Hurrican is God's work

littlemissattitude said:
Well, I guess I just don't accept your premises then, Chela. So I suppose that there is no point in even discussing it any further. I most certainly do not believe that humanity is a cancer. I choose to see the good in humanity, and I choose to believe that there is more good than evil. I see that good manifested every day. I choose to see the possibilities in humanity.

I don't believe that God or anyone else sends hurricanes as a punishment or that Mom Nature sends them to "cure" anything.

Please then, choose to see the good in my posts, and the not the evil. (Or, even better, choose neither and see it how it actually is. :))

I agree that one must feel the infinite possibilities lying at the depth of one's soul within the eternal moment of now. It is good to greet the day with volant smile and a warm heart. This is a good way to live. But I do not see how one can choose the good and reject the evil, because one must first assume they know the difference between good and evil, and that assumption is usually wrong.

What kind of healthy organism causes such havoc and agony to Earth? Depletes its blood (oil), replaces it with pockets of air and water via pumping, only later to be converted into water and air pollution? Extracts its precious metals (veins) out of greed? Tests atomic bombs under its crust, infecting it with highly entropic and dangerous elements? Is unable to cure something so simple and basic as world hunger? Cannot go a single day without killing each other? Why are there people so mind bogglingly rich, and other people so very, very poor (although our personal financialstatus is always 'justifiable')? What kind of person can see this and accept it as normal, healthy and intelligent?

This great Earth is suffering enormously; it is under so much pain, perhaps you do not realize because you choose not to see it. Cure yourself and you help cure earth. Humanity's infinite possibilities are smothered by its hate, greed, lust, envy, pride, gluttony, etc.. The infinite possibilities awaken in the depths of one's soul when those infrahuman elements are driven out and replaced with their opposite counterparts (virtues). The only possiblity for Earth, as it is currently going, is death.

Why, according to Sumerian, Babylonian, Akkadian, Chaldean, Hebrew, Greek, Germanic, Irish, Aztec, Inca, Hopi, Caddo, Indian, Chinese, etc., etc., mythologies speak of the Great Flood? Precisely because the Earth was in the same situation it is in now, and in order for future generations of humanity to get a chance to live, in order for Earth to continue to live, it had to be cleaned.

But you are right, if you don't see it, then there is nothing more to be said.
17th Angel said:
*clears his throat...*

Your tsunami theory... I won't even comment on APART from That is outrageous.

The plague was around centuries before the CIA, so please go figure.... I have heard HIV was created to eliminate homosexuals by the CIA but then again, to me it is an urban legened, a bit like the CIA can create a chemical weapon the destorys all but the primary parts of the human brain... (zombies.)

Ever tragedy before the rise of the nation called the United states of America? Yes, billions..... Such as before mentioned the PLAGUE.... The death of Joan of arc.... could go on but I am sure there isn't enough memory on this site to state of tragedy of the planet earth before USA was was founded lol....

All storms are creations of God, he is THEE creator of everything. There are also thousands of explaninatons to why he creates them. Not allways to kill humans, as you put.. lol

G W Bush, is just human.... Nothing more, nothing l.... *thinks hard* Nothing less... Just not that intelligent....

I don't really feel like saying much more... apart from everthing you said in that post is wrong.... :) have a nice day, God bless.

I believe Vaj was interjecting a bit of sarcastic humor in that post. I dont believe it was meant to be taken seriously. :)
Their are those that say its global warming that is causing all these huricanes. Obviously Some would say it is from polution,and a depletion of the atmosphere in which they say is totaly our fualt.... (Especially George W. Bush;) )! I heard something interesting on the news today...... They say Mars is also heating up............ WOW how did we polute another plantet to cuase it a global warming also......... Just a thought.?.?.?

They say that over the last century the number of sunspots rose at the same time that the Earth's climate became steadily warmer.

