the Bible from a Jehovah's Witness perspective

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JustifiedByFaith said:
Dear mee,

I am just curious what you think the elders in the church would say or think if you used another version other than the New World Translation for all your studies in the scriptures?

I think you might be shocked if you don't all ready have an idea.
JustifiedByFaith said:
Dear mee,

I am just curious what you think the elders in the church would say or think if you used another version other than the New World Translation for all your studies in the scriptures?
Witnesses quote from the New Jerusalem Bible and King James Bible and other Bible all the time. They would have no problem with that at all. Praise Jah you people...
On a serious note, the Witnesses study from whatever Bible people want to study from. The New World Translation does use Jehovah's name which is real cool and how the Hebrew translations were originally written:)
tommy said:
On a serious note, the Witnesses study from whatever Bible people want to study from. The New World Translation does use Jehovah's name which is real cool and how the Hebrew translations were originally written:)
On a serious note can you tell me why does the WT consider itself:

more authoratative than the bible.
you can't understand the bible without the WT.
reading the bible without the WT leads to apostate teachings.
there is no room to disagree with WT doctrine.
Dor said:
On a serious note can you tell me why does the WT consider itself:

more authoratative than the bible.
you can't understand the bible without the WT.
reading the bible without the WT leads to apostate teachings.
there is no room to disagree with WT doctrine.
Hey Dor, What's up with thumping the Bible:confused: The Bible would be the most authoratative Book that we can possibly read, it's God's Word. Who says I can't understand the Bible without something else, I have alot of it memorized reading it everyday. Why so harshful attacking words, we hardly met? Jesus taught peace, love and kindness. Maybe I need a break from forums... see ya, tommy...p.s. Praise Jah...
tommy said:
On a serious note, the Witnesses study from whatever Bible people want to study from. The New World Translation does use Jehovah's name which is real cool and how the Hebrew translations were originally written:)
Dear tommy,

With all due respect, the New World Translation has several passages that have been altered to fit the JWs point of view.:eek: One example would be John 1:1-3.
This change completely altered the Godhead and is inconsistant with the rest of the scriptures. It was a blatent effort by the JW organization to de-throne the diety of Jesus and the mystery of the Godhead to fit the practices and teaching of the JWs. Jesus spoke "truth". And behind "truth", followed Peace, Love and Kindness...
JustifiedByFaith said:
Dear tommy,

With all due respect, the New World Translation has several passages that have been altered to fit the JWs point of view.:eek: One example would be John 1:1-3.
This change completely altered the Godhead and is inconsistant with the rest of the scriptures. It was a blatent effort by the JW organization to de-throne the diety of Jesus and the mystery of the Godhead to fit the practices and teaching of the JWs. Jesus spoke "truth". And behind "truth", followed Peace, Love and Kindness...
Look, I don't do much on forums anymore but wanted to put one up here because wherever I go thoughout my day, many people I talk to have forgotten who the God of Isreal is. The Webster dictionary says this Je-ho-vah: In the Old Testament, God, the Lord: the common transliteration of the Tetragrammaton. See YAHWEH (Hebrew JHVH Yahweh, with the substition of vowels...

Ok, see he is the "God of Isreal" and so here comes the Trinity loop once again. Mankind has forgotton who the God of Isreal is and therefore has rejected His Name. Jesus never said, I am God. In fact John 17:3 says in the New Jerusalem Bible: "And eternal life is this: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent". Noticed the word "and" meaning plural (more than one).

Religion has confused the meaning of God in John 1:1-3. Jesus is Godlike mirroring the way his Father acts. He lived with his Father during Genisis 1:26 (same Bible) "God said let "us" make man in our image". See the word us, more than one, Jesus was with him. Religion has confused that God is Jesus and called it a mystery, it's no mystery and clearly stated in the Bible that the two are seperate distinct persons. Jesus wanted praise to his Father in His Father's Name. Think about why that comes up so much (the Name) in the Bible about praise to His Father's Name and how religion took his name out of the original Hebrew scriptures.

For example read the NIV Bible in Psalms 110:1. "The Lord says to my Lord, "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet". That doesn't makes sense a Lord saying to a Lord. The Hebrew scriptures were altered from their original version. Read the same Ps 110:1 out of the New Jersalem Bible: "yahweh declared to my Lord, "take your seat at my right hand, till I have make your enemies your footstool". See, now the two are seperated.

