Pink Ribbon Challenge


Chin Up =)
Reaction score
I do these "Click to Save" things everyday, and so thats how i know about this...

On this site > The Breast cancer Site, is something to do with a 'Pink Ribbon Challenge'. Anyway, you can click for free to send the site's sponcer's money to this cause, and apparently this October the clicks are tripled...

It briefly says "Please tell your friends to help" 'cause they're behide target, and so i thought as i don't have too many friends, i would post this here so you guys can all click too.

I had hoped more people would had taken a look at this by now... Maybe most of the people here don't believe clicking can really make a difference? (obviously not everyone has had the chance to see this.) I suppose it does sound a bit ridiculous, but its a way to give charity... This site and others like it which exist surly do some good, well thats what i think anyhow.

The Breast cancer Site
I really don't understand how the clicking through benefits such sites. It seems strange that the site requires a gimmick such as clicking on a button to provide food. My suggestion would be to just forget the button and just give out the aid/treatment anyway.

Or did I miss something important?
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine, Well that's good,.. but do you mean the same button?

I, Brian, i think (i'm not certain) that by clicking the button the site's sponcer's know that a various amount of people have viewed their adverts, and so hopefully being lured to buy whatever they are trying to sell. So in return these sponcer's donate money to these causes on the clickers behalf (the sponcer's have all the money you see). Therefor the person clicking the button pays nothing, unless you do buy something because you saw it advertised there. But i don't think the site benefits, just the cause....

I hope i've explained what you missed. ;)
No problem, that makes sense - internet marketing on a paid impression basis - makes sense. :)
The same button. I have the site bookmarked and I return to it six times a day to click. :) (Can you say "obsessive-compulsive"? I knew you could. :D )

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I just do the fifty to one hundred mile walk each year here in the DC area. Someone asked me once (a woman) why I did the walk...and I looked her square in the eyes and replied "I'm a sailor, you figure it out..." :D :D :D

Must admit, her blush outdid her embarrased smile. Oh, I'm such a jerk sometimes. :rolleyes:


Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine, does that work, clicking the same button more than once a day? Have you read something i haven't?

There are other causes that you (and anyone else) could click too,.. like in my signature is a link to my little web page where i have listed the sites i visit.. (not that they're not all accessible through one other)... Causes such as The Hunger Site, have you been clicking there too?

I use these sites as a computer mezuzah, to mark my comings and my goings on the internet superhighway in a holy way.

Internet is a capitalist venture in this regard.

Advertisers pay a minimal amount for click throughs...sites like this place the ad banner on their site and then get paid for everyone that clicks...

However if the payoff, ie the percentage of people that click and then actually purchase is not high enough, the ad banner is pulled and the revenue stream ends.

I think it is more valuable to find companies who tithe a portion of their net to organizations you value and then support them.

This is just my opinion, I think it is a more long range concept, this will be shortlived if everyone just clicks and doesn't purchase.


Dauer, sorry, i don't understand...?

17th Angel, what do you mean by 'pixie'..? As long as i'm not offended by that, i will consider it..

Wil, yes, that is true... Though this may be the case, i still think its worthy to participate while it lasts. I admit i don't buy anything, unless i really need it,... And i've never needed anything i've seen advertised there,.. if you get my meaning.

Well, not for a person i haven't...
And you forgot to explain what you mean by it..!?

A mezuzah is something that Jews place on the doorposts of their homes.

Dauer, Thanks for explaining. ^_^

17th Angel, 'Obviously' it wasn't obvious, or i wouldn't have asked,.. and no i'm not 'cornish'.
I bet your starting to wish you hadn't said anything,.. well, i am.