The Pineal and its role in Spirituality


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The Pineal gland located in the middle of the brain has long been thought of as a primary source of visions and revelations. It is referred to as the "third eye" and the ancient Greeks considered the pineal as the seat of the soul. It is called the "night worker" because it releases melatonin primary during sleep. Melatonin is connected with our our sleep patterns. It is studied both for its connection with the treatment of schizophrenia as well as its connection with spirit-mind-body connection. One article states that "the photosensitivity of pineal in humans derives from nerve impulses from the retina and may have a basis in the structure" and also this very interesting note "some of the pigmented cells were arranged in a rosetta-like structure reminiscent of developing retinal structures" .... the pineal is sometimes referred to as a "stone" because of its small size and it is the only gland in the body that is not bilateral (having a right and left division). There are also references to the pineal as the "cord of life", the "silver cord", the "Appian Way" etc.... because it is connected via spinal nerves through the whole internal system of glands and also connected via vibratory routes ....

two good articles to checkout are "Researching the Spirit-Mind-Body Connection) at and "Mapping the Brain: A Pathway to God" at

I've been involved in a year long meditation study that is offered at no cost from (Meditation2005) and one of the e-mail received on Biopsychology (glands, harmones and the mind) states that "*The pituitary gland - in the center of the brain - controls the mind. By the pituitary gland it is the conscious, subconscious and unconscious portions of your mind that are controlled. The pituitary gland is a small oval endocrine gland that lies at the base of the brain. Physiologically, the pituitary is divided into two distinct lobes. But above the factor of mind there is the causal factor.*The pineal gland - is actually associated with the top of the brain - it is the real controller (but physically located below the top). All the propensities (1000) of the human mind are ultimately controlled by the pineal gland. This is because the link to the non-attributional Supreme Conscousness is located at the pineal plexus, ten fingers above the pituitary plexus (the location of mind)."

In some other postings I've shared some recent research about the release of chemicals in the brain associated with the concept of "desire" or "longing" which I believe is connected with the process of "desire" or the "passion" to know .... a chemical process must take place in the brain to reach that place of visions and revelations and I also believe that our ancient texts and ways tells us how to do this .... this is the "hidden" meaning or the "sacred" meaning which tell us the "way" .... looking at one of the above descriptions (the pigmented cells are arranged in a rosetta-like structure) makes me wonder if the pineal gland is our internal 'rosetta-stone' ...

Most of you have probably read articles on the research on the Tibetian Monks brains while they meditate .... also if you really look at the life stories of many people that have visions, they have usually fallen and hit the back of their head or had something fall on their head as young children (this would activate the system in a different way) .... the term to "go the the mountaintop" is a symbol of going to the top of the head in meditation or deep prayer .... the "cave" is the place in the center of the brain that houses the pineal gland (could this be the holy of holies) .... the whole brain is covered by a structure called the "arachnoid" (a net like structure that handles signals from the 12 pairs of cranial nerves) .... this is sometimes called the "veil" or the "shroud" .... one must go behind the veil to speak to God .... the pineal gland is also called the "epiphysis" (see )

This site is called comparative-religions and personally I believe all religions are connected on that ancient path of knowledge .... all tell us the same thing .... the power we seek is within us and once we stop looking outside to others we will regain our sovereignty .... one doesn't need to covet the mountain or hill of another, go to your own mountaintop .... then perhaps our world will begin to change .... if we open our minds and look at the real connections in our texts and ancient ways perhaps a site such as this will really bring us together in a new understanding ....

a great quote from The Matrix "sooner or later you going to realize just as I did - there is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."

he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine
interesting pohaikawahine. i am a dummy scientist, but i know most people i talk to about this, say they feel their spirit at some place in the head or back of the neck so i found the pineal gland interesting.

i wonder if dogs have this gland also since they have dreams like people do.


