Can I have evidence/proof of Islams divinity?

Twenty-four said:
Hi Friend,
you speak about God as if God was a person.

No .....I mean if you ( The person who read) don't believed that Al Quraan originally Allah (Our God) how these great information found in this great book AlQuraan ??
God is our creator ...The one who we as a humans must believe in and worship him.
Thanks for your comment
I am not an islamic scholar, but I am Muslim.

Islam as a religion is very similar to Judaism (in its claim about Oness of God and its laws and rituals) and to Christianity (belief in Jesus as the Messiah).

However, Islam is unique in its claim to be universal. Islam, its name, does not come from a name of its founder (which Qur'an states was Abraham savs) or anyone else. It simply means submission. A Muslim means the one who submits. It is implied that the submission is to One God only!

Judaism's perspective, the way I understand it (I hope I understand it) is that God is a jelous God and who is a friend to his chosen people. In Christianity it is emphasized that God can incarnate and that He is Love. In Islam, God is so much more.

Islam is realistic about its relationship with God. We can't comprehend him

imagine Him or see Him. In Islam God has no gender (Qur'an states this, even though Muslims refer to God as 'He' often). He is all powerful, knowing and sees everything. You can talk to Him by yourself and he will give you a sign in some way. Allah (Allah means: The God in Arabic language) can punish, can give His mercy. He says: "Be!" and something is. Islam teaches that God has no chosen people besides those who believe in Him Only. God, as Islam teaches, created everything for only one reason: to be served. Served by faith, by prayer and good deeds. God is the Creator of everything, even those who do not believe, including satan.

In other religions evil/satan is viewed as powerful or almost equal to God. Islam teaches that evil/satan is no where near God, that God is Greater and the Only One Holy and with Power. For this reason, The Honorable Qur'an states that God created both evil and good, but He loves the good and dislikes the evil. Some of the things, according to Islam, we won't be able to understand until Judgement, and some of the things will become clear to us over time. I guess the question of creation of evil will be one of these things. Despite of what non-Muslims/attackers of Islam claim about God in Islam, Allah--The God is Merciful. He does punish, but He is much slower with punishment and much faster with rewards.

Islam teaches that humankind's sin was not sexual but rather the disregard to God's commandment (the tree event). For this reason, Islam is about submission to God.

Islam teaches pure monotheism. There is Only One God. Muslims are not to call themselves 'children' of God, for God in the Holy Qur'an states that there is no one equal to Him, and no human or any of His creations can be divine.

God in the Holy Qur'an instructs humans to look at the signs around them as an evidence for His existance and power: nature, human body and the universe in general. Allah, The One and Only God, as evidenced by the Qur'an, seems not to be obsessed with proving himself for those who seek Him will find Him and those who reject Him they will lead themselves astray. Qur'an expresses many scientific findings, among which are some that have not been confirmed yet such as the existance of other beigns in the universe, besides creation on Earth. It states that there are 'seven' Earths, meaning that there are planets with life. Also, it speaks of the invisibles, the famous jinn.

Islam answers many life questions that a person may have. All you have to do is read about Islam and its teachings.