oil.
Cook 1# lasagna noodles in salted water until barely flexible. Remove from water and drain in collander. Take care not to let them stick together.

Mix: 1# whole milk ricotta with 2 tbsp basil leaves, 1 tbsp dry parsley, 1tsp garlic powder, and 3/4 cup bread crumbs together in bowl with a fork. Set aside.

Shred 1 1/2 # whole milk mozzarella and 1/2# monterey jack cheese and mix together in a bowl. I prefer grating it from chunks rather than buying pre-shredded cheese. It's fresher and better. Set aside.

You'll need about 1 qt. of marinara red sauce. I make my own but Trader Joe's or another of comparable quality will work fine.

Spread red sauce thinly on the bottom of the casserole. Place a layer of noodles on this base. Then alternate layers of the egg plant, ricotta mixture, shredded cheeses, red sauce, and noodles until you reach the top of the dish. Top with a layer of noodles, spread sauce on this and top with the last of the shredded cheese. Sprinkle top liberally with olive oil.

Lay a piece of foil loosely on top but do not seal it to the dish. Bake in a medium oven for 1-1 1/2 hrs until the noodles begin to crisp around the edges, and most of the liquid has stopped bubbling in the dish. Let cool for 10 minutes or so before serving. Serve with freshly grated Asiago Parmesan or Peccorino Romano cheese as a garnish. Mix them together if you wish.

A variant on this that my Grandmother used to make is to partially cook 1-1 1/2 # penne rigate and mix together with a ricotta mixture as detailed above. Place this in a 9x13 pyrex casserole greased with olive oil, saturate well with marinara sauce, cover with shredded cheeses as described above, sprinkle liberally with olive oil, cover loosely with foil and bake 45 min.-1 hr. in a medium oven, or until pasta is crisped around the edges and the sauce has been reduced.

Good stuff to eat, but not so hot for the waistline. But that's part of what it means to be Italian !

The first time I tried making breaded eggplant it somehow got some mace in it. Someone among the guests had a little canister of mace, I don't know how but it wound up in the eggplant dish. Man, we started eating the stuff and everybody noticed a strange, spicy taste that made out tongues burn.