In summary, the pineal is an important endocrine gland which is probably involved in a wide spectrum of developmental and health maintenance processes including major mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. Its association with paranormal processes is documented in traditional and current sources and is congruent with the Cayce readings on the subject. Cayce viewed the pineal as the focal point of a system utilizing subtle energies (e.g., kundalini) capable of pathological disruption. Because such disturbances may present with paranormal features, clinicians are advised to become more familiar with the operation of this system and all of its transpersonal manifestations. From the Cayce perspective, the most significant aspect of pineal functioning is its role as the interface of mental and spiritual facets of the self with the physical body. This role has been acknowledged historically, and restated succinctly by Mullen:

The human pineal is now under intensive investigation by various groups throughout the world. In the next few years we can confidently expect the physiological and pathological roles of this mysterious gland to be elucidated. The pineal which for Descartes was the seat of the mind and the immortal soul may yet turn out to be of interest for biological psychiatry. The pineal has been called a neuroendocrine transducer but it could one day be more accurately termed a psychosomatic transducer standing as a mediator on the boundary between soma and psyche. (Mullen et al, 1978 p. 370)
aloha e bandit .... yes, the article was pretty interesting and I've been looking at the role of the pineal gland for several years and also at the various process to activate it .... there is a biblical quote that is fascinating because in the Book of Genesis 32:30-31 Jacob says "I have seen God face to face and I will call this place Peniel"** and Matthew 6:22 Jesus says "If your eye be single your body will fill with light"

**Peniel. The name builds on "face to face" (panim'el panim), the "face" component being quite transparent in the Hebrew. (Robert Alter from my copy of the OT) makes me believe that this is connected with the pineal gland as the third eye that when the inner process takes place will bring enlightnment or fill the body with light ....

Here is some more:

"Dimethyltryptamine: Created during normal metabolism in low amount by the human body (secreted by the pineal gland).

It also occurs naturally in many species of plants. DMT-containing plants are used in several South American shamanic practices. It is believed to be one of the main active constituents of snuffs like yopo and of the potion ayahuasca.*

It has been found that the pineal gland manufactures trace amount of the psychedelic chemical dimenthyltryptamine, or DMT. This endogeous chemical in the human brain is believed to play a role in dreaming and possibly near-death experiences and other mystical states.

Induced Dimethyltryptamine experiences can include profound time-dilation, time travel, journeys to paranormal realms, and encounters with spiritual beings or other mystical/trans-dimensional modalities that by most first hand accounts, defy verbal or visual description."

*Later I will write something about this potion ayahuasca (used by some Shaman of the Amazon) and its connection with DNA (the spiralling energy) and also plants like the "blue lotus" which may be connected with the white powder found scattered over Tutanhkamen's body when the Pharoah's tomb was opened in 1922. Many historians thought it was a purely symbolic flower but there is some reason to believe that ancient Egyptians used it to induce an estatic state, stimulation, and/or hullucinations. All of these states would be connected with the attempt to communicate with the gods. My belief is that this is all connected with the pineal gland and there are natural ways to activate it which are spelled out in the inner meaning of ancient texts including the OT. The way of the mystic was a more natural process and didn't have to include the introduction of drugs or chemicals to reach this state.

And I think all animals have a pineal gland, it is certainly used by birds for navigation and is seen clearly on some large lizard on the surface between the eyes .... makes me think now about dolphins and the hump on their head ....
when humans work the fields and are out in natural light and darkness it is also known that (like on the pacific islands) women that work together in the taro patches and are exposed to the same levels of light and darkness tend to syncronize their monthly cycles .... this is a result of the pineal gland and its sensitivity to light ....
pohaikawahine said:
aloha e bandit .... yes, the article was pretty interesting and I've been looking at the role of the pineal gland for several years and also at the various process to activate it .... there is a biblical quote that is fascinating because in the Book of Genesis 32:30-31 Jacob says "I have seen God face to face and I will call this place Peniel"** and Matthew 6:22 Jesus says "If your eye be single your body will fill with light"

**Peniel. The name builds on "face to face" (panim'el panim), the "face" component being quite transparent in the Hebrew. (Robert Alter from my copy of the OT) makes me believe that this is connected with the pineal gland as the third eye that when the inner process takes place will bring enlightnment or fill the body with light ....

