Order of Service & Musical Instruments

mahalo nui dauer .... that may be a little beyond my capacity at this point, but I did pick up a copy of the Webster's New World Hebrew Dictionary by Hayim Baltsan today .... it is a transliterated dictionary which is really helpful .... also picked up a book called "Biblical Literacy .... the most important people, events,and ideas of the Hebrew bible" by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin and I'm looking forward to reading more about the sections on the temple from his view ... and lastly I picked up another book on the Zohar (my 6th at this point) which I hope will give some insight into the inner meaning of rituals and regulations, its a translation of a translation so it may not be the best but it does contain The Book of Concealed Mystery, The Greater Holy Assembly, and The Lesser Holy Assembly .... who would think there could so much detailed discussion about a "beard" ... I could go mad before this is over, but I'm sure trying .... aloha nui, poh
pohaikawahine said:
mahalo nui bandit ... you are right I will really love this and right now I'm reading Exodus 25 - 31 .... and a number of other works on temple structure and service .... aloha nui, poh p.s. dauer and bb, anything you have to suggest would be greatly appreciated

i will be jealous pohaikawahine...if you get it all figured out & get ahead of me in the study:) ...so dont go too fast without me.
i have been trying to understand the tabernacle my whole life & never get very far every time i start because the numbers get confusing.
it will run you around in circles for a long time.

here is a site you can also try for roots & definitions. i think it is generally reliable. probably not as detailed as what Dauer has, but it is an easy to use start & you may find useful.

Bandit said:
i will be jealous pohaikawahine...if you get it all figured out & get ahead of me in the study:) ...so dont go too fast without me.
i have been trying to understand the tabernacle my whole life & never get very far every time i start because the numbers get confusing.
it will run you around in circles for a long time.

here is a site you can also try for roots & definitions. i think it is generally reliable. probably not as detailed as what Dauer has, but it is an easy to use start & you may find useful.


you are a jewel bandit .... and you won't need to be jealous because anything I learn I will share and you are probably way ahead of me anyway .... mahalo nui (many thanks) for the site reference .... aloha nui, poh
If I recall correctly, new printings of the BDB have the strong's concordance numbers in them, so you don't need to know hebrew just yet. And BDB is the one to get for biblical hebrew.
