
My foremost teacher in teutonic witchcraft and magic was and is Andreas Firewolf. His english site is not up to date and small. For those who can read dutch, there is a gigantic website about spirituality, shamanism, teutonic witchcraft, rune-magic, etc. He wrote over 14 books and published allmost 200 CD's with instructions. His main course is Yggdrasil®, 12 parts with four CD's with each part, two TRANCE-FORMATIONS (guided visualisations) on each CD. In 96 trips you are guided through the tree of worlds and you learn to communicate with the gods and goddesses of the ancient teutons.
RubySera_Martin said:
Black Rose, I read the quote from Andrew Chumbley. Is it possible that some of this is natural for some people?

Yes, I think it is quite possible that much of this come quite natural to some people. Then there are others who have to work very hard to develope the gifts. Then again I have met some the just could not do any of it no matter how hard thet tried. Maybe they tried to hard, I don't know.