And I think all animals have a pineal gland, it is certainly used by birds for navigation and is seen clearly on some large lizard on the surface between the eyes .... makes me think now about dolphins and the hump on their head ....
when humans work the fields and are out in natural light and darkness it is also known that (like on the pacific islands) women that work together in the taro patches and are exposed to the same levels of light and darkness tend to syncronize their monthly cycles .... this is a result of the pineal gland and its sensitivity to light ....


WOW. i am pretty amazed by all that especially when Jacob names the place Peniel (because he met God face to face) & how that ties with Matt 6:22....& of course the hump on dolphins heads.

yes yes yes. i do understand what you are saying, pohaikawahine.
i think my two eyes are becoming one or three. that is neat to me.
bandit I'm having trouble envisioning what your eyes look like right now .... lol .... what is interesting to me right now is that in all the years that I've followed this paticular line of thinking and seeking, I've never made the connection to the Hebrew word "panim'el panim" and its connection to the place called Peniel in Genesis 32:30-31 until I read the commentary in my copy of the Five Books of Moses. The pineal gland is also known as the "epiphysis" ( which is connected with the word "epiphany" (a spiritual flash or a revelatory manifestation of a divine being) and now to see its possible connection to the Hebrew word "panim'el panim" or "face-to-face" meeting with God is amazing to me .... for me this really reinforces the role of the pineal gland in visions and revelations.

the question that most people ask next is that if we know these scientific things now (i.e. role of the pineal gland in releasing melatonin and the brain in the release of chemicals like dopamine) how was it possible that the ancient people who left us the great texts would know these things and make such associations..... I believe that if we back far enough we will find that the ancient people really were able to use more of the total brain than we do today .... we are so reliant on the left hemisphere and at that even a small portion, that we have not exercised the whole brain and started to bridge the hemispheres again .... when we offer up the small 10% that we use, the energy of our universe will open us to the mysterious 90% left (does any of this sould familiar .... it is a vague reference to the word "melchizedek" .... you will note the root sound "mel" which is also in "melatonin" .... "mel" means black or dark and blackness or darkness is also related to the "void" .... the beginning, the mysterious part of ourselves .... (I could get into details but it would be a long dissertation) .... to "tithe" 10% is possible related to bridging the fullness of our own minds and not necessarily a contribution of money to a church .... back to my original thoughts .... so when we bridge the three hemispheres of the brain "the three become One" and we become whole brain thinkers again .... this is when we have the ability to enter the "hall of records", or the "study hall", or the "place of all knowing" .... we cross between the material and spiritual world and the knowledge of all becomes more apparent (that was the long answer to the question about how did the ancient one's know these things .... at least this is how I see it) ...

there is something called the tibetian paradox brain exercise that helps us to use different hemispheres of the brain .... it has to do with spinning and envisioning an event (such as swinging a sword) in one direction, then spinning in the other direction and envisioning the same event from the other side, and then spinning but envision the reverse side of the event .... causing one to push the brain into new areas of thought by visualization .... I have the actual details on how to do this if anyone is ever interested ....

I think our children today will move much faster in understanding how our brains work and will be able to use them in new ways .... at my grandson's elementary school when they do something that reflects good thinking the teacher will tell them "give your brain a kiss, that was great" ....

someday I wish to see the Dome of the Book in Israel because its structure (from what I can tell from pictures) is a perfect replica of the brain .... and in the center is the place of learning, the place of all knowledge .... where the ancient documents are stored .... and I suppose that when you are finally able to see beneath the outer garments of the words you will find that place called Peniel.... sorry this was so long, I'm just writing as I think ..... aloha nui, poh
This whole thread (no string theory pun) has such loose connections, stretches from hebrew, to english translation, to glands, to third eye, to Mel(chisidek)otonin.....

While one could easily say this is all ramblings and connect the same worlds to penal, or pious, or whatever...yet the flip side of the coin or sword is it all speaks to connections of one-ness and that insight/englightened thought appeals primarily to the few that get it or often the one that 'gets it'. Until it is cogitated, circumanbulated and distilled for public consumption.