Now the New World Translation Ps 110:1 The utterance of Jehovah to my Lord is "Sit at my right hand Until I place your ememies as a stool for my feet. See, I like the New Jersalem Bible and the New World Translation of this verse and the NIV has been altered and the meaning has been lost.

The King james Version of John 1:2 (your scripture you quoted) says: "The same was in the beginning with God". Yes, Jesus was with His Father, no argument. The New World Translation says the same thing and the reason a small g is used is to seperate the mightly God Jesus versus the Almighty God of Isreal, His Father. I feel bad religion has done this to the Fathers name and normally don't post on forums anymore but it saddens my heart that people have forgotten who the Father is and freely bash my kind brothers and sisters and you don't need the WT to figure this all out.:( tommy
tommy said:
Hey Dor, What's up with thumping the Bible:confused: The Bible would be the most authoratative Book that we can possibly read, it's God's Word. Who says I can't understand the Bible without something else, I have alot of it memorized reading it everyday. Why so harshful attacking words, we hardly met? Jesus taught peace, love and kindness. Maybe I need a break from forums... see ya, tommy...p.s. Praise Jah...
Bible thumper thats a term people stick on those of us who use the bible to back up everything.:)

The bible is the most authoratative Book we can read.

It is man that wants to change it to fit his doctrine(yes Charles Russell fits in here as well as others). As for who says you cant understand the bible well that would be the Watchtower not me. I pray you read the bible and pray to the Father for the holy spirit to guide you and get away from the man made organization. Yes and I love you but that does not mean to stay silent about things. Was I rough I did not mean to be and Im sorry if I came off that way.
Dor said:
Bible thumper thats a term people stick on those of us who use the bible to back up everything.:)

The bible is the most authoratative Book we can read.

It is man that wants to change it to fit his doctrine(yes Charles Russell fits in here as well as others). As for who says you cant understand the bible well that would be the Watchtower not me. I pray you read the bible and pray to the Father for the holy spirit to guide you and get away from the man made organization. Yes and I love you but that does not mean to stay silent about things. Was I rough I did not mean to be and Im sorry if I came off that way.
Dor, Doesn't it feel much nicer, the words "I Love You". I don't think your too rough, I'm a pretty sturdy guy, so don't worry.

The problems do lie with Doctrines and mans inturpretations. We only need to read the Word of God to see the messages being slowly revealed to us. No Doctine is going to tell me that Jesus thought he was the Almighty God of Isreal, he was His Son and therefore over all those years developed the same qualities as his Father. He is the "first born of all creation". His Father is the Alpha and the Omega which has no beginning. First born has a beginning. Third Century Church Doctrine "voted" otherwise...yes, a vote from man...Gotta run, love your way too...
tommy said:
Look, I don't do much on forums anymore but wanted to put one up here because wherever I go thoughout my day, many people I talk to have forgotten who the God of Isreal is. The Webster dictionary says this Je-ho-vah: In the Old Testament, God, the Lord: the common transliteration of the Tetragrammaton. See YAHWEH (Hebrew JHVH Yahweh, with the substition of vowels...

Ok, see he is the "God of Isreal" and so here comes the Trinity loop once again. Mankind has forgotton who the God of Isreal is and therefore has rejected His Name. Jesus never said, I am God. In fact John 17:3 says in the New Jerusalem Bible: "And eternal life is this: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent". Noticed the word "and" meaning plural (more than one).

Religion has confused the meaning of God in John 1:1-3. Jesus is Godlike mirroring the way his Father acts. He lived with his Father during Genisis 1:26 (same Bible) "God said let "us" make man in our image". See the word us, more than one, Jesus was with him. Religion has confused that God is Jesus and called it a mystery, it's no mystery and clearly stated in the Bible that the two are seperate distinct persons. Jesus wanted praise to his Father in His Father's Name. Think about why that comes up so much (the Name) in the Bible about praise to His Father's Name and how religion took his name out of the original Hebrew scriptures.

For example read the NIV Bible in Psalms 110:1. "The Lord says to my Lord, "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet". That doesn't makes sense a Lord saying to a Lord. The Hebrew scriptures were altered from their original version. Read the same Ps 110:1 out of the New Jersalem Bible: "yahweh declared to my Lord, "take your seat at my right hand, till I have make your enemies your footstool". See, now the two are seperated.

