Summoning to Universal Peace:
Hello my good friend "Awaiting"..and you are most welcome here!
In response to the passage I posted from Abdul-Baha:
"The function and purpose of a shepherd is to gather and not disperse his flock. The prophets of God have been divine shepherds of humanity. They have established a bond of love and unity among mankind, made scattered peoples one nation and wandering tribes a mighty kingdom. They have laid the foundation of the oneness of God and summoned all to universal peace."
Awaiting wrote:
I don't think that anything could be further from the truth.
Is it not true that the coming of the Bab and Baha'u'llah caused a great rift in the peoples of Iran who were, up until that time, a fairly unified Shi'ite muslim community, all worshipping God. Even today, Bahai's are still persecuted in Iran because of the coming of these prophets.
My comment to you dear friend:
In our view the coming of the Bab and Baha'u'llah unified the people of Iran and awakening their spiritual capacities uniting Zoroastrian, Jew, Christian and Moslem in a way they had not been unified before... Also the country of Iran which was then known as the Persian Empire had still not emerged from a dark age of medieval superstition, corruption and prejudices. Women were not then regarded as anything close to equal status with men... this much more on this topic that we could explore but I think the maoin topic hear was the oneness of God.
The coming of Jesus initially caused the persecution of his followers, the Christians, who were until that time all Jews, followers of God. Later, Jesus' existence caused the crusades and the spanish inquisition. Hardly a call to universal peace.
It's true there are parallels to the martyrdom of some twenty thousand Babis and the persecution of the early Christains... again space limits me here to respond fully.
I don't think my friend that many historians would agree with your statement:
"Jesus' existence caused the crusades and the spanish inquisition."
Muslims accept Jesus as well.
Mohamed's coming brought war almost immediately, and after his death his followers began to convert huge sections of the world by the sword.
The early Muslims were permitted by the Qur'anis Revealtion to use self defence when persecuted... as the Meccan pagans were trying to exterminate them. Most of the early battles were defensive in nature against the more powerful pagans.
It is true later than some misused and misinterpreted "Jihad".
Baha'u'llah abrogated Jihad and His followers are not permitted to use any force whatsoever to defend their Faith.
While it could sertainly be said that Abraham and Moses shepherded their people, every religious figure since who has claimed to speak for the Hebrew God has brought division and suffering to the world. All have claimed to bring Peace, but none have yet delivered.
My comment:
I think you are entitled Awaiting to your belief but I detect something that we would have to part company on... There is no "Hebrew God" in our belief...only God...One God for Jews, Moslems, Christians, Zoroastrians. The Baha'is are working toward building the foundations of world peace and believe a world government with an international court of arbitration will held bring this about not through the Baha'is particualrly as we are still sucha minority but through the principles announced by Baha'u'llah well over a hundred years ago when He invited the then rulers to form a representative world parliament. For the most part they denied Him and thought it foolish... but a terrible price has been pain for their rejection... So it is not Baha'u'llah in our view Who brought about these wars that came later but the rulers and people responsible for the armaments and that they denied the call for peace and international arbitration.
Good points you've raised Awaiting.. hope you can share more soon!
- Art