I've also seen the cerebelum listed as the connection to source, sitting back watching the activities of the brain, contemplating our prayers before we know to verbalize them...
wil said:
While one could easily say this is all ramblings and connect the same worlds to penal, or pious, or whatever...yet the flip side of the coin or sword is it all speaks to connections of one-ness and that insight/englightened thought appeals primarily to the few that get it or often the one that 'gets it'. Until it is cogitated, circumanbulated and distilled for public consumption.

wil thank you for your post on this .... I agree and it is difficult to take my thoughts about connections and write them down to share with others because it does appear as ramblings as times .... but I continue to try .... you are kind to mention the "flip side of the coin or sword" .... sounds a little like the tibetian paradox brain exercise .... me ke aloha pumehana, pohaikawahine
pohaikawahine said:
bandit I'm having trouble envisioning what your eyes look like right now .... lol .... what is interesting to me right now is that in all the years that I've followed this paticular line of thinking and seeking, I've never made the connection to the Hebrew word "panim'el panim" and its connection to the place called Peniel in Genesis 32:30-31 until I read the commentary in my copy of the Five Books of Moses. The pineal gland is also known as the "epiphysis" ( which is connected with the word "epiphany" (a spiritual flash or a revelatory manifestation of a divine being) and now to see its possible connection to the Hebrew word "panim'el panim" or "face-to-face" meeting with God is amazing to me .... for me this really reinforces the role of the pineal gland in visions and revelations.

Aloha pohaikawahine.
i have to agree with just about everything you are saying in this. i have never put Penial into perspective this way. Here is another passage of Jacobs experience just prior to Penial. In this passage he dreams of seeing into heaven (with a ladder) & calls the place the house of God. Take note of how he used a stone(s) to elevate his head.
Bethel [House of God]

Genesis 28:
10 And Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran.
11 And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.
12 And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.
13 And, behold, the LORD stood above it, and said, I am the LORD God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed;
14 And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
15 And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.
16 And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew it not.
17 And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.
18 And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it.
19 And he called the name of that place Bethel: but the name of that city was called Luz at the first.

pohaikawahine said:
the question that most people ask next is that if we know these scientific things now (i.e. role of the pineal gland in releasing melatonin and the brain in the release of chemicals like dopamine) how was it possible that the ancient people who left us the great texts would know these things and make such associations..... I believe that if we back far enough we will find that the ancient people really were able to use more of the total brain than we do today .... we are so reliant on the left hemisphere and at that even a small portion, that we have not exercised the whole brain and started to bridge the hemispheres again .... when we offer up the small 10% that we use, the energy of our universe will open us to the mysterious 90% left (does any of this sould familiar .... it is a vague reference to the word "melchizedek" .... you will note the root sound "mel" which is also in "melatonin" .... "mel" means black or dark and blackness or darkness is also related to the "void" .... the beginning, the mysterious part of ourselves .... (I could get into details but it would be a long dissertation) .... to "tithe" 10% is possible related to bridging the fullness of our own minds and not necessarily a contribution of money to a church .... back to my original thoughts .... so when we bridge the three hemispheres of the brain "the three become One" and we become whole brain thinkers again .... this is when we have the ability to enter the "hall of records", or the "study hall", or the "place of all knowing" .... we cross between the material and spiritual world and the knowledge of all becomes more apparent (that was the long answer to the question about how did the ancient one's know these things .... at least this is how I see it) ...

i tend to agree with this also that people probably did use there brains more in ancient times. i say this because life was harder & they literally had to work, THINK & toil to survive. Today it seems people have become lazy in a sense & are relying on past achievement while sitting at computers to feed us & can walk down to the 7-11 for food & milk.
We put the brain more to work when all 3 parts of the brain are being used. I think the ancients like Moses & Jacob had faith without questioning. Today everyone wants to question to the point of removing (not using) the penial & the only way to have faith is through coming(face to face) with God.
I definatley see a flip flop scenario here.

pohaikawahine said:
there is something called the tibetian paradox brain exercise that helps us to use different hemispheres of the brain .... it has to do with spinning and envisioning an event (such as swinging a sword) in one direction, then spinning in the other direction and envisioning the same event from the other side, and then spinning but envision the reverse side of the event .... causing one to push the brain into new areas of thought by visualization .... I have the actual details on how to do this if anyone is ever interested ....

