I have been away from this forum for awhile. Am I missing something? Why are monotheistic religions like Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Baha'i separated? Does anybody here know what Ambrahamic means? Wouldn't it mean derived from the seed of Abraham? Does anybody know that both The Bab and Baha'u'llah, the Prophet/Founders of the Baha'i Faith are both from the seed of Abraham; The Bab through Jesse, and Baha'u'llah through Katureh. Who made this ludicrous change? Was it this guy called I Brian? If it was, could you explain how and why you would want to separate the Baha'i Faith from other Abrahamic religions?
The feeling I get is this is not a comparative religion forum, but, instead a Christian proselytizing forum. Maybe I'm wrong, but, boy, it sure feels it to me. Why would anybody want to continue to swim in ignorance when there is a chance to become knowledgeable? In fact, the phrase comparative religion suggests "let's share our beliefs with each other."
If this doesn't seem loving and kind, then it probably suggests how I feel. I am irritated. At a time when the UN General Assembly opens with a prayer read by a member of the Baha'i Faith, at a time when the citizens of the world are turning to the principals that Baha'u'llah has given us, at a time when the recognition of the Baha'i Faith, world wide, is becoming the norm, to have a moderator of a site on the internet to disavow the existence and the veracity of the Baha'i Faith is senseless.
I would suggest to I Brian and all others involved to turn yourself to the truth of God and quit hiding behind the confusing dogma of antiquated and irrelevant belief systems. Don't get me wrong, I love Abraham, Jesus, Mohammed, and their messages, but have little patience with followers of dogmatic tripe. If this is what we have going here, then I suggest you change the name of the forum from comparative religion to "comparative tripe".
Thank you for letting me rant, if you actually let this be posted.
The feeling I get is this is not a comparative religion forum, but, instead a Christian proselytizing forum. Maybe I'm wrong, but, boy, it sure feels it to me. Why would anybody want to continue to swim in ignorance when there is a chance to become knowledgeable? In fact, the phrase comparative religion suggests "let's share our beliefs with each other."
If this doesn't seem loving and kind, then it probably suggests how I feel. I am irritated. At a time when the UN General Assembly opens with a prayer read by a member of the Baha'i Faith, at a time when the citizens of the world are turning to the principals that Baha'u'llah has given us, at a time when the recognition of the Baha'i Faith, world wide, is becoming the norm, to have a moderator of a site on the internet to disavow the existence and the veracity of the Baha'i Faith is senseless.
I would suggest to I Brian and all others involved to turn yourself to the truth of God and quit hiding behind the confusing dogma of antiquated and irrelevant belief systems. Don't get me wrong, I love Abraham, Jesus, Mohammed, and their messages, but have little patience with followers of dogmatic tripe. If this is what we have going here, then I suggest you change the name of the forum from comparative religion to "comparative tripe".
Thank you for letting me rant, if you actually let this be posted.