Fear of Death

I think of death as a transition from reality as I know it. I used to fear death and the way I'd die, but I had to suck that up because death is more certain than anything else as I live. As I'm writing at this time anything could occur that would ensure my death at this very moment, by wondering of death seems to take away from my life. So I no longer fear death. I don't know if I'm going to heaven or hell or if I'll rebirth or be taken back into the eternal energy source from which I came. Only the dead tell that tale. I am among the realm of physical life so I have much to say about that experience. Physics teaches that energy is not destroyed so though my flesh shall return to the earth and my soul lives in the memories of those who knew me somehow, my spirit has got to go somewhere. When my job here is done, I'll be ready for the journey.
Like the wise man once said (I think it was Viv Stanshall from The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, actually), "Death is just nature's way of telling us to slow down."

Actually though, life is difficult, so it is tempting to assume that death might be some sort of reprieve... the grass is always greener and all that, but it may be that death is not a reprieve at all... I'm reminded of a scene from the film "The Last Temptation Of Christ" where Saul (later to be Paul) is ready to re-kill the recently resurrected Lazarus, but first asks him "What was it like... death?" To which a clearly unimpressed Lazarus replies, "I was a bit surprised... it wasn't all that different."

Just a movie, but not out of the realm of possibility either...


if we did not grow old and wear out , and if we did not get ill because of sickness would we want to die ? imagine , would we wake up and say ok i think i want to die today. no ,we would want to live forever if we had perfect health and never grew old it is only sickness and growing old that hinder us . but hey , no worries all that is going to come to its end ,good news indeed ,yipeeeeeeee

He will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces. And the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth, for Jehovah himself has spoken [it]....Isaiah 25;8

(Revelation 20:14) And death and Ha´des were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire

(1 Corinthians 15:26) As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing
