Benefit of belief

What exactly brought you to your truth plaidback? Just curios. It sounds like you have arrived at a state that the ancient south American peoples call ‘man of knowledge’ in the context of gnosis rather than ordinary knowledge! :)
_Z_ said:
What exactly brought you to your truth plaidback? Just curios. It sounds like you have arrived at a state that the ancient south American peoples call ‘man of knowledge’ in the context of gnosis rather than ordinary knowledge! :)
Destiny, who I am, have brought me the Truth on a silver platter, I did not ask for It. In my earlier posts, you can find how it happen.
There is Only one truth as Pattern of effects, that proove reality of things
that We "need to know".
Your truth, my truth is just part of that Pattern.

You live in England is your truth, I've lived in England from '87-'90 is my.
If you got gift to find truth of Who you are, that same gift will tell you who I am.

If that revelation of yours happen, you will find out that Genesis is Prophecy,
Six days represent Six thousand years, and that God is Making his People
Out of "Dirt" ( which is what we are right now ) and Life as result of
Somebody blowing something into your Nostrils, will bring you Picture of
Bautifull Mountains of South America where " Tree of Life " grows.

Maybe then you will Get the Picture of Who are God's People ( according
to Jesus of Nazareth in Matthew 24:9-10 )

Until then, Stay on yer bike ;)

Are you the new prophet then :p , only joking, but I didn’t realise you ‘believed’ in Christianity! :rolleyes: :D I don’t think the bible is the truth as concerns creation, it just seams somewhat infantile – but I suppose I could be wrong.

So yes I’ll stay on my bike, and hopefully never be part of the revalations.

So the tree of life is in south America eh! And all this time I thought it was a metaphore.;)

Z :)
_Z_ said:

Are you the new prophet then :p , only joking, but I didn’t realise you ‘believed’ in Christianity! :rolleyes: :D I don’t think the bible is the truth as concerns creation, it just seams somewhat infantile – but I suppose I could be wrong.

So yes I’ll stay on my bike, and hopefully never be part of the revalations.

So the tree of life is in south America eh! And all this time I thought it was a metaphore.;)

Z :)

God's existance is our dream, and our life is God's reality. Maybe is just me,
who see that Truth is existance dimension, besides being a word.
Truth started whatever started everything, long before Life came into
" existance dimension ". Something like, you looking @ your dining table and chairs, truth is they exist, you don't need words, or touch, to feel that truth.
( Same goes for true Love :cool: )
People that have dreams have priviledge of understanding how does life without Time feels. In that eternal existance, flesh exist all over planet
"whenever", so in same instance you're in Africa in Garden of Eden, and
Colombian mountains. I know, it is hard to feel, that we exist on God's reality
" playground ", not other way around.
Bible is truth, like fabric made of treads, that are stories, parables, metaphores, that you need to see and feel yourself.
Today, you can not be a prophet, because, whatever you say about future,
( I mean something that is going to take planets attention ), and it turn out
to be true, was already told by some Bible's Prophet.
When Joel's prophecy describes sign of coming of God in Joel 2:28,
" Sons and daughters will prophesy " is about artists that make up stories
that tell us what is actualy ( this time ) going to happen with Bibles prophecies. That is what I see in Movies and books, or TV Shows like
" Only Fools and Horses ". Imagine _Z_ , Del boy is England and His " bigger ",
" dumber " and younger brother is USA, Cassandra is South America, etc.
Or " Every Breath you take " by Police, being relation between GB & US ;)
Not to mention " Hitchhikers Guide " :D , Cosmic :p

Laidback Peter, 42
Plaidback hi.

Now we understand each other! I also see truth as an actual existence [if existence is the right word]; imho it is a place in the heart and central to eternity & all existence.

What’s all this bible stuff then – for a man of no belief, or were you teasing us.

Prophesy; I have always wondered why no one sees past around 2020 imo even in the bible. It was interesting when I read in revelations somewhere about ‘scars in the sky’, it’s just like airplanes and there trails!

Interesting what you see in shows and films, I never looked at them like that. I loved the hitchhikers guide – the series – lots of parallels in there. I’ll have to think on all that. Ha ha yes I see the ‘every breath you take’ thing, it makes me sick that Britain’s leaders are so spineless, so unlike true Britons! I think USA is Gemini, & Britain is Sagittarius [second decan, the stag], so on a political level perhaps there is a bond of opposites.

Z Richard 41 the dude:p :cool:
_Z_ said:
Plaidback hi.

Now we understand each other! I also see truth as an actual existence [if existence is the right word]; imho it is a place in the heart and central to eternity & all existence.

What’s all this bible stuff then – for a man of no belief, or were you teasing us.

Prophesy; I have always wondered why no one sees past around 2020 imo even in the bible. It was interesting when I read in revelations somewhere about ‘scars in the sky’, it’s just like airplanes and there trails!

