Some concepts... and a lot of confusion!

Dor said:
I agree but what do works without faith get you??

Hi Dor:)
Good to see you
1) works without faith OR
2) some form of ideaology OR
3) some atheist type of religion OR
4) maybe a trip way down down down the elevator

i dont think it is even possible to have (the right) works if we dont have faith in God first & of course a nice clean repented heart.
Ghaniel said:
Bandit, I am a Christian....
I see that we are on the same page as well, Bandit. :)

it sure was a long road getting there, but yes i see that we are on the same page:)
Ghaniel said:

Same with faith without works. It is dead. But here is the kicker. Without love (backing the faith and/or works), anything done or prayed is meaningless.

From and engineer's perspective:

Faith is voltage (the punch)

Love is Current (the force driving the punch)

Works is Wattage (the resulting energy of the punch).

Works make the machinery go round, but Faith is needed to start the machinery, and Love is the driving force behind it. (to keep it going).


Quahom1 said:
Same with faith without works. It is dead. But here is the kicker. Without love (backing the faith and/or works), anything done or prayed is meaningless.

From and engineer's perspective:

Faith is voltage (the punch)

Love is Current (the force driving the punch)

Works is Wattage (the resulting energy of the punch).

Works make the machinery go round, but Faith is needed to start the machinery, and Love is the driving force behind it. (to keep it going).



I like the mental picture your explanation creates! :) You're an engineer too? Wow! You know the best engineer is God? :D
Ghaniel said:
I like the mental picture your explanation creates! :) You're an engineer too? Wow! You know the best engineer is God? :D

That's cool, I certainly don't mind playing second fiddle to the Head Engineer. :D


quote Path of One: And by the way, not sure where you got the idea about Lutherans. I don't know about Catholics, but I was raised Lutheran and half my family still are, and I never heard that belief. All the Lutherans I know believe they are saved by faith and God's grace.
Originally Posted by Ghaniel
Currently, I'm trying to reconcile Protestant and Catholic theology and find that there are few differences apart from in the rituals and the meanings of them. The reason why I'm doing it is part of my study of the Bible.
As for the Ephesians 2: 8-9, I recommend... James 2:24 which says:
You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone.

This refers to works of faith, the things you do when you are filled with the Holy Spirit. It could be helping a man in need, someone who is lonely, an sick orphan child or praying for someone or something. :)

So works of faith is not slavery and not meant to be a pressure on anyone. It comes from the love of God and His love is inexhaustable. So one can never get tired. :)
I was on a 5 point Calvinist/Solafide forum and there are some that believe the book of James is not inspired. That didn't go over to well with me as I love reading all the epistles in the NT.
Are there others here that view James as contradicting Paul? [I myself do not]. If this has already been discussed, can you lead me to the topic? Thanks.
InChristAlways said:
I was on a 5 point Calvinist/Solafide forum and there are some that believe the book of James is not inspired. That didn't go over to well with me as I love reading all the epistles in the NT.
Are there others here that view James as contradicting Paul? [I myself do not]. If this has already been discussed, can you lead me to the topic? Thanks.

No, it hasn't been discussed. That's aactually quite an interesting topic. I read many times in Paul's letters that he refers to the Mosaic law and from that the most logical interpretation is that he always refers to that law when he speaks of the law and works of the law.

James however I will have to study further and I will get back to you unless somebody else gives you some reasonable feed-back.