Blue said:
I think you misread though.
I answered the posted points.
If God is all-powerfrul YOU have to conceive of a God first, and then believe it is all-powerful.
Same if you believe in a God and conceive of it as limited.
You fall down by positing a 'God' beyond yourself.
That is rather foolish and irrational. I too conceive of a 'God', but I know I am being affective and irrational. It just happens to be my personal belief. I ahve absolutely no material evidence. No one else does either, even someone like Professor Flew, who at 81, now says he believes in an 'Intelligence'behind all things. Even he says he can only demonstrate this to his OWN satisfaction.
Any God beyond a personal affirmation has to exist beyond yourself in the objective and material domain. The fact is there is no evidence.
If you say there is, please post that evidence. I think I will be able to show you that you are only affirming your own affective beliefs.
That's all I was saying.
Thank you for taking no offense. Yes, After 50 years of espousing Aethiesm, the good professor has now admitted to becoming agnostic.
I think that God is like our parents. Though we did not conceive of them, they were already there, before us. It is we who had to develop an understanding of who and what they were to us, even though they already existed.
One of the hints of the signature of God, I believe can be seen in the helix of a DNA string of a fruit fly (among other things). If one were to read the entire string at a page a second, it would take two years to complete. If one compared it to the DNA of another fruit fly, they would be nearly identical (one fly could be white with red eyes an the other green with blue eyes).
You mentioned musical spheres (celestial language), awhile back (at least I think it was you). It should be simple to decipher. Music is math, and math is the universal language. A sequence of units arranged to form an out come, or a solution (such as the helix of a DNA strand). The units can't be random, else there would be no two of anything, ever. And since the units are never random, then they must be guided by something...
The "proof" here could be the opposite of order. The entropy effect in the universe. Without constant guidance, all would break down to its simplest form. We see clues here on earth every day. Just look at a broken down jalopy of a car, and watch as the years whittle away at the paint, metal, rubber and such.
Perhaps the greatest hint of the hand of God is in the simple fact that we, can not create life from non life. We can mix all the right ingredients, we can apply the proper amount of electricity, we can place the "primordial soup" in a perfect environment, and...nothing happens.
Oh, perhaps one day we will be able to create something that mimics life, or perhaps we already have, but we don't have the "breath" of life to put into an inanimate object, and make it live. Some one else does.
And frankly, I don't think we want that knowledge as humans.
You did challenge me to prove God exists, and I can't, to your satisfaction. An equally difficult task would be for you to prove to me that He does not Exist.
For everytime I see a circle, or a sphere, I see the signature of beginning and no end. No points of weakness. No chink in the armor.