Interesting what you see in shows and films, I never looked at them like that. I loved the hitchhikers guide – the series – lots of parallels in there. I’ll have to think on all that. Ha ha yes I see the ‘every breath you take’ thing, it makes me sick that Britain’s leaders are so spineless, so unlike true Britons! I think USA is Gemini, & Britain is Sagittarius [second decan, the stag], so on a political level perhaps there is a bond of opposites.

Z Richard 41 the dude:p :cool:

Well then, there you have it, glimpse of how Spirit, Holy that is, works.
You feel what you feel, and you can proove It as truth to you and the world.
Everything around you is an Information, received by your senses, and
processed by your brain.Nobody else in History of Mankind, did not feel
All you ever felt, your way. But If everything you feel is truth, and everything I feel is truth, means that we have identical Spirit, Holy that is, created by
our DNA, and we are Spiritualy as One.
When You know All you need to know, and All that is Truth, You don't have
Beliefs anymore.
When you say I believe in God, means that you have Respect and Understanding of single Creator of Everything being Everything.
When you know God, then He already elevated you to a Level, where you realized, that as Part of Everything Your Existance is God.
And All you need to do, is to Love your Neighbour as you love yourself.
Britain is Great country, just as USA. I mean they destriyed my Country, and
bombed Schools and Birth Clinics with Bombs with Depleted Uranium, but as
I have mentioned B4, it was God's plan, so, no hard feelings. :cool:
It probably takes to be Heroin addict, in order to claim, that is
" Shaite to be Scotish ", Like Renton did in T-spotting. ;)

6 x 7 = 42, seven is 1 week, 42 weeks from start of a Year
is 2nd week of November, that is when I will become 42 :eek:

That is because I am from Different Planet, fancy to see my Spaceship ?

Laidback Peter , Matthew 16:17,18,19 :eek:
Saponification said:
Subscribing to a belief system or reading sutras and other forms of texts won't automatically make these changes occur, so far as I'm concerned. Religion - any religion - can only show you the way to that stuff. You have to do the work. It shouldn't be a crutch, it should be a guide. The religious teachings are not in themselves the answer, what's at the end of them is.

Do your research. Find a belief system that suits you: your lifestyle, your beliefs, your morals, your ethics and so on. Don't let yourself get bullied into anything and make sure to shop around when looking for a spiritual teacher.

Great post. I am wondering if the system we want is one that helps us to let go of our beliefs.
I often wondered if spirit was simply spirit, but in its purity and union with god it is holy. Don’t think it is created by our DNA, perhaps you meant that the spirit is primary to the source of which DNA and all evolutions emanate. I see what you mean by truth over belief. I am not to keen on some of my neighbours though as they suck lol [ignorant and some almost demonic] but I understand the sentiment.
I don’t agree with our foreign policy and think we should keep out of other people’s wars; we had enough wars in our history! They are just a part of the growth of a nation. One thing though – when people say ‘it’s all gods plan’ is god the only thing that has an influence? I.e. we have an influence don’t we, and perhaps other more sinister elements too! All in all perhaps it is gods plan as perhaps all aspects are relative to the final outcome? Maybe Satan had to leave god so as to return and to play his part in the cycles of events – yet ‘all shall return to one thence going forth in union’.

I like the birthday numbers! The only thing I can say about mine is that it is on the date the Vedic calendar begins.

Yes I want to see your spaceship I’ll give you directions to my planet :D

Lightkeeper said:
Great post. I am wondering if the system we want is one that helps us to let go of our beliefs.
" In my humble opinion ", there are only two Systems we can,( by our state of mind ) picture ourselves In, Reality and Illusion.
If the System that we want is anything other that reality, in that case,
we have Illusions.
And I don't feel like I do. ;) :cool: :eek:

Reality is the only System in which, we can Proove Everything we need to know.

( I know this can not possibly be offensive to Anybody ) :p
Plaidback said:
" In my humble opinion ", there are only two Systems we can,( by our state of mind ) picture ourselves In, Reality and Illusion.
If the System that we want is anything other that reality, in that case,
we have Illusions.
And I don't feel like I do. ;) :cool: :eek:

Reality is the only System in which, we can Proove Everything we need to know.

( I know this can not possibly be offensive to Anybody ) :p

well, yes, good points, though, some beliefs teach reality is an illusion.:p

What if illusion is reality! :D

& nirvana is an illusion of nothingness; if there is something [which there is wether aor not one calls it illusion or reality] then there cannot be nothingness absolute. one can fill an empty glass, yet 'we may not fill a full glass with emptiness' [and i'll have none of those buddhist chaps tell me otherwise :p ].
what do you think of that one people! :) ;) :cool:

_Z_ said:
What if illusion is reality! :D

& nirvana is an illusion of nothingness; if there is something [which there is wether aor not one calls it illusion or reality] then there cannot be nothingness absolute. one can fill an empty glass, yet 'we may not fill a full glass with emptiness' [and i'll have none of those buddhist chaps tell me otherwise :p ].
what do you think of that one people! :) ;) :cool:


yah. then you have each personal experience which is a reality, while to someone without that experience they think it is only an illusion, which is one reason i give those experiences i dont know about the benfit of the doubt.

then the long road of reasons to try & explain the contract. which of course is not really a contract, just an illusion that we believe? LOL

Yes absolutely! Then consider it so that’s gods creation i.e. the universe, is also an illusion, thus it is an illusion that we all share. Thence because it is the same to us all it is reality, yet unto itself it is but an illusion!

'there is only illusion' - what do you think so far, a druids dream or what eh :D

'the imagination is the womb and the projector of [the] illusion'

'we are a projection of gods project!'

they are just flying out of me tonight wahoo:D

_Z_ said:

What if illusion is reality! :D

& nirvana is an illusion of nothingness; if there is something [which there is wether aor not one calls it illusion or reality] then there cannot be nothingness absolute. one can fill an empty glass, yet 'we may not fill a full glass with emptiness' [and i'll have none of those buddhist chaps tell me otherwise :p ].
what do you think of that one people! :) ;) :cool:

Illusion is by definition, an erroneous perception Of reality, or belief.
When I say to " Christian " believer, belief is an Illusion, they say, i am crazy.
Illusion is part of reality, easily recognized by participants. And it never change into something Real.

About "nothingness", I can only say, there was always Something that never
existed alone. Truth can't exist by itself, Truth need something, to exist.
God's Love can't exist by itself, He need someone to love.
And it turned out, we ( Humans ) are lucky winners, because God is a Human.
Full glass, waiting to be filled with emptiness :confused:
I'll let those buddist chaps and you Z, to feel that "glass" business. ;)


Illusion is as you say, yet the metaphoric idea can be anything! I was thinking in Buddhist terms – reality is an illusion only nirvana is real. Equally we could say everything is an illusion, but prey let us not get into phenomenon – noumenon stuff lol.

Very true – what you said about nothingness [it cannot be arrived at]. All things are of the one, thus none can be ultimately separated [ we cannot arrive at any singular on its own], as we are relative. If we arrive at oneness there still remains the ‘duality of history’, the singular and the multiple. To go beyond the paradox of this, we need to go to the idea of ‘that which is all, both singular and multiple, duality and non-duality’

nothingness [nirvana] then, is an illusion as it cannot be arrived at singularly. It is easy to say everything else [the universe] bar nirvana, is an illusion thus nirvana is the only reality. so imho, I simply un-include the whole argument from my philosophy, one can only say that all is real or all is an illusion and be equally correct on both counts! :)

_Z_ said:

Illusion is as you say, yet the metaphoric idea can be anything! I was thinking in Buddhist terms – reality is an illusion only nirvana is real. Equally we could say everything is an illusion, but prey let us not get into phenomenon – noumenon stuff lol.

Very true – what you said about nothingness [it cannot be arrived at]. All things are of the one, thus none can be ultimately separated [ we cannot arrive at any singular on its own], as we are relative. If we arrive at oneness there still remains the ‘duality of history’, the singular and the multiple. To go beyond the paradox of this, we need to go to the idea of ‘that which is all, both singular and multiple, duality and non-duality’

nothingness [nirvana] then, is an illusion as it cannot be arrived at singularly. It is easy to say everything else [the universe] bar nirvana, is an illusion thus nirvana is the only reality. so imho, I simply un-include the whole argument from my philosophy, one can only say that all is real or all is an illusion and be equally correct on both counts! :)


I became natural sceptic, when it comes to budhist wisdom, the moment when truth revealed to me that reincarnation, in terms that our spirit can
inhabit an animal or plant, or whathaveyou, is not possible to happen.
Nirvana is in my book, Ideal condition of state of mind, that brings nothing but
perfect state of balance, symmetry and distance in our thoughts.
Pure Joy, stability and harmony, aka Holy spirit.
Which is not proof, that people who are in any other state of mind, are living
an Illusion, they are part of that United reality as well.
And again, maybe to sum it all Out, Illusion are only thoughts, everything we see, hear, smell or touch is Reality, and it always will be.
If we are able to see, hear, smell or touch Illusion, we call it Miracle.
The only thing, that humanity was able to experience,( not being able to define ), and it is Not either Illusion, or Miracle, was Jesus Christ.
nice answer plaidback!

I am unsure as concerns reincarnation,- is the spirit not bonded from conception! A specific formula of god’s illusion X ours, that are like hand in glove? Is this then the difference between spirit and concrete reality both god and we are as both.

How can that spirit enter another body and have another life, as infinity is the womb thence all spirits are born at once! Time is then like line drawing waiting to be filled.

This line of thinking is a little inflexible though; spirit can take any form! And the lines must be blurred or destiny be solid!

Sorry if that was not lateral logic. :)
