

anyone interested in a discussion or done any research?:)
Bandit said:

anyone interested in a discussion or done any research?:)

The concept is an old one. Nikola Tesla apparently discovered a unique form of electromagnetic energy at the turn of the century. He opined that unlike the normal three dimensions of physical space, the fourth dimension, which we call time, contained an unlimited amount of electromagnetic energy which is called LW or Longitudinal wave energetics. This radiation can be drawn from the vacuum of space and is not based on any source of heat thermal energy, or transverse electromagnetic radiation.

The theory goes that even in the dead vacuum of space, at absolute zero, there is radiant energy compressed into time itself.

Another chap, named Tom Bearden claims to have used that theory to invent an MEG (motionless electromagnetic generator) that can put out 2.5 KW of electricity indefinately (providing that the magnet useds is not over heated or vibrated too much). Apparently he received a patent for his invention in 2002. It is said that this unit can be practically built from parts available at the local Radio Shack.

As for the uses of this "technology", well that can range from the obvious powering the cities of the world, to focusing the energy for weaponry, to use as a defense shield, to literally healing the body of disease (or creating diseases).

The Russians hinted at perfecting such weaponry as far back as 1960, as well again as in 1975.

The formula for this energy is E=tc2 (Energy equals delta-time-times the speed of light squared).

The draw back that this energy has, apparently is the effects it could have if used on or near the sun. Apparently it can cause nuclear reactions to go inert. Like its cousing the transverse EM, the LW EM can not only fry circuits, but nervous systems as well.

How's that for a start? ;)


The concept is an old one. Nikola Tesla apparently discovered a unique form of electromagnetic energy at the turn of the century. He opined that unlike the normal three dimensions of physical space, the fourth dimension, which we call time, contained an unlimited amount of electromagnetic energy which is called LW or Longitudinal wave energetics. This radiation can be drawn from the vacuum of space and is not based on any source of heat thermal energy, or transverse electromagnetic radiation.

The theory goes that even in the dead vacuum of space, at absolute zero, there is radiant energy compressed into time itself.

Another chap, named Tom Bearden claims to have used that theory to invent an MEG (motionless electromagnetic generator) that can put out 2.5 KW of electricity indefinately (providing that the magnet useds is not over heated or vibrated too much). Apparently he received a patent for his invention in 2002. It is said that this unit can be practically built from parts available at the local Radio Shack.

Yes & I think he knows what he is talking about . Another one I have been following is meteorologist Scott Stevens. What really brought my attention back to all of this is the way the president made reference to the recent destruction on the golf coast as a weapon. Though that may not have been his literal intention as in a war.

As for the uses of this "technology", well that can range from the obvious powering the cities of the world, to focusing the energy for weaponry, to use as a defense shield, to literally healing the body of disease (or creating diseases).

Yes. And/or creating deep thick mud as an attempt to win a battle through the use of weather manipulation. Does that sound familiar to you at all?
I used to not think much about all this until the last couple of weeks.

The Russians hinted at perfecting such weaponry as far back as 1960, as well again as in 1975.

From what I see, the claim is true & they have the weapons & capability to modify storms to an extent. So, who else does?

I think Mexico is using a type of weather modification for sprinkling, but not sure exactly what & how, but it is working. This was a while back i saw the article but cant seem to find it now.

The formula for this energy is E=tc2 (Energy equals delta-time-times the speed of light squared).

The draw back that this energy has, apparently is the effects it could have if used on or near the sun. Apparently it can cause nuclear reactions to go inert. Like its cousing the transverse EM, the LW EM can not only fry circuits, but nervous systems as well.

How's that for a start?

Yes. This is what I am talking about. The way it is evolving is very complicated. possibly a top secret thing & there are many things that come to play & i am gradually beginning to see how it can work. I am also interested in the use of Chemtrails, the enormous collection of unexplained photos, grids & digital weather.

What are your feelings on OTW 2025?
For me, I get the same gist when i think the battle for someone to own space.

It seems over the years when ever I have mentioned any of this, everyone looks at me like none of it is possible, so i kind of stopped talking about it.
How long do you think it will take the public to realize the potential in all this? or is it something that will have to be announced from the government before anyone realizes?

& thanks for replying Q:) . I did not really even expect that complete of a response.
A couple of points.
1. Nikola Tesla was a genius whose talents didn't include taking good research notes. As a consequence he has become the darling of charlatans like Tom Beardon.It is unfortunate that so much of Tesla's work is lost.

2. I have read Tom Beardons publication on Fer De lance. My conclusion is that he is a nut with a dangerous understanding of basic electromagnetics.
photon said:
A couple of points.
1. Nikola Tesla was a genius whose talents didn't include taking good research notes. As a consequence he has become the darling of charlatans like Tom Beardon.It is unfortunate that so much of Tesla's work is lost.