No duhhhh if you stand close to a fire and a flame licks out at yah do you not feel the heat!!!!!! These are the people we go to for knowledge of our unisverse!!!!! ohhhhheeehhhhmeeeeee:rolleyes:

Space Research That's Cool - Global Warming on Mars?
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Sunspots reaching 1,000-year high
Howstuffworks "How Global Warming Works"
Another giant solar explosion follows Tuesday's enormous solar flare
Moddy said:

Dozens of mosques still stand during Tsunami
this mosque in Sigli was made only of wood but still survived unscathed despite all the other buildings around it being destroyed

During Katina Hurricane on Aug. 31, where six Presbyterian churches were destroyed, Canon Johnson said Christ Church, Bay Saint Louis; Trinity, Pass Christian; [censored]. Patrick’s, Long Beach; [censored]. Peter’s, Gulfport; [censored]. Mark’s, Gulfport; and Redeemer, Biloxi, had been “demolished.”

April 8, 1998 Alabama
It was a night when 14 churches were heavily damaged or destroyed.


And the major Episcopalean Churches of New Orleans were fine.
Some mosques were standing, some were destroyed. How do you differentiate which was more righteous in the eyes of God?

God does not need to punish one of His houses of worship and leave another standing to make a poiint. God's point is already obvious.

Why get stuck contemplating the destruction of Nature when God is all Merciful?


Curious Mike,

This is from the same source you quoted in your post :

BBC said:
Over the past few hundred years, there has been a steady increase in the numbers of sunspots, a trend that has accelerated in the past century, just at the time when the Earth has been getting warmer.

The data suggests that changing solar activity is influencing in some way the global climate causing the world to get warmer.

Over the past 20 years, however, the number of sunspots has remained roughly constant, yet the average temperature of the Earth has continued to increase.

This is put down to a human-produced greenhouse effect caused by the combustion of fossil fuels. This latest analysis shows that the Sun has had a considerable indirect influence on the global climate in the past, causing the Earth to warm or chill, and that mankind is amplifying the Sun's latest attempt to warm the Earth.

Perhaps you should read the articles in their totality before quoting them. Facts are there: global warming is causing the oceans to warm up. Hurricanes feed on warm water (just look at Rita getting stronger over the anormally warm Gulf of Mexico these days).

Pollution is causing global warming. The situation we have now isn't the U.S.'s fault, it's the world's fault over the past century. But if Bush doesn't do something soon (Kyoto anyone?), it will be his fault in the next decades.

On the topic now, we are (as a race) the only ones to blame about Katrina's destruction. Not God...
Their are some that say it is actually on the rise! The global warming is not totaly our fualt... WHen i was saying this I was taking a shot at all those in europe who are laughing at us and saying we deserve this becuase we polute.I guess thats becuase of the KYoto or what ever it is the U.N. would like us to do. Once this happened More jobs will be lost and guess who will get the blame for this?????? Not that I"m a bushite, but it got old when they kept bashing clinton as well as it is now with Bush! Which will be to blame becuase of cafta also. As well as clinton for nafta....but thats another topic for another time.

Solar contribution to 'global warming' predicted to decrease
Granted I'm no scientist, but how can you predict flames from a fire? And their for how do we know that the flares from the son is not makeing the Oceans Temp hotter the past few years. Which Scientist do u believe they seem to argu as much as religous scholars.
Curios Mike said:
Their are some that say it is actually on the rise! The global warming is not totaly our fualt... WHen i was saying this I was taking a shot at all those in europe who are laughing at us and saying we deserve this becuase we polute.I guess thats becuase of the KYoto or what ever it is the U.N. would like us to do. Once this happened More jobs will be lost and guess who will get the blame for this?????? Not that I"m a bushite, but it got old when they kept bashing clinton as well as it is now with Bush! Which will be to blame becuase of cafta also. As well as clinton for nafta....but thats another topic for another time.

Solar contribution to 'global warming' predicted to decrease
Granted I'm no scientist, but how can you predict flames from a fire? And their for how do we know that the flares from the son is not makeing the Oceans Temp hotter the past few years. Which Scientist do u believe they seem to argu as much as religous scholars.

According to statistical analysis, from 1985-1995, the oceans were a few degrees cooler, hence the lack of Hurricanes and such. From 1996-2004 the seas have been a few degrees warmer, so more hurricanes. Prior to 1985, the seas were warmer, and ten years before that they were cooler. These cooler/warmer trends happen to coincide with vigorous solar activity, or lack of...