Sure. Bring it on when you have time.:)

pohaikawahine said:
I think our children today will move much faster in understanding how our brains work and will be able to use them in new ways .... at my grandson's elementary school when they do something that reflects good thinking the teacher will tell them "give your brain a kiss, that was great" ....

they may move faster in some ways but in other ways there may a decrease.
Even if we understand how the brain works, until we come face to face with God, there will be no spiritual understanding. The spirit of God is what makes us alive in spirit.

pohaikawahine said:
someday I wish to see the Dome of the Book in Israel because its structure (from what I can tell from pictures) is a perfect replica of the brain .... and in the center is the place of learning, the place of all knowledge .... where the ancient documents are stored .... and I suppose that when you are finally able to see beneath the outer garments of the words you will find that place called Peniel.... sorry this was so long, I'm just writing as I think ..... aloha nui, poh

as you noted the structure of the temple here being a perfect replica of the brain, i want to bring that together with what we have discussed here concerning Jacob at Bethany, the Pineal & in prior conversation in Judaism & in the Parsha.

In this diagram you can see the tabernacle, the penial is elevated & is perfectly aligned with the holy of holies WHERE GOD DWELLS & communes with man & the stones Jacob used for his head reperesented the stairs into the heavens & the holy of holies is also elevated.
For some reason you keep bringing me back to the tabernacle in the wilderness & how the tabernacle of God is with man & it can only be done in spirit & in truth, not just with our physical brains but with our mind...then notice how & where the HOLY PLACE is attached.
You are AWESOME Pohaikawahine & thank you so much for conveying this with me & for confirming.:)

actually bandit you are awesome .... thank you for sharing the biblical passages that speak to jacobs ladder .... in hawaii the top of the mountain is called "wao akua" a place so wild and almost inaccessable, the forest of the gods or the wilderness that is seldom penetrated by man .... it is a symbol of this knowledge.... I was really something of an agnostic until all of this came together and then I came to understand and appreciate God .... it is like 40 years of seeking and searching and flowing with a stream that suddenly opens into the ocean and is flowing faster and faster .... I have finally learned to stop trying to grab on to the sides, and just flow with the current .... my commitment this year is to put my passion into the study of the Torah because I find her so beautiful in her knowledge of these ancient processes .... I have learned much from you, Dauer and even that somewhat elusive bananabrain .... I thank you all .... aloha nui, poh
pohaikawahine said:
actually bandit you are awesome .... thank you for sharing the biblical passages that speak to jacobs ladder .... in hawaii the top of the mountain is called "wao akua" a place so wild and almost inaccessable, the forest of the gods or the wilderness that is seldom penetrated by man .... it is a symbol of this knowledge.... I was really something of an agnostic until all of this came together and then I came to understand and appreciate God .... it is like 40 years of seeking and searching and flowing with a stream that suddenly opens into the ocean and is flowing faster and faster .... I have finally learned to stop trying to grab on to the sides, and just flow with the current .... my commitment this year is to put my passion into the study of the Torah because I find her so beautiful in her knowledge of these ancient processes .... I have learned much from you, Dauer and even that somewhat elusive bananabrain .... I thank you all .... aloha nui, poh

yah. flow with the current seems ok. wao akua sounds like a type of Jacobs ladder & Pineal to me.
i see that 40 years pop up again & i can relate.
then i shall join you, pohaikawahine, in your passion for the Torah this year, because I feel the same & i have learned from you also.
and...if i should ever get to come to Hawaii, i will be looking forward to a nice visit with you. i want some of those things they put around peoples necks when they first arrive & maybe some girls dancing in grass skirts with hawaiian guitar.:)
Bandit said:
yah. flow with the current seems ok. wao akua sounds like a type of Jacobs ladder & Pineal to me.
i see that 40 years pop up again & i can relate.
then i shall join you, pohaikawahine, in your passion for the Torah this year, because I feel the same & i have learned from you also.
and...if i should ever get to come to Hawaii, i will be looking forward to a nice visit with you. i want some of those things they put around peoples necks when they first arrive & maybe some girls dancing in grass skirts with hawaiian guitar.:)