Now the New World Translation Ps 110:1 The utterance of Jehovah to my Lord is "Sit at my right hand Until I place your ememies as a stool for my feet. See, I like the New Jersalem Bible and the New World Translation of this verse and the NIV has been altered and the meaning has been lost.

The King james Version of John 1:2 (your scripture you quoted) says: "The same was in the beginning with God". Yes, Jesus was with His Father, no argument. The New World Translation says the same thing and the reason a small g is used is to seperate the mightly God Jesus versus the Almighty God of Isreal, His Father. I feel bad religion has done this to the Fathers name and normally don't post on forums anymore but it saddens my heart that people have forgotten who the Father is and freely bash my kind brothers and sisters and you don't need the WT to figure this all out.:( tommy

Dear tommy,

:( The nicest thing I can do is to be kind to the person but confront the organization. When it comes to the JW organization and it's teaching's, I am ready to stand for the faith once delivered to the saints.;)
Dor said:
Bible thumper thats a term people stick on those of us who use the bible to back up everything.:)

The bible is the most authoratative Book we can read.

Dear Dor,

I like to be a Bible Thumper....;)

"Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words lest He rebuke you and you be found a liar."

Proverbs 30:5-6
Dear tommy,

Please take the time to read bible comparisons (New Word Translation VS All Other Translations) and other research regarding the Watchtower and it's doctrines and teachings. If you spend the time in research<(This is the key) I feel you will be directed elsewhere and soon be attending a Spirit driven, grace filled, worry free body of believers who will love you and Jesus will be thier with His open arms for you.
tommy said:
He is the "first born of all creation". His Father is the Alpha and the Omega which has no beginning.
Dear tommy,

Is this Jesus or the Father?

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end," says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."

Rev 1:8

Is this Jesus or the Father?

"Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last. I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. "And I have the keys of Hades and Death."

Rev 1:17-18

Is this Jesus or the Father?

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, and what you see, write in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia: to Ephesus, to Smynra, to Pergamos, to Thyatira, to Sardis, to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea."

Rev 1:11

I believe it is time to back off the heat a little here. Ok? Some prefer their Latin Vulgate, some their King James, some their New International, and some their NWT.

What I do understand, is that the four of you believe what you believe, and none has any doubt. But since you can't come to an agreement, and it is beginning to sound like a turf skirmish, you need to agree to disagree, and let it be.

As I believe I once said before, if the "Jesus saves" is the part we all do not question, then we're heading in the right direction.


Quahom1 said:
I believe it is time to back off the heat a little here. Ok? Some prefer their Latin Vulgate, some their King James, some their New International, and some their NWT.

What I do understand, is that the four of you believe what you believe, and none has any doubt. But since you can't come to an agreement, and it is beginning to sound like a turf skirmish, you need to agree to disagree, and let it be.

As I believe I once said before, if the "Jesus saves" is the part we all do not question, then we're heading in the right direction.


Dear Quahom1,

With all due respect, where's the heat? Are all topics to be narrow in discussion and not delve into God's Word? Is no correction, rebuke, admonishment of other believers allowed in the CHRISTIAN threads? I am concerned at this point as I have tried to engage people in a manner that I felt was friendly in order to probe further only to find I can't? Is this entire forum more for just general idle talk and chat? Please let me know, if so I can go elsewhere if that be the case.

P.S. Upon further soul searching I think I will depart. I want to thank you all for some of the thought provoking conversations I have previously had with you.



>Contending for the faith once delivered to the Saints...
JustifiedByFaith said:
Dear Quahom1,

With all due respect, where's the heat? Are all topics to be narrow in discussion and not delve into God's Word? Is no correction, rebuke, admonishment of other believers allowed in the CHRISTIAN threads? I am concerned at this point as I have tried to engage people in a manner that I felt was friendly in order to probe further only to find I can't? Is this entire forum more for just general idle talk and chat? Please let me know, if so I can go elsewhere if that be the case.

No, but the color of responses have begun to "shade" from the crystal clear "discussion" concept, into judgement...we aren't going through that again.

I will point out something. It is hard to tell who is right and who is wrong, when both parties end up rolling in the mud...what you end up with is a couple of muddy sillouhettes who look like they have had better days...:eek: :)


tommy said:
Witnesses quote from the New Jerusalem Bible and King James Bible and other Bible all the time. They would have no problem with that at all. Praise Jah you people...
yes, that is correct.
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