Venus and Mars also experience temperature changes during the same cycles of solar activity.

I'm not saying that we aren't contributing to the climate changes, but we are not the sole source, nor are we the major infleuence.

Carbon dioxide, for example, is still 1% or less than of all the gasses within our atmosphere. Nitrogen is at 78% and oxygen is at 19-21%.

If anything. Extra Carbon dioxide should cause the green foliage to absolutely thrive, and kick out even higher amounts of oxygen (which isn't happening).

Winters should be getting warmer (they're getting colder). Our atmosphere should be showing a thickening, due to the extra gases being produced (it is not). Atmospheric pressure at sea level should be higher than 14.7 PSI (it is not).

Automobiles produce Ozone (O3), through catalytic converters, and have done so for two decades. Yet the ozone layer is still thinning.

I suspect that climate changes are cyclic, and not man made.

As far as Europe's disdain for the United States, well, that has been since the US's inception. The US afterall is the "garbage" that the Europeans sent from their shores.

What they forgot was that "Coal" under pressure produces diamonds...

Man, builds a city in a "fish bowl" (below sea level), then shores up levies with substandard quality from the start, nature takes its course and people complain, because their ramparts did not withstand the force of nature?

Galveston Island, was wiped out 105 years ago by a hurricane. So they decided to build a wall made of granite, not concrete and free stone. They did it right, and spared no expense. Rita blew through Galveston and nada, no damage to really speak of. Louisiana got the back wash of Rita, and it is under water again. It did not even get the brunt of the blast...

Louisiana expected the federal government to maintain it's levies, and therefore provided no local funds to upgrade its protection...and paid a terrible price.

Texas took care of itself, and Louisiana, expected others to take care of it.

The damage is not God's work, it is man's lack of preperation.


Quahom1 said:
The damage is not God's work, it is man's lack of preperation.

I don't wholly disagree but lack of following the guidance of wisdom, of placing proper emphasis on understanding, brings about a series of failings in relation to the needs. This is clearly part of the situation.

But God could test our condition as well. We think we are satisfied, and our condition is revealed to us.
Quahom said:
I'm not saying that we aren't contributing to the climate changes, but we are not the sole source, nor are we the major infleuence.


The damage is not God's work, it is man's lack of preperation.

What percentage is humanity's fault is difficult to judge. Considering that some scientific studies are paid by oil companies and friends to say whatever they want to say, I'd personally believe that we are the major influence. Otherwise, I agree with you on the second part. We just don't take the same path for the same conclusion concerning this topic.

But the fact that some people in the US never heard about [KYoto or what ever it is the U.N. would like [you] to do] (sic), or don't know what it approximately is, is disturbing to me... I guess that's for another thread.
i would not isolate one hurricane and base your entire reasoning of gods vengeance or anger on it. because here in the u.s. a hurricane does destruction for those leaving near the water, but it also will create jobs in reconstruction and together as a nation we come together to help and pray. so the amount of physical destruction it caused is offset by all the good that spiritually comes out of it. but if you look at it on a global scale and see lots of hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters throughout the entire world pick up pace in a small amount of time, you might have to look at the bigger picture which is a sign of end times, and not so much an individual judgement, but more of a random act prophesized to happen all over the globe.
Quahom1 said:
I'm not saying that we aren't contributing to the climate changes, but we are not the sole source, nor are we the major infleuence.

This is a big part of the problem - we've had international conferences on climate explicitly state that humanity is having an adverse affect on the climate, and will continue to do so until we curb our emissions.

However, the US response has been to politicise the issue and claim that international science has somehow been usurped by angry leftist environmentalists.

It's hard not to see oil dollars at work in the process of "teaching" Americans that the European attitude to climate change is irresponsible.

As for predictions of effects from climate change - depends upon the area involved, but Europe has been warned to expect more severe and frequent rain leading to pronounced local flooding. I believe the US has been warned to expect more hurricanes and more powerful ones at that.

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