Greetings !


Established Member
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Just registered last night. I googled spiritual formums and this was the first link I clicked on. And a good one. Thought to pull up a chair for a while... I also published a book called The Meaning of Life that can be read for free at if anyone wants to look at it. Its about how the human mindset corresponds to spiritual provision. Anyway, nice to meet all of you and hope to be engaging in some really thoughtfull dialogue with you.

Blessings !
Hi Wil,

There are a lot of interesting topics here. Thanks for the welcome. Have a great weekend...

Hi Arizona and welcome to CR :)

I did follow your link and registered. Hope to get some time tomorrow to look a bit more. Hope you enjoy it here and look forward to reading your posts.


Thank you Tao, will be looking forward to sharing with you. The board is still pretty new...

Hi Brian ! The board is very nice ! Lots of mature people here to discuss things with...

:) :) One for each of you...

Arizona said:
Just registered last night. I googled spiritual formums and this was the first link I clicked on. And a good one. Thought to pull up a chair for a while... I also published a book called The Meaning of Life that can be read for free at if anyone wants to look at it. Its about how the human mindset corresponds to spiritual provision. Anyway, nice to meet all of you and hope to be engaging in some really thoughtfull dialogue with you.

Blessings !

Well...I got here finaly....but with no time to post today :-(