aloha kakou bandit .... interesting thought on "wao akua" .... I was also thinking that it reminded me of your reference to the temple in the wilderness .... I'm glad we will take this adventure of learning together .... sorry to tell you however that I actually live in California now (but you are always welcome if you come out this way near Sacramento) .... and as for those "lei's and hula girls" we do have them here but not at the airport .... actually there is a fairly large hawaiian community in California .... there are outriggar canoe clubs throughout the whole state as well as numerous "halau's" (which are teaching schools) .... in fact have you ever seen the movie "Stitch and Lilo" the man who wrote the hawaiian songs and sings and chants them was one that I studied and danced with .... the animated hula dancers in the movie are actually dancers from our "halau" (school) and they were filmed and then the movements were animated (however they do that for film) .... there is an ancient form of hula called "kahiko" (it is not what you see done for the tourists) and that is the form that is connected with spirituality and is danced to chants .... but I'm getting off subject here .... except for chanting ....

chanting creates different vibrations that effect the various glands in the body that are connected to the "pineal system" .... it is very similar to the effects of the mantras used by the Tibetians etc in meditation .... I don't know for sure, but I suspect that the prayer when sung in a chanting tone can do the same thing ....

jacob's ladder is a strong connecting symbol in many traditions .... have you ever heard of a game called "cat's cradle" which is done with strings on the fingers .... well that string art is known all over the world by different cultures and "jacob's ladder" is one of the most popular (I learned it as a small girl) and in the south pacific when the string figures were made the maker sings a story .... the story tells how the people first arrived (it is a genesis of sorts) .... so the story of jacob's ladder can be told in many ways ....

aloha nui, poh
Taking a bit of liberty here: In the story of David and Goliath the hero selects five stones from a brook, puts one in his sling, and slays the giant with a shot to the forehead. Now, the five stones obviously represent the five books of the Torah, but does the shot to the head hit Goliath in the third eye? If it does, well, ...isn't that an interesting analogy?

China Cat Sunflower said:
Taking a bit of liberty here: In the story of David and Goliath the hero selects five stones from a brook, puts one in his sling, and slays the giant with a shot to the forehead. Now, the five stones obviously represent the five books of the Torah, but does the shot to the head hit Goliath in the third eye? If it does, well, ...isn't that an interesting analogy?


this was a great analogy chris .... I've always understood that the third eye was involved in this meaning and the stone itself was symbolic of the pineal gland (which is the third eye) .... I didn't know about the five stones from the brook representing the Torah, but this would make perfect sense .... thanks for sharing these thoughts .... aloha nui, pohaikawahine
Namaste all,

Bandit, This morning I was listening to a tape of my minister's sunday talk.

He had some interesting analogies, metaphor, contemplation along the lines of Jesus turning the tables over in the courtyard of the temple...

I immediately thought of the drawing you provided in this thread and had to search it out. I'd love to hear your comments as your drawing (in my head) assisted in my listening and comprehending.

Be warned...there are other portions of the talk I don't believe you will resonate with as well. And I'm not opposed to hearing comments there either.
In my research meanderings I once found an article, perhaps in the NY Times Science Times, that research on this part of the brain indicated that the pineal complex, along with a related area known as the superchiasmic nucleus, not only did indeed involve visualization capabilities, but also had a role in determining levels of sexual activity and overall sexual orientation.

My recollection is that the pineal areas of active homosexuals were larger and more active in signal traffic than those of active heterosexuals. I don't know what difference that might make to anyone here, but I thought it to be worth bringing up in our discussions.

Visualization ability also has much to do with the creative abilities and processes that humans possess and exhibit to varying degrees in their activities. While it's dangerous to draw general conclusions from seemingly unrelated knowledge, this might explain the acknowledged proficiencies of many homosexuals in the arts.

I had no knowledge of DMT or ayahuasca back when this thread was live...since then both have gained popularity, one as the business lunch break, the other as a days long both when you "breakthru" you break thru reality...this reality...and have a view of other realities, other dimensions, some see it as looking thru G!ds eyes...and the connection of oneness yet of this world but not in it becomes real.

The question of use vs abuse is always there.