2. I have read Tom Beardons publication on Fer De lance. My conclusion is that he is a nut with a dangerous understanding of basic electromagnetics.

i would agree with some of that too. then again, just about every scientist is a nut or considered a nut at some point by others.

I was at a briefing by Tom Bearden many years ago and we all agreed that he was (is) a very bright but mislead individual.

James Randi once said that scientists are easily fooled because they do not live in a culture of deceit; the foundation of science is truth.
photon said:

I was at a briefing by Tom Bearden many years ago and we all agreed that he was (is) a very bright but mislead individual.

James Randi once said that scientists are easily fooled because they do not live in a culture of deceit; the foundation of science is truth.

Yet Bearden was granted a patent for his MEG unit in 2002. And there was (and is) visual evidence that his machine works, to produce 2.5 KW of power @ 120 VAC, and 20 amperes. That is a standard small Honda generator capacity...

In 1965 they said that the inventor of this light weight hover craft (using a 3 hp briggs and stratton engine), would never get off the ground. It did, and carried three men @ 200 lbs a piece to 15 knots speed. His name was T. Bartlett, from Silverdale (?), Washington. They said he was nuts (so did his wife and left him). But, he set the stage for the heavy lift hover craft that the military uses today.

When I caught up with him, he was a broken old man, but still with a dream. That was 1985. I bought his blue prints (a copy), and built my own hovercraft (in 1993). I modified it, but used his basic prinicples.

My hovercraft moved in excess of 50 knots, right along the Detroit River. I'm in the process of building another one. I will be finished by spring. This one is going to be slick as well as fast...

My point is, we build upon other's dreams. For all the nay sayers, there is one in the crowd who say's "maybe, let's try it and see if it can work".

No one is crazy, really. And ideas are only crazy until they work...just like the internet...:D


photon said:

I was at a briefing by Tom Bearden many years ago and we all agreed that he was (is) a very bright but mislead individual.

James Randi once said that scientists are easily fooled because they do not live in a culture of deceit; the foundation of science is truth.

he is not the only one involved in these studies. from the few i see taking it serious they have more than a legit reason to do so & have been presented as the best advisors in there field(s) & in their time.
i have seen a lot of untruth in science claims as well as truth.

i dont expect a science that is only 50 years old to have a lot of truth, but that does not mean over time truth will not be discovered from the mistakes.
while i am a skeptic I also see a lot of potential in what these people are claiming. with all the garbage on the ground & all the junk in the atmosphere that we did not have 100 years ago, that would seem to have some adverse effects on the environment.
anyone can see that.
by the by...

the Red Chinese have been doing "cloud seeding" for nearly 50 years. thus far, they have had no mesurable effect. sometimes it rains, other times it doesn't.



Vajradhara said:
by the by...

the Red Chinese have been doing "cloud seeding" for nearly 50 years. thus far, they have had no mesurable effect. sometimes it rains, other times it doesn't.




yah, but i think the idea is THEY WANT TO to figure out a way to get it to rain longer over a given area.

though it is just theory today, there is no doubt in my mind the general idea today behind many sciences is to be able to manipulate anything & everything they can get their hands on for the POWER of the universe.

there are all kinds of things that pop up on radar that no one can explain or maybe that no one wants explained.

DoD News Briefing
Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen
Monday, April 28, 1997 - 8:45 a.m. EDT

There are some reports, for example, that some countries have been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus, and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.
So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important.
The next american secretary of defence also said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. I think a pinch of salt is required sometimes.
I think a pinch of salt is required sometimes.

Then again, sometimes it takes time for the truth to be discovered. And then there is that whole end justifies the means scenario....which I think governments learned from religions...
Tao_Equus said:
The next american secretary of defence also said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. I think a pinch of salt is required sometimes.

There is a lot of sand to sift in Iraq. It took weeks to find French Entendarde Fighter jets buried in the sand, and they did that in a day or two. Saddam was himself in a hole 9 feet deep, and it took months to find him, and that was by shear luck and a quick eye.

Iraq had years to hide what they denied having. And we do know where half of the stuff went.

I wouldn't be too quick about dispelling what seemed like solid intelligence, only to turn out to be puff smoke...It doesn't work that way in reality. In other words, the media does not know all, and neither do we. Remember Germany?


here is a little on electromagnetics & linear induction motors for roller coasters. i know this is old news but it is still in the making & every year the old ways of coasters are being replaced.
for anyone interested:
Magnets are also being used on new thrill rides as a launch system. Using a linear induction motor, Cedar Point’s new Wicked Twister will propel riders through the coaster’s station at a maximum speed of 116 km/h in 2.5 seconds (Figure 5). The launch system, which is growing more popular in thrill rides and roller coasters, replaces the traditional lift chain that pulls roller coaster cars up a hill and releases them, allowing gravity to provide the energy necessary for the coaster to complete the track circuit. The Wicked Twister, which opens this month, will send its passengers up a 66 meter tall twisting steel tower.

