You are right - loving others is the hard part. I can't quite square away the covering over of other's sins, because those sins hurt so many, and once gotten away with, the sinner will sin more, and hurt others more. But I get the point. I just really feel that the "falling" away is going on, and alot of good people are leaving traditional christianity to join pseudo-christian cults, and leave the faith altogether. My parents church recently printed a research poll about the fastest growing religions, from US News. It said Wicca is now the fastest growing faith in the USA, followed by Mormonism, which WAS the fastest growing faith just 2 years ago, and the fastest growing religion in the world is Islam. Why do people join these faiths? Because they sit in traditional churches and the ministers take for granted that they understand things like the trinity, Christ's deity, the facts about his crucifixion/resurrection, and the ability to perform miracles (some call it magick). No one ever discusses pre-christian religions with us, and explains why they are wrong. Christianity just "ignores" us, and expects us to go along with everything. The other religions, eager to gain converts, take extra time to explain, and win converts easily from an unschooled group. Yes Christianity holds "classes", but they remain on the 2nd grade level, and in a college level society, this is not good enough anymore. Hence people who desire more spirituality, more understanding about God, and want to be near Him, leave for what appears to be better, and offers more. Couple these things with the facts that Christian clergy the world over commit very harmful, public sins, and you have yourself a stray flock.