To Steven and Mick,
Religeon of any kind is a matter of faith, feeling and belief not logic. So is religeon illogical? Yes in many respects it is. But falling in love also can be seen as illogical. So can a gambling, drug, drink or any other addiction. Yet people continue to do all of them, usually blindly, justifying to themselves when required and refusing to accept the opinions of others that point out the illogical nature of their wants. So in many respects religeous belief is more akin to an addiction, and uses the same possibly false logic to justify a position.
You may say but we have the scriptures to lead us, they are our source of logic. But the Lotto promotes its rewards reminding you logicly you got to be 'in it to win it'. The drinks industry never promotes itself with a wife beating drunkard who's lost his job, his right to drive, his self respect and possibly his liver. No thats not logical in trying to sell something. So they gloss it up with young perfect bodies having a good time, all sober and joyous and smiling.
Now you might fairly say that there is no parallal between alcohol and faith in terms of its profundity, and I would agree. But in terms of health, IMHO, overdosing on religeon is a mental health issue clearly in the camp of addiction. When one is unable to stand back and look objectively and criticly at something they are being illogical. This is very very common amongst people with deep religeous convictions. In the Highlands of Scotland we say of a person who has deep held religeous beliefs that "he/she has 'got' the religeon", very much as we would say 'he/she has got the plague'. We are a pragmatic, even cynical, people maybe but there is an honesty in such an approach.
Trying to say that faith is logical is just not possible. Faith comes from the pit of your stomache, from your heart and from your souls connection to the greater whole. We have no true way to rationalise it. Thats not to say we should dismiss it either. In moderation it is beautiful, enriching and even exhilerating and is a fundamental part of the human psyche. Each of us, whether or not we belong to an organised religeon, will find our own flavour of comprehension, often similair but never identical to that of any other. You cant paint a masterpiece with a single colour and so I enjoy the profusion of expression I see. Art too often has no logic. There too it is not diminished by its absence.
Regards and respect
P.S. yes I am aware that I almost always spell the word 'religion' wrong, typo's are my speciality tho