The ride is propelled as a copper alloy fin passes through coils on the track. “When we get ready to fire, we press a button and an electronic current energizes the coils, projects a magnetic field between them, and the copper alloy fin is in between,” Jasper said. The fin is pushed forward to the next set of coils, and so on, picking up momentum along the way. The system, which also involves magnetic brakes, is energy intensive, Jasper said.

“Let me put it this way: We’re using such a massive jolt of electricity to operate Wicked Twister that it would be enough to power 550 average sized houses,” he said. Other launch systems are achieving similar results, such as linear synchronous motors or compressed air systems, reportedly taking passengers from 0 to 129 km/h in 1.5 seconds.

Without a doubt, materials-driven technologies such as magnetic brakes and high-powered launch systems have taken the roller coaster competition to new heights. Pribonic, who has worked in this business for more than 20 years, believes materials are going to have to improve to keep up with the increasing demands of high-intensity rides. “Materials, by and large, haven’t changed,” he said. Although rides are towering higher and moving faster than ever, old, familiar, and somewhat mild steel, grade A-36 or higher, remains the preferred material for roller coaster structures. Better options would be high-strength steel alloys, titanium, or even advanced fibers, to fill the need for high-strength materials for roller coaster structures.

“They’ve been meeting those challenges with mass rather than material changes. . . . if they want to go any higher and faster, it’s going to have to force a change in engineering approaches,” Pribonic said.

:) and dont forget the hybrid cars:,2554,66473,00.html

If a Los Angeles-area scientist has his way, car chases may become as antiquated as horse-mounted cavalry.

James Tatoian, chief executive of Eureka Aerospace in Pasadena, California, is developing a system that uses microwave energy to interfere with microchips inside cars. Once the chip is overloaded with excessive current, the car ceases to function, and will gradually decelerate on its own, he said. ...

"Everybody on the globe is interested in a technology like this," he said. "Every law enforcement agency and every military agency in the world will jump on this. I can say that with absolute confidence."

In current situations where police need to disable a car they are pursuing, sometimes the officers must resort to spike strips, which are designed to puncture the vehicle's tires. Heal said that with an electromagnetic interference system, a potentially dangerous outcome (such as loss of control from flat tires) could be avoided.

& we have the electromagnetic flash light available.
they say it only lights for 5 minutes after shaking, then you have to shake it again. but it is a start:

Just shake the light for about 30 seconds and the EverLife Flashlight will provide about 5 minutes of light. During prolonged use it can be shaken for 10-15 seconds every 2 or 3 minutes giving you an unlimited supply of light.

if anyone has ever tried any of these things, let me know if you liked it.:)
i must admit my rides on the newer coasters using these technologies definately showed, felt & sounded, something different going on than what i was used to!
Quahom1 said:
There is a lot of sand to sift in Iraq. It took weeks to find French Entendarde Fighter jets buried in the sand, and they did that in a day or two. Saddam was himself in a hole 9 feet deep, and it took months to find him, and that was by shear luck and a quick eye.

Iraq had years to hide what they denied having. And we do know where half of the stuff went.

I wouldn't be too quick about dispelling what seemed like solid intelligence, only to turn out to be puff smoke...It doesn't work that way in reality. In other words, the media does not know all, and neither do we. Remember Germany?



you know this reminds me of something else. i remember when russia put a ban on microwave ovens for about 10 years 76-86. they say because of health issues, which i do believe. (food in a microwave changes into something else than what it is, verses other methods of heating)
the ban really made no sense at the time & so i am wondering about some other things now.

but my point is, there is a HUGE amount of electricity stored in (i think) the mag tube & if you touch it the wrong way it puts out an explosion. not just a little shock but i tiny explosion that is loud, smoke comes out & it will knock a child down & the unit does not have to be plugged in to an outlet. i have seen it several times & we laugh about it when it happens, but the person who gets the jolt is not laughing.

here are some interesting little weapons for sale:

The Magnetic Cannon uses a coil wound with equal length and equal width. The coil is wound on the flyway tube that now pivots on a trundle assembly to adjust elevation and give the looks of a cannon. The projectile is made with geometry to allow maximum inductive coupling and takes the shape of a heavy ring weighing 1-3 ounces. Initial velocity is over 400 fps, and we have gotten ranges of over 1000 feet, even with less than optimal aero dynamics.